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State Siftings

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Frances M. Osborne, Frank W. Parker, Pitt Potter, William J. Rainey, Dwight D. Root, John M. Russell, Allen R. Shaffer, H. D. Stover, Chas. T. Thompson, Arthur G. Waterman, Elmer R. Webster, Richard O. Welts, Israel L. Witmyer

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A reduotion of 'JO conts per barrel is to be made upon salt, ttft tho Herald, of Hapinaw. Fliiit i-! to U' mude liaiy l)ei June by having h band tuurnaiwnt. It wiil be worth attending. Jas. Bullís, of Walkrr Tuwii-lúp, K.nt County, difid recently froin a solf-adaiinistered dose of' inorphine There hsd been 106 (lays oí' good sleighing at Cbeboycan, up to M&rcb ltb, and at labt aocouuts it was good yet. Uerrien Spriogs lias raised 2,000, and only wants $1,000 more to secure the proptised St. Jo.-teph Valley Riilroad. The residunce of S. A. Kuiser, of KawIcawün, was destroyed by fire, the L!4th. LofS about 24,(KX; iourauoe, $15,000. Flint has a new daüy paper oallod the Flim Daily Hi'ra'ul. A. new presa on which tn print thu samu was recen Üy pul in tlie office. Rev. Mr. Sutherland, o(' the Saugatuek Confrregational chnreh, Iish teen (iisinifwcd froto his pastorato (or diunken'i.y-, ttjn the Kvuiiii)í Newr-. The Gaztle, of Houghtuu, .-uyb that work on the Detroit, Marquette $ Macki nae R. R. is jirogressing at an antonishing rate. Glad to hear it. Near Kalamazoo reoently over $J0() worth of nhcep were killed by di)s, and the wretoh on tho Kvoning News says alldogs " should be rapidly cur-tailod." There wero iust two persons present at the Manistee (reenback County Conventtett Both were nnanimous-ly eleet;d delégales. Great cnthusiasiu ! igorous appluuse ! The President of Vieksburg han a púgilistic sou who was recontly tined $15 and costs for slapping a young lady's face. He evidently not only forgot hÍH manners, but leap year privileges also. The Deuioorats have tixed upou East Saginaw as the piaue for holding their next jonvention, and June ÍUh as (lie date, when lelegates will be elocted to the Tilden gathíring to be held in Cincinnati (his year. Speaking of Mrs. Addis in the lateet leveloptnent of' the Grand Rápida divoroe ase, the Lowell Journal thiriks that in me respecta uhe is not unlike Mrs. Theoiore Tilton- good heart but weak head. L. V. Randall, E. W. Hinsdale and Hibbard & Graff, are the three principal business firins of Grand Rápida " hort " on option. Their failure for half a million, has caused eousiderable exoitement in busiircles. Chicago and Detroit hold their paper. Col. O. V. Lockhcad, recently sentenced to the Detroit house of' eorrection, froui Flint, for irregularities upon the books of tlie Citizeus' National Bank of Flint. hun bien given a positioQ as shipping clerk in that establishment, His family have taken up their residenoe in Detroit. Col. Geo. W. Lee, of Ypsilanti, has been reappointed agent for the ludíaos of the Mackinac agenoy. By fair dealing and a devotion to the interest of the Indiana under his charge, Col. Lee has made a very accsptable agent, and his appoiotment is in every way deserved. John N. lngersoll, of the Coruona American, has been obliged to forego all office work, having beeu seriously afflicted with contraction of the papil of the eye, aggravated by poor health. It is to be hoped that thin veteran in the ranks may not be disabled any great length of time. One by ono whispering Samuel gathers them in : the Democratie newspapers of