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The Ann Arbor Courier

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FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1880. Cloalng and Opening of .Tlallo. Mails leavl ng Ann Arbor, East and West, wlll close as follown : OOIMO WKST. Wav Mali - 8:S0a. m. Throug' and Way Mali 10:50 a.m.and 4:50p. m. Way Hall between Ann Arbor and Jaokson í:Líp-mChicago aud beyond " " UOINIÍ KAST. iwtrolt Douch 8:3U a. m. Tbrou lïaud Way Mail 10:26 a. m., 4:80 p. m. Kaslern Mali dUtrlbuted at 8 and 10 a. m., 12 m. and 6:3u p. m. Westeru Man dlstrlbutd at 6:30 p. m. Cliloago Mali distrlbutedat 8 a. m. Jackïin Mail and Way Mali betweeu Jack¦on and Ann Arbor dUtribnted at 11 a. m. Mail bj Itailroad cUos at 11: 10 a. m. "ïï.'TSïïir trTLa, Webster and BrlKUton loaves Tuesdaya, Thursdnys aud Saturd&v8 at V a. m„ and Is received from these plac8 Moudaya, Wednesdays and rWay Tour o'olock p. m. CtLAH. Q. CLAKK, r. M. Travelera' Uulde. Train arrlve and depart (rom tbe Mlcnlgan o'entral Depot tn thls city as followi: TRAIN A8T. Atlantic Expresa. {¦ Nlgiit KxpresM 8. a. ra. Jackdon Aocommoilatiou 8.tó a. m. Oraud Hapids ExpreB 10.S5 a. m. MaU TkAÍNWE8T. Mali 8.4Oa.m. SiyExpreM "¦¦¦ Grand Raplds Expretw 5.A) p. m. Jackson lixpre. ¦ & p. m. Kveulna Expreas . - PiOlflc Express 11. p. m. AU tralns are mu by Chicago tlme.whlch is OOeen mluute slower than Anu Arbor time. rrtends of The Coarler, who have bainea at the Probate Court. will nl.'BHf reqaet Jad(e Harriman to ¦end thelr I'rlnting to tlii odlce.