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Mr. Wtlllam J. Howard, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Kngland, and Miít Maud Kelrey, of tbla city, were united in marriage on thc evening of the Ï4th of March, at the resldunce of Mrs. Mary K. Poster, on Weat Catharlne etreet. Friur to her marriage, Mre. II. was cngaged for several year In givlng initructlon In the art of elocntlon In Canada, as alto In our city, and varlous portion of our SUle. Dnring her reeidence In Ann Arbor sne hasTormeü many strong iriendsbipf, and ha become known very favorably, to onr Citizen in general, as a lady of talent and worth of character. During thc laat two years ehe has been a student m the law di-partmcnt of the Unlverslty, from whlch ahe graduated at tbe laat commencement. Mr. H. Came trom England to 8t. Thomaa, Canada, a few ycart aince, in which place he bas been engaged In jonrnallsm. He Ik a gentleman of culture and abllity. On the evening before mentloned, a goodly number of ladied and gentle' uien aesenibled at the home of Mr. Potter, where, at the hour of eight o'clock, Mr. H. and Mis K. were uuitcd In boly wedlock by the Bev. Mr. Alabaatcr. A very happy occasion pataed, and at a late hour tbe company left for their home wlth the hearty wltheB that the pathway of life for the bride and groom migbt be lorever one of great feliclty. O. N. L. WOKDEN- HÜTCHINS- On Tuetday, March 30, 1880, at the reeidence of the bride'? pa ent, in thl city, by Rcv. B. P. Cocker, aisisted by R. B. Pope, of Chicago, Artbur Lkland Wordbm aLd Míhh CarbiiÏ. lluicBiNs, botti of thia city. THOMPSON- GARLAND- March 31, by Rev. Dr. Mrowii, Mr. Lirot B. '1'hohpsom, of Nor alk, Ohio, and Mis LoTTix Uaklamd, of Ann Arbor.