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A skelching club composed of fifteen nienibers, has been orgaoized in the city. The brick and stone work on the new Baptist chureh has been let to W. E. Walker. _______ Prof. Friee is to receive $3,000 per year while acting as President of the Uoiversity. _______ The store forraerly occupied by C. H. Millen & Co. is being thoroughly repaired and refitted. ?? Rev. Mr. Ryder, of the Congregational ohurch, resumed his pulpit, aftertwo weeks llness, last Sabbath. The workmen on the new house of Dr. George, corner of Main and Williatn streets, are making rapid progresa. Several of the churches in this city dis played a beautiful array of flowers upon last Sabbath- Raster Sunday. The Greenback caucus in the third ward nominated WarrenE. Walker for alderman and Jasper Imus for constable. 17 signers to the pledge were secured last Sabbath aftornoon after Mrs. Schuyler had finished her addres. 29 signers Tuesday cvening. ____ Rev. Mr. Sunderland will preach next Sunday inorning on "The History of Uoitarianistu in America." Kvening subjeot, " Emerson." Railroad meeting last Friday in this city, when the extensión of the T., A. A. & N. R. R. to South Lyons was discussed and resolved upon. An oíd and experienced horse furrier living near this city, testified in court the other Jay that he had treated 36,000 equines in his practice. What patients- horse pa tience. _____ John Moore has been elected delégate, anl Prof. A. B. Proscott altérnate, by the Presbyterian society of this city, to attend the Detroit Presbytery, to be held in Hrii?hton. Anril 13th. The General Manager of the T. A. A. I & N. W. tnd the D. H. & 8. W. R. R's ' has appointed W. F. Parker, Supt., with , office at Ypsilanti, and B. F. Jervis, j tor, with office at Detroit ( If any of our subscribers have a copy of the Courier of Jan. 9th, 1880, with which they will part, they wilt confer a iireat favor ¦ by leaving the same at this office, as that issue ie missing from our files. Last week post uffioe orders were received at the Couribr office from thirty-two different states for Dr. Chase's Recipe Book, and one application for an ageney from the Grand Duchy of Hesse, in Prussia, and this is bat Kttle in advanco of the average week. Robt. L. Speechley, who lives about two and one-half miles eastof tuis city, showed uu two young meadow larks which he found in bis wheat field WedneBday morning last, They were nearly half-grown, and would have left the nest in a few days. How is that for early birds ? Had it nol been for the presence of mind of Chas. M. Jones and John Schumacher in stopping the stam pede from the opera house last Tuesday night, when the fire alarm wunded, there would undoubtedly have been serious consequences. It was a pretty close cali. Last week we noticed the fact that John Geo. Laubengayer bad appealed his sentence of 20 days in jail for drunkonness, to the circuit court. Pending the hearing in this court he again imbibed too freely of the intozicating fluid, was taken before Justioe Frueauff and fined $15 and costs. A charming ccntennial service will be held at the Unitarian church a week from nezt Sanday evening, in commemoration of the one huodreth birthday of Dr. William Ellery Channing. Six or eight wellknowo speakers from our own city and from abroad will deliver brief addresses. The keroseue street lamps of tha city are all being converted into gasoline lamps, acoording to a contract entered into some time sioce by the council. Tbe Belden gasoline proces will hereafter be employed, and it is to be hoped that a better light will I produced, and better satisfaclion given. This "oooking club" business which is "all the rage" just at present, looks to us pretty thin, as the saying goes. If a young lady really desires to learn the culinary art and k i tclicn mysteries, the most practica lesson she can get will be in her mother's kitchen. There will be no great trouble in finding plenty to do there. At the Republican city convention hele at the court house last evening, the following nominations were made : Kor Mayor- Benjamín Brown. For Recorder- Orvllle F, Webster For lUBticeof tho Peace- Andrew McReynoldH For Supervisor-lst and 2d ward- (onm. Krapf. Koi Supervisor -31 and 4tli wardg- Alonzo A regnry. Kor 8uperviaor-5th and 6th wards-Geo. H Rlioden. Memhen of tho city oommlttee- Dr W B Sinlth, lt ward A. lí. Roy, 2.1 ward ; Chas. K Hlscock, id vriird; .leromc C. Kniwlton. 4tr wnril L. B. Kellogg, 5th ward ; J. W. Hamll llton, 8th ward. There were four ballots for mayor, the last one standing : W. B. Sruith, 33 ; Benj Brown, 36 ; E. Olney, 1. Two ballots were taken for recorder, the first re'sulting : J W. Ilamiltonr 22; O. F. Webster, 37 Harry Hill, 9 ; W. C. Clark, 1. The sec ood itood Webster, 43 ; Harailtoo, 25. Geo. Renwick, who sold bia farm ia Northfield reoently, has purchased what is known as the Pinney farm, near South Lyons, for $9,000. We have been shown by Loreazo Davis, and old $5.00 bill upoo the Bank of Saline, dated Jan. lat, 1838. The name of S. T. Rich appears as President, with W. Cumutt as cashier. The capital is giveu at $100,000, pledged by real estáte. It is a valuable relie of the old wild cat days, aud as such highly prized by the owner. Mr. Hayes, the law student, who caused the " unpleaeantoess" at the reoent law oommenoement, says he was the victim of an attempt at black mail and persecution früin parties to whoni he had loaned amounts to the extent of some $250. He asked them to return the money and they " put up a job on him" for his generosity. That is his story as given your reporter. Mr. A. L. Noble has just oompleted the purchase of a bandeóme building lot on División street, the same comprising four and one-half rods front off the south side of H. D. Bennett's lot, and a portion of a lot in the rear bought of the John West estáte, giving him fourteen rods in depth, and oosting $1,800. Sometime in the future we hope to see Mr. Noble residing in a fine house upon this lot. The