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The followinfl is a sketoh of the life o the late Gilbert Al'.en, a notice of whose death we publihhod last week : Mr. Allen was born in 1807, at Séneca, Co., N. Y. and conaequeutly dled In bis 73d yoar. IUvIuk, tn 1835, ben marricd U Mi Nincy Waddell, of Lodl N. Y.- who nurvlvoí hlm, at the age of 71- he, wlth her, and Uttle elae but their han. I, emigrated to Michigan tu 18S8, and the two bcgan the laboriuu Uk of convertlng a portion of the wlldB of gection min', of Lililí, int" a hume. In 1853, with hli familj he removed to sectlon tbrce, and agaln In 184T, to the plcaaant fariu on which he dled . Out of a larg" amily.onlyone sister, Mrs. Yorkes, of Lowell, Mlch., urvives hlm, at about 70 yenm of aee. Hi lat remalning. nd eldcut brother, Mr. Stephen Alltn, n' rtrin, Michigan, (invine ilied juut onc week befnre lim, at the age of 84. Elgït chlldren, all grown t manbood and womnnlmod, followert him to hl grave, at of a familT of nlne. Mr. Allen wan known. iroughont thl prt of the county, a a man havlnc ioe sterling quallties alwajm to be round in truly roloped manhood. Posaesned of a min and ympathetlc nature, he nevcr lost an opportunlty of relloving tbe dlstress of kumamty. and of doing hl ellow man eood. Honest to a cent in all hls denltogs, no man can chsrge hlm with liaviiiK added to lis eartbly posaaiona a singlo lll-gottcn dollar. Leaolnte and detttrminod in his opposition to every emblanco of wrong, il he left an enemy, snch he ni beoane of Mr. Allen' ardent adherence to the irinciple of right Alwar a trict temporáneo man, and one who acted nis principies, let opposition come from whatevor source. Ho raUed the flrst ara frame ever put up in this part of the connty without aorrlng liquor, accomplishing thoreby what was at the time declared to be an imponalbillty. And a pai) of water. In ralsing the buildinir, lnstead f the usual naK of liquor, was throwa from the arn. In 1863 ho unlted wlth the Methodist Eplucopal Church, and was a member of that body thlrtyeven years. Polltlcally, Mr. Allen was a Republlcan, haring joined that party at Hh fonnatlon, comng into it from the ranks of the "Free Soil Party." Ie was radically oppoaed to lavery, and the "fugiUre slave law," for hlm, had no terrors. In the eath of Mr. Allen, the whole community feel called o mourn the loss of a Rood cltlzen, a peaceable and ccommodatliig nelghbor; hls wlfo, a tender and warmhearted hUBband, and family, an afFectlonrte nd considérate parent.