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W. TREMAIN ibiê Aam OFFICE AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE orlli Itrltlsli IiiHuran;c Comp'f (of London and Kdinburgh,) Capital f I.%000,(Xi, Gold. Detroit Firc and Marine Ins. Co. Cash Aêseta f00,000. Kprlngftcld In, omp'j. o riffat., Cash Aeet $1,800,000. Howard In. Co., of New York, Cash Aeset 1.000,000. Affrirnltiirnl Inmiranco Comp'y. WATKRTOWN. - NEW YORK. Caah Aséete f 1. 200,000. bOMM liberally adjusted and promptly paid. jr ' OLD AND RELIABLE. Dr. Sanfobd's Lrrn Intcooratob i is ñ St indiird F imily Ramedy for ', diaeaii sof theLiver, Stomacb %2f amllV.w s. it : l'.uvly %_4L ! Vfgct:il)lo. - t ïicvrr iL 1 1 B i Dcl)ilit!it-s- It is %ÉI I Í I i aü ¦ 1 ¦rfc iu 11!-v i""1""1"1''! I 0 ¦ IL?% "'" by tic public,; Ew % for man than 35 ycnrs, ! ? I pto '"'¦t'1 nuprccedented resulta. J ÍK SEND FOR CIRCULAR.} Jii IiWiÖANUJKU, M.U.i NEWTORKC1TT vi)nt(,i,r iT,i,T:r.i.inr iTiliri'íTtTKix í íW.I-UflO L. S. LERC H, AGENT. TUTT'S PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE 6REATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH 0F THE AflE. TIITTC' Dll I O tctt hi - I UNO TILLO eeedi-dlncombiuiogta rimr cir urn&ruc these pilla thhereto LUKt bltKJltflüAOHt. forean'iaponisticqnaïITTI mi ¦ M tlCSOfaSTKINOTHIS'i, TUTT'S PILLS tssiïr&iï"CURE DYSPEPSIA. "íhdr flt ipuent TUTT'S PILLS S'SÏ CURE CONSTIPATION. Imilate. Thníthesy tem i 8 noumhed, aua XMTT'O Dll I O hJ theirtonicacíiooon lUI I O rILLO he digertive orgi, TURF Pil f 5 regular and hMkbjr etUKt HLtb. vacuaUoms a proTUTT'S PULS dThe" T.pMltr wltb lul I w I !LLw ,,.i .. i pcRcfiN1; TAKF CURE TEVER AND AGÜE. 0N FLESH ?l! der the influi'nre of tüese TIITT'C Pili pille, ndicatee Iheir - I U I I O llLLO daptability to noarinh CURE BILIOUS C0L1C. the bod7' hence " 1 - eílir icy m canng oerTliTTPC Dll I O vou' debilily, meranTUIT O PILLS oholy.dyspep.ia.wa.tCure KIDNLY_Compliint. giánege o( the liver, _,,__"_ _.. , _ chronic cotistipation, TUTT S PILLS "dimpartiDKhtakh ¦ VI I W IILLW streogthtothetyiK. CUflE TORPID LIVER. Sold Iverywher. iilil d rILLO 53 Murray Htrent, IMPART APPETITE. kw tobk. 954-1005 B JKWHlBp Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure. C (Fbrmerljf Jr. Craiff'M Kldney Citre.) A vpet'table preparation and the only mre rmdy in the world Tor BrlffhCa Ilen. Iii.ilM-u. nnd ALL Hlilno , LlTrr, mnd MJrlmmrj D lateases. "Testlmonfals of the hlghett order In proof Of these statements. tTl'iT tbp cure nf Ilmbe(s, cali for Waiv ner's Safe I)iubt r Cure. 4TFot the cure of Brlglit's and the nther diAPasos, cali for Haruvr'i afe Kldnjand Lh'crCnrr. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. Jt is thebest Kloori Purífler, and timulateft overy function to more healthfUl action, au4 ia t luis a beneflt tn all di seasei. ítem S rofulouB nnd other 9Otin Eruptiona and Dteanes, Includiug ('nucen, Ulcera, nnd ot her Korea. l'iP!. WraknoM ofthe Stomaeli. i omdpalion, lHuines, General Oeblltty, etc., are cured by the .Safe Bitters. It la unoqnnled as au appetixerand regular tonlc. lío Ules of two sizes ; prices, ftOc. and ti. 00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quickly Kives Rest anrt Sleep t the sufferínr, cures llt'adnclie nnd IS'uinlyla, prevenía. I pili)(t-Hu,a:.l relieves NrnoaiProf tratlon bmught on by exceulve drink, OTrwork, mental sbocks, and otber causes. Powerfut as lt Ís lo stop paln and soothe dtiturhed Herves. it never injures tbe ¦yitwin,, whethfr Uiken Ín small or larne dosea. of two sizs; prices, 5Óc and fl. OO. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Arp a lmmedlate and nctlve stimulus for a Torpid LiTer, and cure Coitivantsi, DriMpii, BilI ?9TWIWVPI È louBOMt. Blllou Dir¦ kIÍsw'VI UlUsi . rhR, MfcUrlt, rvr S lmÉP9PhU M I lie used wlienever thft ¦ stK4VHBB bowels do nut opérate I)1T:VH ¦¦ni frt'fly nuil regularly. ¦ Vl-W l olbrr Itlli rcqalrr iucIi I n9y7tïfTEl N wH Aouf tor ikoroMfh ¦ VTlliliu3 4 wrk. Vrïrt S5 cU. bx, ¦ PlMTWnTÏ 1 Wrnrt"lSff Krnlir ¦ fiB In llrdlrtoe rjwlir. L1L il H. H. Warner & Go., HuVlV IVbTfl l'rnprictorv, i f1yHIJ ROCHESTER, N. Y. nnil trtininl(U, Mo-lUltt MACHIKTIST. I)OKS aY WOKK IR HIS LISE5 Kii-inis.ApriciilturnlMachinory, Sewiní Machine ¦i d Lock repalnd. 1 urnlng, Key-fittluR and (jrlndíml- prompfll done. a t"(l aníoument of Outlery, Locin and Pools, wbloh will be nold chep. No. 36 South Main Street, ANN ARBOK. StM)8