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Miss Maude Moore started for Arizona territory last Monday. Miss Kittie Murdock, who bas been attending school in Englewood (Chicago) for Bome momhs, returned home to lier parents and friends last Saturday. And now the resideuts of Lima Centre will be greeted by toots of various música qualities. In other words, the boys there have organized a bra?g band. Succecs Ut tlu'in. _y The Juvenile Tempcrance Uoion of Ann Arbor will present the operatia " Sleeping Princess," in Costsllo's Hall, on Saturday evening, April lOth, for the benefit of the Dexter reform club. Prof. and Mrs. E. C. Thompson, of Albion, are visittog friends and relatives in this place, this week. Prof. Thompson was for a number of years principal of' the Union school here. Johnny Taylor was shelling corn last Saturday afternoon, when, by FOine ovcrsight, his hand was caught and two of his fingers badly hurt. Dr. Ziegenfuss was called, and dresned the wound., which are doing well now. Mr. Israel Bailey, for a long time resident of this village, but lately of Livingston county, dicd last Monday morning, at the age of 68 years. He had been failing for soiue years past. and for the past sis months failed very rapidly, eulminating in his death as abuve stated. His remains were taken charge of by the Maonic fraternity, and interred according to their rites, last Wednesday. A pot-mortein examinaiion was made on the body of the decoased by Drs. ilowell and Taylor in the prosence of Drs. Lee, Ziegenfuss and Chae, last Monday aftetnoon, when itwas discovered that he died of Bright's disease of the kidoeys. Easter was quite generally observed in this village. The Episcopata had four services, the Methodist two, and the Baptist one. The Episcopal church was handsomely deooratcd with flowers, which is an old cu8tom with tliat churoh. At the M. A. ohurch there wan an Easter praine service in the evrniog. Dr. Ziegenfuss read a paper upon " Some Curious Easter Cuh tuuu," and Prof. Thompson, of Albion, made a short address. "The .shortest road to a ohild's heart is through its stomach," ia an old saying, which can, with niuch the same propriety, )e said of grown-up children. Wisely, thereibre, did the committee on the Red Llibbun innivcrsary inaugúrate its exercises jy a tree dinner on Tuesday noon. A bout two hundred people availed themselvos of this opportunity to minister to the cravings of the inner man. Dinner over, Mrs. 8. H. Wheeler read an admirable history of the club, f'rom which we learn that the total number of members is 400. Of these there are, of eourse, many baeksliders. Rev. C. A. Clark then read the toasts, which were responded to as follows : "Our Anniversary of '80," responded to by JudgeCrane;" "Red Ribbon Reform," Rev. L. L. Gage ; " Total Abstinence the only hope trom drunkenness," Rev. M. G. Lyons, of the Hartland M. E. church, Rev. Magoffin, who was to respond to this sentiment not being present ; " Prohibition the only Sure 8uccesB," Rev. L. P. Davis, of the M. E. ohurch ; "The W. C. T. U." by Rev. Mr. Allen, of Webster Congregational ohurch ; "Bands of Hopo," Mrs. Stannard. Mr. M. C. Lyons, of Maoomb county, brother of the foregoing, was called upon and gave us a huuiorous and ioteresting speech, being, as he said, his first attempt at public speaking. There will bo meetings every evening this week, and Monday and Tuesday of next, at which time Gen. S. F. Cary will again be here. Many will, we know, embrace this opportunity to hear him again. The "Leap Year Party" is a thing of the past. For several weeks the ladies have been in a flutter of anziety ubout the probable result of the new experiment. This anxiety is all gone now. Wednesday evening was pleasant, the hall in good order, the party a Urge one, and everything passed off sraoothly and as " merry as a marriage bcll." The ladies are to be oongratulated upon the successful issue ol their endeavors. They threw themselves into the work of preparation for this party so heartily that nothing but suooess could f'üllow. They not only held numerous special meetings, appointed oommittees and sent out invitations, bat they put their fingers into their own duinty and elegant pocketbooks and brought out the pin money, wbich they had saved for some new spring fashiun, and paid the bilis bravely like the lords of creation. On the evening of the dance you could see a gay lady go up to this house, another to that mansion, and still a ho.-t of others to other select places, - we Wêg they could be seen going up, perhaps somewhat mystified, to the door, ring the bell nervously, or faintly knock at the door. But the faintest rap at the door, ur the least tinkle of the bell, was heard by the expectant favoritos. The gentlemen having made their toilels and pulled down their three-bnttoned vests, oi eourse, descended fïom their boudoirs to the parlore, and there chatting about the spring fashiüns, the new style of bats and other things, they joyously awaited the coming of their escorts. It was found by the gentlemen to bc a delightful experience. From their happy oountenances we feel warranted in saying that they should offer no strong objectionsagainst another similar party by the ladies. There were over sixtyfive tickets sold for the dance. Through the kindness of one of the ladies your correspondent obtained one of their programmes, containiDg order of dancing, with space for engagement. It was tastefully gotten up, and a ribbon wilh a dainty leadpencil attached to it, wasfastened to many. Miss Mary Wiley was ticket agent ; Miss Mary Bilby, door-tender and ticket receiver; floor managers, Misses Carrie Magoffin, Fannie Hall.Joey Croarkin, and Mrs. Maggie Crampton. It is unnecessary to say that they acquitted themselves admirably. Everything was managed with such a nicety that there was apparently no jar in the proceedings. Chamberlain's orchestra furnished the muaic for the entertainment Before closing we would beg leave to say that tbis dance gave both the ladies anc ontluuiun a ioato of oxolianíod plaoou The ladies have experienced how it effect their purses to give a good dance, and can therefore syuipathize with the young men who have to toot the bilis for the oomÍDg three years. The gentlemen also learned how it rejoices one to find himself slighted, and may trom this learn that the ladies are arden t adoiirers of polite atteution. Now, we don't know whether anybody was slighted at the party, bat if there was, he knows how to sympathize witb sonie of the " weaker aex." Take it, all in all, it was a very pleasant party. MANCHESTER. Manchester Enterprise : " C. H. Rynd, route agent between Adrián and Monroe, 1 bas received orders to pouch on Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti. By tbis arrangement letters leaving bere on the morning train via L. 8. & M. S. Ry., will reach Ann Arbor at 10:10 a. m. Also by this arrangement letters for parties on the Central, west of Jackson, will reach their destination the same duy ; but if sent via Jackson they will not get through uotil the next day." YPSILANTI. Albert Crane has been conti ned to his house by varioloid. It is supposed he oontracti'd the same upon the oars. Detroit and Toledo musioians will assist in bringing out the " Chimeï of Norrnandy," at the opera house, this evening. F. M. Finley has been chosen a delégate to the next meeting of the American Dental AjHOciation. It meetH next August in Boston. Two yooni; lads gained access to a room in which Hon. Samuel Post had stored a quantity of books, which they mutilated und sold for paper raga. Officer Shenifield worked up the cne and oaused their arrost. The books destroyed were valued at 1500. Last Saturday night a fire occurred in the grocery store of Leonard & Gage, caused by the Imrsting of a kerosene lamp. The adjoining buildings, occupied by G W. Ford, grocer, and E. D. Richmond, tobacconist, wete also burned, a portion o the curitriits bi-ing saved. Insurance wi probably cover loss. A new brick block i talked of to occupy the place of the burnec buildings.