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Mack & Schmid

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CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE LADIES TO THE FACT THAT WITHIN THE NEXT TWO WEEKS A COMPLETE ASSORTIMENT OF NEW SPRING GOODS WILL BE DISPLAYED IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OF THEIR BUSINESS AT PRICES THAT ARE BOUNO TO TAKE THE PUBLIC BY STORM: Cholee Silk and Worsted Dress Geoda, Dorinu D'Indc, Drap Pomptidoiir, Satine Ottomane, Cro de !,.,., Tal. las, French and 1:111; lioh de Bcfse, all woul Tl o mi C'lotta, French and American all wool BiintingK, in all the dcsirable and color, al prive lar more reaMUiable than can be expected. Our Wlourning Department alwavs has its special attractions and special bargains. Our aslinur s pcciall) nolcd Tor color, benul) and ucar. W'v otter the most rcllable bik. nd i iiiiinil silk-. Examine our Remarkahle Bartfaiuw : l.a Favorite and L,jon KIn. k Silk at 1.35, 61.55 and 91.75, warranted to wear or tlie inoney refiindcd. Our low prlce we explaln by a fortúnate pur (MM, owin)[ to the uiipreeedentcd ITOCM of our ale or Eiubroiderle and Laces, we have made ENORMOUS PURCHASES. . Our .Kick i more than doublé il usual size. Cholee Einbroidcrie, Real Breton and Meehlln Lacea, tliili s. Lace Languedoc, Brabant Aleneon, Valcncieniie and Torchon Lace, l'nderclothing. The imrïiiiii in IliiH department, wliich crcaled nucIi a sur duriiiK the lusi two weeki, will be coniinued. The attention of the lr iimkir II dirt-cled to Ilie facl liial we are r-i 1n the larye! iissoi'iiiitiii of irss I riinmliiK" and OarnitureN, e priMii; saiins and Velvet in black and colon, ! kin Mri I and Brorade silk. üttripvd Sal in and Velvi-t, Sul ín and Moire, Frlnxen, Kibbon, Ituitonx and -iuis. Being convinced late lawt leaaon that Hiere would be a large advance in inercbanlisi-, we made our iniliass accordini;!)' and are thereforc enabled to oltVr our entlre tock of Bleaehed and Brown üheeline, shin iny. and Pillow ( TYIuslins, Deinino, I i kins. Bag and Battinfi, Crashes Table I.íim-iis, TowcN and apkin al priccü lliai cannol be duplicatcd b' parlleii Ihat are eompelled to at prlcea ruling to-day. All goods marked in plain figures and no deviation. All misrepresentation of goods strictly prohibited. imla-Cik: &c schmid. 778-781 .