following is a list of the Republican iiominees in the towDship of Pittsfield : Supervisor, M. F. Caae ; clerk, T. Smurthwate ; treasurer, W. H. Donalson ; justioe, F. D. Rathfen ; highway commissioner, M. Cady. Towpship committee, H. D. Platt, W, K. Childs, O. M. Clark, 8. R. Crittenien aDd Geo. K. Sperry. Delegates to the aounty convention, O. M. Clark, David Wilsey, N. H. Carpenter and II. D. Platt. The question having been asked by those not ïnxving in the more active business circles, " who is Nelson Sutherland, the oandidate for alderman on he Republican ticket in the 3d ward?" we woukf iiuply state, that he is a gentleman born and raised in Washteoaw oouDty. lic purchased the Paul place, on Spring strcet, some two years ago, and ban resided there since. He is a now and alwtfys has been a Republican of stalwart stript-, an active and energetic business man, and one whoni we doubt not, if elected, will be an honor to our council, and a credit to himself, his party, and the ward he representa. In 1873 a party of seven young men of this city, consisiing of George Braithwaite, Wm. Clute, Oscar Tuoker, Geo. L. Moore, L. S. Lerch, C. L. Ludlow and Arthur L. Worden, pledged themselves to present each one uf their number with a handsome present, upon their marriage. Seven years have passed and seven presents have been purchased by these seven gentlemen, they alttfctvingmarried, in the order given above.' The first, Geo. Braithwaite - who has since died - was given a silver tea set, but the others were given silver water sets. Dr. Worden was the last of the seven. It will be noticed that as-sessmentsaveraged yearly. The Republicana of Ano Arbor town have nooiinated the t'ollowing ticket : Isaac N. S. Foster, lor supervisor ; Loreneo Davis, clerk ; Jas. G. Rash, treasurer : Henry K. White, commissioner of highways ; John C. Bird, justioe of the peace ; Warren A. Millard, superintendent of schools ; Evart H. Scott, school inspector; Chauncey H. Orcutt, Orlando Lathrop, Christian Braun, Thos. W. Howard, constables. The vote for supervisor stood. tor Poster 4C; for John C. Mead, 8 ; James G. Rasch and H. K. White, each 1. The Ann Arbor township Republican comraittee consiste of John C. Mead, 8. W. Shurtleff and Jeremiah Williams. The following resolutions portinent to the death of William H. Hall, member of the medical department, class of '81, have been passed liy his class: Whkkbas, It has pleased our Heavenly Pather, who goverus all earthly things wltb a more {han human mlnd, to remove from among us one of our number by death. and Whkkkas, Some trlbuie to the memory of our fellow-student and some token of syrapa thy to hls bereaved friends is emlnently meet anti proper, therefore, be It Jlesolvtd Tbat In the demlse of our frlend and classmate, Wir. II. Hall, we lose a man of noble-heartedness and worth, and be It üetohtd, That we tender to the grief-strlcken famlly and mournlng friends onr heart-felt Hympathy for thelr loas, and be It agaln Jietolved, That as a last aot of kindness and respect to the decetued. a delegation from the medical department attend the body to the train. Furthermore be It Btsolved, That a oopy of these resoluttons be transmitted to the farally of our late companlon, and also thnt tlu-y be sent to the city papen, for publtcation. LCQRAVE8 C. A. BABOOCK, D. N. DkTARR. At the namest solioitation of numerous ntereated parties the chief engineer of the fire department is to oonoect the 5th ward engine house and fireman's hall with telegraphic oommunication. The necesaity for this is great and the instances nunierous when such oommunication would be extremely beneficial. As a recent instance the fire alarm Monday night may be cited, whea the Mineral Springs House burned. Tbis alarm was not heard at the 5th ward engine house, the Republican ward caucus being at the time in session there. It will al-o be the mcans of saving tbe lower town boys many a weary run from a false alarm or small blaze, and in numerous and varmus ways, so many that eoumeration is not necessary, be of dvantage and convenencc. It is an improvement greatly needed, and the only wonder is that it has never been done before. The annual meeting of the V. C. T. U. was held on Tuesday last, and the following officers elected for the coming year : President, Mrs. O. B. Schuyler; VicePresident, Mrs. Mary Thompson ; Recording Secretary, Mrs. II. E. Frazer ; Corresponding Seoretary, Mrs. J. F. BUhop, Treasurer, Mrs. M. J. Daggert. A proposition received from Suaan B. Anthony to send speakers here from the Woman'sSuffrage Convention, to speak under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. was unanimously rejected. The report for the last year showed that fifty seven meetings bad been held, three petitions sent out ; three entertainments given ; sereral cases of suffering relieved, and some tracts distributad. The Union bas sent delegates to six conventions during the year, one having been held in Ann Arbor. Number of paying members about 110. Number of signatures to the pledge during the year, 202. Readers of the Courier will recollect an account published in the L-sueof Sept. 19th, respecting Rev. L. B. Gurley, of Delaware, Ohio, who preactaed to the Methodist people of this city fifty years previous. This aged laborer in the Saviour's vineyard was called to his reward one week ago to-day, at tbc ripe oíd age of 76 years. For the past four or five ycars he had sustained a superanuated rclation to the Central Ohio Conference. When twenty-five years of age he carne to Michigan and for quite a periodofficiated as circuit rider for this circuit, which at that time included some thirty charges, extending from Detroit to Dexter. In his visit to tbis city at the time of the M. E. Conference last September, he failed to find a soul who had worshipped in the church when he was pastor, so great are the changos time has wrought. He has been a faithful fbllower and expounder of Divine teachngs, and his reward will bc oomwensurate with his untiring labora.