Anniversary Week
The rain of last Saturday made rather of a damp opening Tor the anniversary week of the Reform Club, for whioh such grand preparations had been made by tbe members. Nevertheless a goodly audience assembled at the opera house in the evening to listen to the initiatory services. Rev. Wm. George was unable to be present wilh the " History of the Club," but R. E. Frazer, Esq., delivered the opening address whioh it is useless to say was excellent. Sunday afternoon Mrs. O. B. Schuylergave an interesting temperance lecture to a f'ull house, aud in the evening, Capt. J. F. Linsoott, of Grand Rapids, entertaioed an audience witb words ol wisdom. After Capt. Linsoott bad finifhed speaking, R. E. Frazer introduced tbe subject of prohibition, and offered petitions for signatures, asking the legislatnre to t-ubmit 10 tbe peo pie for ratification, an aniendment ito the constitution of thia State prohibiting the manufacture and sale of intoxicating liquors, except for medicinal, mechanical and seramental purposes, obtaining at the time 100 signatures. Monday afternooo at 4 o'clock, the school children of our city aosembled at the opera house, filling it to overflowiog, and Capt. Linscott, illustrated by pictures the course ofadrunkard, from the first glass downward to the gutter. In the evening John R. Clark, of Tecumseh, gave one of the finest efforts of the course, choosing " Temperance and Intemperance," for his text. Tuesday evening Mrs. Hudson, from Detroit, President of the W. U T. U., gave a history of the work of that orgaoization in this State. Afterward Rev. Mrs. Olympia Brown, of Racine, Wisconsin, delivered a lecture upon the all important question of temperance. Wednesday evening the Ann Arbor City band with eighteen pieces, discoursed some very sweet music before the exercises commenced. Rev. Dan R. Shier opened the meeting with prayer, after which Rev. F. von Schluembacb warmed up the audience with an impassiont'd appeal for temperanee, and the people remained to hear him, notwithstanding the flre alarm. The opera house was handsomely decorated for the occasion. The pillars supporting the (?allarps werp wonnd with evergreens, numerous bunches of red and white ribbon being tied to the same at regular distanecs, while great festoons hung from the center to the sidos, the glorious btars and stripes frequently adding to the decorations. Just in front and over the stage was a banner bearing the following mottoes : " In Opinions Liberty." " In all Things Charity." "In Principies Unity." The portraits of J. C. Bootecou, of Jackson, the founder ; and John Schumacher, the President of the club, were hung upon the sides of the stage, while in the rear two clasped hands, very artistically made, and overthem the motto: "Union is Strength," around whioh flags were looped in graceful folds. The effect was charming, and we doubt if ever the building looked handsomer. Prof. Wilsey, assisted by a large class of the young people of the city, furnished music for tbe occasions.
Clubs & Organizations
Ann Arbor City Band
Opera House
Ann Arbor Reform Club
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Rev. William George
R. E.
Mrs. O. B. Schuyler
Capt. J. F. Linscott
John R. Clark
Rev. Mrs. Olympia Brown
Rev. Dan R. Shier
Rev. F. Von Schlembach
J. C. Bontecou
John Schumacher
Hill's Opera House