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We Can't Talk i Without showing the condition of our ( eeth. Every laugh exposes thera. Io rder not to be ashained of them let us use iat standard dentifrice, SOZODONT, hich ia sure to keep them whito and tiesa. No tartar can enciust them, no cauker affoot the enamel, no species of deay infest the dental bone, if SOZODONT tvgulaily usod. It is a botanical preparaon, and its beneficia! effects on the teeth nd gunis are marvelous, as it removes au Bcoloratioos, and renders the gums hard nd rosy. 980 984 Grateful Wonien. None receive so much benefit, and none re so profoundly grateful and show suob n interest in recommending Hop Bitters s wouien. It is the only reuiedy peculiarly dapted to the many ills the si is alinom niversally subject to. Chilla and lever, udigestion or deranged liver, constant or eriodical sick headaches, weakoess in the ack or kidneys, pain in the shoulders and ifferent paris of tbe body, a feeling of asMtmle and despondency, are all readily enioved by these Bitters. (.'win! Asrainxt Diseasc. If you fiil yourself getting billious, icad heavy, mouth foul, eyes yellqw, Kidneya disordercd, symptouis of pilea tormegting you, take at once a few doses oi Cidney-Wort. It is nature's great assisant. Use it as an advance guard - don't wait to got down sick. (iND Ripiiw, Jannary 30tb, 1880. VIessrh. Arthur Meio8 & Co. After having madeacareful examination of Coaline, we are satisfied tbat it conains no deletorious substance and may be used with safety for all clearing purposes as recowuiended in your circular. MILLS L DACEY, DruKtfists, No. 8 Canal Street. Hucklen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, )ruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all linds of skin eruptions. Tbis salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in very case, or inoney rcfunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by L. 8. Lerch, Ann Arbor. 935-986 TO FRUIT 6R0WEKS and GüRDENERS. Twenty acres for sale on reasonable term, by H. ROGER8- two miles wust of Ann Arbor, on the ii-t'i road. Qood buildiuKs. Fourtoen arres In arire snd small fruits of the best varleties. The balance 18 the best qnality of land for Rardenlng. Also house and four lts In the fifth ward, Ann Arbor City, for sale ctaoap. Enquire of H. KOOBR, on theVemlse., orof" J. % ONS. Ann Arbor, Feb. S, 1880. W8-986 TTOUiSES AND LOT8 FOR SALE. Several good brlck dweiling house, and a number of framed dwellings, deslrably sltuated, wlth one or more lot for oach, for ale, on fair tenne and reaeonable credit. Also, flfty city loto, wel! located, wltb good title, and on long credit. Also, farma and mort gages for sale. Monoy safely invested for lenders, at ten percent, toqulreof b.w.MOBOaN. "UUR EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acres in the western part of the State, valued at 6,000, which I wil! exchange for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BEAL. ¦jVTONEY TO LOAN. At scven por cent. Securltv mnrt. be on flrstclass farms In tdls county, or city propertj In Ann Arbor In central and desirable locallties. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Attorney. 959tf Office cor. Main and Harón ste., up-stairs. "ÜOR SALE. Two houses and severdl Iota for sale, cheap ; one-half down, aud balance on tline, to suit purchawer; or glve all credit on security. If any one wishes a Is thelr time, for I wish U sell to go West thls spring. ffH-980 'HUDSON T. MORTON. "ÜOR SALE. I have a good, well-hullt house and lot, sltuated on Ellzabeth streef, No. 15. There Is a good barn and wood-ahed on the place. The property Is new and in good repair. Terras very liberal. Apply to 77-989 MRS. E. E. WIN8I.OW. pilOF. RÊÏÏBEN KEMPF, Ilavini; just gradnated from the Consorvatory of Music al StutiKart, íormany, where he received a thoroui;h edneation, and instractlons in the latest ini'thodx of tearhinif music, !a now prepared fo ;ive I,coi In llarmiiii!, and on the Piano and Oman. Piano tuntd on reaxonable terrón. Kooins, northeast corner of Main aud Liberty tn-et , up-stairs, Ann Arbor, Mich. 949-1000 Notlce to Credltorg. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washtenaw, ss. ki Notlce is bereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court for the County of Wanhtenaw, mde on the ibirty ftnt day of March, A. D. 1880, six munth from that date were allowed for crediiors to pri'aent thcir claim against the etitate of Martini E. Wood, late of xald county, deceaeed, and that all creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Probaie Conrt, at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, for examinatlon arn allowauce, on or before the flrst day oi October next, and tbat uch claims will be heard oefore said cnart, on Thuröday, the firBt day of July, and on Frlday, the flrst day of October next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon at each of said d ys. Dated Ann Arbor, March 31et, A. D. 1880. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, 980-988 Judïe of Probate. Estáte of Henry U. Sheffleld. OTATKOF MICHIUAN.Couutyof Washtenaw, ss. At a sesBlon of the Probate Court for the Connty ol Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Frlday, the twenty-sixth day of March, In the year one thousand elght hundred and eighty. Present, Willlam D. Harrimau, Jndye ol Probaie. In the matter of the estáte of Henrj H. Sheffleld, dereased. William U. Shcffleld, executor of the last wilt and testament of said deceased comes into court and representa that hc is now prepared to reuder Ms final account a such executor Thereupon it Is ordered, that Tuesdaj.tbe tweDtieth day of April tu'Xt, at ten o'clock in the forenuon, be jifMnud for examlnimr and allowing such accoant, and that the beir at luw of aaid rieceaeed, and all other persons luterested in said estáte, are required lo appear at a seseion ol said court. then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city ol' Ann Arbor, in said county, and show cause if anv there bc, wby the said account uhould not i' allowed. Aud it is farther ordered, that tald executor frlve notice to the persons intereeted in said estnte, of the pendeucy of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causfng a copy of this order to be puhlishcd in the Ann Arbor VourierA newspaper printed and ctrculating in said county, two succeysive weck previons to said day of hearing. (A true copy). WILLIAM D. HAURIMAN, ¦Itldge of Probate WM. Q. DOTY, Probate Résister. NO i Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, at. Notice is hereby given, that by an order of ih Pro bate Court for the County of Washtenaw, made on the twenty second day of March. A. D. 1880, six months from that date were aliowed for creditors to present tbt'ir duim against the estáte of Abieail tí. Latimer, late of said connty, deceaed, and all credliors of aaid deceascd are requlied to present their claims to satd Probate Onurt, al the Probate Office In the City of Ann Ar hor, forexaralnation and allowance, on or before the twenty-second day of September next, and that Mich claims will be heard before said court, on Tueeday, the twenty-secimd day of June, and on Wednesday, th twenty-second cay of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou of each of taid days. Dated Ann Arbor, March 22, A. D. 1880. WILLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, 979-882 Judiie of Probate. Chancery Notice. STATE OF MICHICJiN- The Twentysecond Judicial Circuit- In Cbancery. Sult peudlni; In the Circuit Court for the County of Wacntenaw - In Chancery. Marcun W. Wallace, complalnanl, vs. Mary WHllace, defendaut. Upon due proof by allldavit, ihut Mary WaDace, the delendant in the above emitled canse, pending In thi conrt, resides out of the said State uf Micbl;au, and in State ol Indiana, and, on motion of J. F. Lawrence, sulicltor for complainant, it ia ordered that the said defendant do appi ar and answer the blll of complalnt.filed in the said cause, witliin throe monthtt Irom the date of thls order, elae the said lul] of complaint fliall be taken as confegBi'd; And fnrther, that this order be publiphed wilhln twenty days from thip date, in The Ann Anima Cotruiitu, a newspaper printed in the said county of Wasbtenaw, aml b" publNhed tbereln once In euch week for six weeks In succession ; uch publicailon, however, shall not be nececsary in otse a copy of thls order be set ved on the said defendant, personally, at least twenty days before the time hereiu preBCribcd lor her appearnnce. Dated, thls sixteenth day of March, A D., 1880. JAMKS McMAUoN. A Circuit (.'nurt Commlssioner in and for Wabbtenaw County, Micli J. F. Lawrknck, Solicltor for Complainant. 978-964. Drain Conimissloner's Notice. WHEKKAS, Application bas been duly made hy petltion In wiltlnK to A. E. Bnllock, Townshtp Drain Commlesloner for the Townehip of Salem, County ol Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to lócate and construct a ditch or drain in the Town, County and State aforeeald, and to run as lollows: Comraenclng on the south town line ot said townsblp at the corner, or at the bridge near tht? corner, of sections thlrty-fonr and thirty flvr, ruuninK northerly on the line between the landx of Watson Geer and Adnljihtis Giller ; Ihence lurt wem thf land of William wood and Sarah l-araw:iy ; thence northeasterly KcrnxK t!if landl "f William Witd and Saxon McCumber; thenre throuch tlu landn ii William Bussey as far as necessary, or to the Territorial road ; and Wiiehkas, Said Cmnmiswloner has determluod ihat there is sumcient canse for DAklafl suid tpylicni lon( aml furtbur that there are cirtaln nonresldents, minore and incompetent persons interested in sald ditch: It is hereliy directed, hy sald Commissiomr, that the ot Wllliam Uussey, Towuhlup, Cnuuty and Suite aforeaid, be and Is herehy appolnted as the place, aud the twenty-third day of March, A. I). issti, as the time, for an exauilnation of said application, at whlch time and place all parties iuterested in Ihe localion of sald drnin are hi-ri'by notifled to be present to consider satd appltctition. Ai.d itis lurther ordered that this notice be publlxbed in 'ihe Ann Arbor Courier, a paper printed and published In tbc County and Htate afores'iid, for three sinv.i'sslve weeks neïtbetore the suid tweuty-third day of March, A . D. 18S0. Dated Fehruary 24th, A. D. 1S80. K. A. BDLLtX K, Towii!hip Drain '. iu ru. i.rur. The time of meeting in ib above notice bas been adi'Mirncd mitil Tiusday, the twcntleth day of April, mm), at two o'clock p. m. A. K. BULLOCK, UB Wl Tovwiship Drain Commisxloner.