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That the readers of this paper uiay ktiow Bomething of the " new man on the Courlïa," as the term goos, we clip the Ibllowing from the Mirror, the little paper putlished at the institution for the deaf, durub and blind, at Flint, with wliich he has been connected i-ince the introduction of printing into that school : As It was announeed In laat weok'H Minor, the relations whlch Mr. Ueorge H. Pond tol llie pust il years has sustalned to thls luslltution au editor of thls paper and manager of the printing offlee are at an end. It 1 entlrely uunecensary to remark at any length el t her opon hls special work here or the manner In whlob It han been done. Thls little Iheel baa i n " ' ¦ oKuized by all lts oontsmporarlej m model of neatness fu typograpliy, and tlit' rtipOOl Ifhioh Mr. Pond'H opfnlons have eominandi'd In the deaf-miUe world, aro the best evldences of hl energy and ablllty. Hlnce hls flrst eutnince Into the fleld of di-uf-iïiiilejourimllsm, h luw libored with untirlng zeal forthelnterosts ut tliu iUlhn he represented and has not hesltated to fearlesulv advocate hls owu views even when they dlftered radlcally from the principies of many of the older meinberH of the professlon. ProgrcsBlvo In hls Idean for liiHtincilon for mutes and with tlmi, well arronndw) ooovletlons In regard to the ralaUOQ of the Industries to the lohool, IiIm venaUle pen, ready wit. and uniform good nature In controversy hmve forced recognltlon and won for hlm a wcllmeriled reputatlon. The success obtatned by fBIthfulness In a comparatlvely obscure positlon Is the surest guarantee ol the future In the wlder fleld to whlch he has been called. However much deaf-mute JournallHts may feel thls removal of Mr. Pondfrora thelr rank, personally it i a much more aerlous thlng to 'il', iis'iuiifiitrs In thls lnstitution. Hls eharaoter wns su.-li m to niiin tb eonftdenm and respect of hls pupils nul enable hlm t exerl u .strouR niiii beneflofaü lnlluonce over them. Ttie social circle, too, In whlch he haH mtnglecl hen', wlll long miss hls cordial mannpr and genial countcimnco. ïiut whlle reeretting the iiecesslty whiili rniln liim nwav. all allke, ofll06TS, tt;achers, and pupllR wlll Joln In wishlnti lilni (od speed in hls now iinilerlaklug. We hope that hls old frlends and fbllowworkers may uot entlrely escape Mr. I'ond's notico. but tluit ht-rcaftr he may retaln hls Interest In the deaf-mute work and ooraslonally simt. 'li time from hls .luil. s to send us news of hls own welfare.