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Circuit Court Proceedings

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The following additional cases have been lisposed of since our last report : Criminal- The People vs. James W. iulbert, arraigned for larceny. Plea of lot Kuilty withdrawn, and plea of guilty intered. The People vs. James Loney, arraigned br larceny. Nolle prosqui filed. The People vs. Nathan M. McCall. Inbrmation for embezzlement. Bail fixed at M00, with Benjamin F. Morton surety. In the case of the People vs. Henry Burgraff, the court ordered the witnesses br defense to be paid by the county. The People vs. Martin Eeherish, Jr. [nformation for highway robbery. Proseoution withdrawn, defendant dincharged. Civn. Cases- Minnie Ostlbring, by her next friend, vs. Jaoob Haselrehwerdt. Case discootinued on payment of costs by defendant. Thomas Wilkinson vs. Otto Dulacb. On motion of a retaxation of costs, it was ordered tbat the suits be taxed at the sum of $84.50. Charles H. Richruond vs. Andrew J. Sutherland et al. Judgraent on default for $740 and costs. John Boyle vs. Edward Ryan and Miohael Walsh. Case disoontinued. Petition of J. W. Blakeslee to discharge mortgagc of record. Granted. C. Finkbeincr vs. J. Haselschwcrdt. Continued. N. Booth vs. D. Mowerson. Motion to set aside. Defendant granted live days to serve and file declaration. M. Webb, assignee, vs. J. S. Case, sheriff. Judgment for defendant, by coosant, $1,025. Flower & Pittman vs. Warner. Verdict for plaintiffs, $105. Richard A. McCauley and R. A. Maynard admitted to practice. John McGinnis excused from jury for balanoe of term. 178 law graduate-i admitted to praotice upon production of diplomas. John W. Huil and Albert G. Lawrenoe vs. Wm. H. Pease. Verdict for defendant. Christina Eckhard vs. Michigan Central R. R. Verdict for plaintiff $7M). Elias W. Hobbs vs. Reuben Westfnll & John Bailey. Certiorari. Judgmen t reversed with costs. L. Wallingtoo Tg. Moses Rogers. Ejplevin. Verdict for defenJant, $119.51. Wm. Sherwood vs. Michael Wade. Case settlod. Judiiment for plaintiff $7.r and costs, by consent. The following cases were continued by consent : Loretta E. McCulloughTvs. Hiram Day, et al. N. H. Hawkins vs. J. F. Sandars. Lucy R. Twist vs. Warren Babcock, Sr., et al. Wm. P. Campbell vs. W. B. Sherman. Wm. Barnes vs. W. D. Smith. John Mayer and Fred. Heusel were admitted to citizenship.