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Republican County Convention

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A Republioan Couuty Conveutlon to elect slxteeu delegates to the SUte Convention tobe held at Detroit, on Wednesday, May 12th, 1880, at 11 o'clock a. M., to elect delégate to the Republlcan National Conventlon to be held at Chicago June 2d, 18ftO, and to transoct such other business as may properly come before it, wlll be held at the Court House, In the city of Ann Arbor.on Wednesday, April Hth, 1880, at 12 o'clock m. The wveral cltles and townshlps will be entltled to delegates In the County Convention as follows : Ann Arbor Town. 4 Northfleld „..4 Aun Arbor City- ¦ Plttsneld 4 Kimt Ward -....4 Balem 4 s.cnml Ward .4 Ballne Thlrd Wrd 4 Sclo „ 6 Fourth Ward. _..4 Sharon 5 Klflh Ward 8 rtuperlor 5 Slxth Ward... 8 Bylvan 6 Augusta 4 Webster. -...4 lSrldgewater _ 8 York ft IK-zter 3 Ypsilantl Town 4 Freedom Ypsilantl City, lat w.,8 Llnia 4 Becond Ward 8 I,,„li 4 Thlrd Ward _ 8 Lyndon _ 8 Fourth Ward I Manchester B Flflh Ward -J The nomlnatlon of oandldates for President and Vlce-Presldent belng the ultímate object of the above conventlon, the oommlltee deern lt of the flrst lmportanoe that as full an expression of the people as posslble should be obtalned. Wlth thls view they suggest tbat, lf convenlent. the several cltles and townshlps elect delegates to the County Conventlon at thelr respective city or townshlp caucuses, at whlch the city or townshlp ofttcers are to be nominated, and that notlce thereof be embraced in the cali for the respective caucuses. Folly realizlng that upon the resulto of the coming Preaidentlal electlon may depend the Htabllity and success of the Republlc, lf not Indeed the existenceof Clvll LJberty, wecordlally Invite all who place country above party, love liberty and bate oppresslon, to meet and act wilh us A. J. SAWYEK, Chalrman. E. P. ALLEN, W. JUDSON, WM. D. PLATT, Republlcan County Commlttee. J. F. LAWRENCE, Secretary. Ann Akbor, March 19, 1880.