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"PARM FOR SALE. 160 acres, undcr cood improvcment, i miles east of Saline. Address Box 21, Saline, Micb , or cali on Charles Boylan, Ann Arbor. 979 REENBACK CAUCUSKS. The Ureeuback Caucuses for the third and fonrth wards wlll bc held on thts Frlday evcnlng, at Ti o'clock, at the followlng places: Third ward, at the court house : Fourth ward, at flrcman's hall. Bt Order or Committki. "POR SALE. A Farm of twenty-one acres, with a good dwelling house on it, one mllc from city city limit. Enqulre 965tf At THE COURIER OFFICE. "OOR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres In the western part "f " Sute, valued at t,000. whict i ¦in eicnange for Ann Arbw cny property. RICE A. BEAL. TVTONEY TO LOAN. At eeven dít cent. Securlty must bc on flrstclass farms in this connty, or city propertj In Ann Arbor in central and deeirnble localltioe. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Attorney. 959tf Office cor. Main and Hurón st., up-ítalrs. T VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. A 170 acre farm for cale, sltuated onc and one-half miles east of Ann Arbor, well watered, good orchard and good buildings. For fnrther parttculars, apply on the premlses of HICUARD OLASIER. Ann Arbor, February S8tb, 1880. 76-979 "POR SALE. Two house and sevoral lots for sale, cheai ; oue-lialf down, and bulance on time, to sult purchaser; or glve all credit on securlty. If any one wishes a Is thelr time, for I wisli ti i wil to go West this spring. 77-980 HTJDSON T. MORTON. "POR SALE. I hnve a good, liuil t house and lot, mui aled on Elizabeth Street, No. 15. There Is a gool barn and wood-shed on the place. The property Is new and in good repair. Tiims very liberal. Apply to 977-989 CBS. E. E. WINSLOW. "1OFFIN8 AND CASES , FULL STOOK A T MARTIN' 8. ll nr'pir% ;romitly tttended .n. ltook and Job Printing. All kinds of prlutlng and Job work wlll be done at Thk Couriek oOlce In better style and at cheuper raU- than at any other offlee. Ayer's Hair Vigor, FOR RESTORING GRAT HAIR TO ITS NA TURAL VITALITTAND COLOR in-h, care, disappolnt VBS jr prcdlfpoit!on, all tur renewe the growth ; and nlways suruly restores it color, wnon faded or gray. It stlmulates the nnlri tlve or(,'n! to heallliy actlvlty, and preserves bot th'1 hiilr and its beauty. Thu brasliy, weak or flckl hHlr becomes glossy, and trengthened ; los hair rcjirows with llvely expresslon ; falllng halr i checkeil and ei-labliiihed ; thin hair thickeus ; an faded ïirgrrty imirti reunie ttieir original color. Ir operution ia snre and harmlesi. It carea dandrnt liealn all humors, and keeps the scalp cool, clean an( soft - under whlcb conditlon diseasea of the scal are imposible. As a dreslug for ladiee' halr, the Vioob is pralne for its (írateful and agreeable perfume, and valué for the lOft Inatrl and richnesH of tone It imparta. 1'IiEl'AKED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass Piactlcal and Analytlcal Chemists. gold by all l)ruf.'Ista and Dealers in Medicine.