Michigan, we refer to. They generally put it in about this manner: "At the same time, shall tbc national conveotion see proper to nomínate Mr. Tilden at Cincinnati, he will receive our warmest support, with a hearty ood will." The Traverse Bay Kglo eays of Manistee that it is "a little world nitting in the darknoPB by iteelf } i uun, ita ninan, na stars, no light of any kind, except that occasioned by the clashing of steel between the newspaper editors." That's hetter light than Senator Voorhees got tor Indiana out of his exodus macliinu The suicide muñía f eins to be rsging all over the State, and eouruely a daily ia issued but that qne or more attcinpts aro chronicled. It is quite noteworthy, also, that the death ooaxers always woo the destróyer in such a bungling way that a good chance uiay bo given physicians to bhow their skifl and receive gratuitous notioes therefor. The vulcanizcr in the dentiotry of Dr. Bush, at Chelsea, eiploded Saturday afiernoon, blowing open the doors and breaking the windows of the building. The portion of the vulcanizer blown out struck the ceilimr, making a good sized hole therein. Dr. Éush's fuce and one side of his bodv was badly blackened, but he fortunately cscaped serious injury. Hon. Sumner Howard, of Flint, wants to be congresHtnan iu place of Hon. Mark S. Brewer, of Pontiac, the present incumbent from the (Hh district, who would like a renomination. A. D. Waddell, of Hpwell, is also acndidate for the same position, while S. D. Biogbaui, of Laosing, proposes to show considerable strength in the conventiiin. Judtre Turner, of Shiawassec, wouldn't ret'use the nomination. The gradtwtes at the recent commencetnent of the dental departmeDt of the Michigan Univorsity, who reside in Jlichiean, are : Uriah D. Billmeyer, Brooklyn ; Win. F. Bradner; Bedfbrdl G. H. Brown, Romeo ; O. C. Jenkins, Ann Arbor; A. C. Johnson, Lenlie; Geo. F. Kiuiball, Ypsilanii; Amos ML IjDur, Monroo; Arthur C. Nichob, Aun Albor; Robert A. Young, Romeo. The following are the naines of the erduates from the law dopartuient of the University, at the recent couimeneeroent, who are residente of Michigan: Frank Chrirttiao Altfer, Lowell; Alexis C. Angelí, Aun Arbor; C. VV. Ashl'ord, Pinekney , Wiu. L. Axford, Flint; AlfrwiJ. Baboock, Saginaw ; Ja. W. Bateiuan, Walled Lake, David hrickles, Anu Arbor; llobert E. Bunker, Mustegnn ; Isidora S. Burntine, Detroit; Win. Carpeuter, Farwell; Earl B. Ooe, Otisville ; Sylvester Oole, Pontiac ; Rbsooe L. Uorbutt, (irand Haven; Ilenry J. Curran, Ileading Andrew L Dentl, Detroit; V. II. Dodils, Mt. l'lemant ; Cha6. F. Honnelly, Ann Arbor; F. F. Freoch, Hastings; Fred K. (Jartnur, Detroit; B. U. Gav. Qoinoy; (oo. V. Godiroy, Moiiroc ; V. K. Qray, 'jaje.sbur;; ; A. 8 Il:ill, Armada; II. 1). Harris. Aliimnl J. M. llatch, Marshall; Wm. B. Hayes, Detroit; F. B. Jcwell, Ann Arbor; li. VL Kellotti Mt Clenjeos; Maud A. KelVmi Arbor; lt. II. Lamphere, Ann Arbor; Henry Lcwcllen, Ann Arbor; ('has. A. Lyon, Three Rivera; II. Markham, Pontiac; Altrcil F. Maynard, Marmette; D. títuart McClure, Aun Arbor; Matihow McMillen, Detroit; Kol'crt II. MeMurdy, Nues; V. P. Monford, Prawr; .J. 11. Monroe, South Haven; Francés M. Osborne, St. Johns; Frank W. Parker, Sturcis; Pitt Potter, Watertown ; Wui. J. Kaincj', Yurk; Dsrijftat D. Root, BenniiiKton , John M. Iliis-oll. Owo-sii ; Allen II. Shaner, Romeo ; 11. D. Stover, Monroe; Chas. T. Thoinjison, Detroit; Arthur G. Waterman, Atheos; Elaaer II. WebBter, White Lake; Kichrad O. Welts, Maeomb; Israel C Witmyer, Ann Arbor.'