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WA-STIIST DISEASES, r-C' II AS Antliiuii, Bronchitis, ('onHnmptlon, Kruin I liaii-t ion. 4'hronir C'oiiMtilinlliiii. i'hronlr IMmrliu a, lA i"1!1"'- or I.ohh of KEBVOITS POWER, Are poeitively and gpeedily cured by Fellows' Compound Syrup of HypophospMtes The mcrit of thit remarkable n-medy in dne to its peculiar propt'! t of restoring tlie watttud tissues of body to iheir original firmneu and vigor, lt is Ws9 kuown th;it lor BVOfy thought aud actlou there iiiüiii or ilt-riv of an amount of material proporli 'iiate to the magnitude of the tbought or Hciion. i'hir VMtl in MUpplicd by the unimpaired nutritivo tuuctiouH. The pri'CociouB iicttvftj of youtbt, the mhuniaiMic etrugglt1 for wealth ;tud turnt In the iniddle iigi-ii, and okl agv Usalf cause un anduu dtcay of lUMtcriül ii-mniö force. ijROSrrxtArrioNKihvin C'lay, ol rugwah. Nova Scotliti writct; ae IoUowb : Mr. Iambb I. Feixows, Sir,- llnvlng, while at your establishment, c&refulljr axamined your pretcriptions, und ttie method of preparing your Compound Syrup ot Hypophutphite, I feit nnxioa to glveitN fair trial in o)y prctice. Kor the Ust twelvc month I htiva dono bo. uud fiod that in incipR'Qt consumptlon. and other diecaseM of the throat aud lungs, ft Iihh done wonder. In restoring perrons PufterïnK from the effect of diptberia, and the cou'h lollowing typhoid tever, prevaleut in thle reglón, it ia the beet remedial tgnt I have ever ued. Hut for perrons stifTering trom exhuustion of the powwi of the brain and nervou fjstem, from lunii-continued otudy or teaching, or in those cases of exh.'iustion from which o many youug men Buffer, 1 knw of no battar medicine for restorntlon to tn'n th tlian yoor Compound Syrup ot nypophouphlloa. H. G. Addy, M. D., St. John N. B., writes as folio wa : Mk. James I. Fkllows, Chetnist, Dear -S'ir,- Having used your Compound Syrup of Hypophoephiteü for some time in my practlce, I have no hesiution in recommendtng it to my paiients who are fuffering from general debility, or any dlatW of the Ivon kaowlag tli:it, even in casen utterly hopelesf, it affordt relief. SOLD BY ALL URUGGISTS. íriok $l.6f) Psb BorrLK. 7V-9S9 L. s. Lrch, Agent, Ann Arbor. lastoriT Millions f Mitthors express their delight over Castoria. It Is nature's remedj for u.sMmilating the rmxl. Unlike Castor Oil, it is pleasant to take, and uulike Xorphlne Syrups, t is liarmlcss. Ca.storl retrn lutitlie Hu wc N, tlestrojs Wormg, Cures SOUR CURD AND WIND COLIC, and ailavs Fereri.shness. What gives health to the Child promotes rest for the Mother. Chlldren cry for PItcher's Castoria. It Is the most rellable, effectire and popular article dispensed b Druggists. ITEVER Slnce healius remedien taave bees aned by surrEniNG MAN has there been knmvn snch absolute Pain-relieving- agente as the CENTAUR LINIMENTS. They soothe. beal and care. Thcy CnU, Wonnde, Galls, Old Sores, Broken Breasts and Sore Nlpplcs ; Pain in the Back, Rhsumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia, Earache, Tetter, Pimples, Itch, Salt Rheum, and all flesh, bone and mnsde aumente o( Animáis ; Sl'BDI'K-Inilammatlon and Swellings; Boils, Felons, ülcer, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Croup and Quinay; EXTRACT- Pain from Burns, Scalds, Stlngs, Frost-bites, Sprains and Bruisea. The experiencc of centarles has made the CENTAUR Linimonts the most speedy and effective curative agents for OTAN and BEAST the world has ever known. The Centaur LINIMENTS have rcliovcd more bed-rldden Crlpples ; healed more f rlLlitfiil woundii and saved more valuable anlnialothan all o Uur linimuutu, ointmento, oils, extracta, piasters and so-caltcd "pain killere" and "kin carea" comblned. PliyHlclaii and Veterinary Surceona endorse tho Centaur LluLinem-. ; mlllioim of men, wumen and children In all countries nae tbein, and Hoaaekeepers, Parmera, Planters, Travele, Llverymen, Teamstern and Stock-growers, are their patrons. Tbey are clean, thev are liaiidy, they are cheap, and tlu-y are rellable. Tbere ie no che, pain, or wrlllug wbich they win not allevlate, snbdne, or cure. Sold throaghout THE II ABIT I BLE GLOBE for 50 ceot and 1.00 a bottle. Trial bottles, 25 cents. Catarrhal FOISON Wel De Meyer'n Treatlse on Oatarrh '¦xplutne the followint; mporum facts : 1. Ttiat Oatarrhal Coldt become a poisonous infti-tlon, at flrst local, and flnally constttulimal. 2. That, belne Coustltutlonal, the tnfection Is beyond the reach of mere local remedies. :). 'Jliat impuritiei in the noetrile are necessarlly swalloweii into the ttomach and inhaled Into the l'incjs, thus povsoning tbe Digestí ve, Keepiratory and Genito-Urinary organs. 4. Tlial Catarrhal virus follows tbe mucons membrane and canses Deafnéss, Dyspepsia, Cbronic Diarrhiea, Bronchitis, Leucorrbn-a, and Consnmp tion. 5. That Smoket, Douches, Iohalations, and Insolable Snnffí, cannot poftibly remove infections lnflaminatlon from tbe organs named. 8. That an antidote for Catarrb mnst possesa an an inocitlative afflníty for, and tbe quallty of belng abiorbed by, the purulent mucous wherever tocattii. liased upon these plain theorles, Ir. Wei De Meyer's Catarrli Cure has prored to be iufalllljle. It not only relieves, It cures Catarrli at inj ntae. Home tcstiilion : Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured W. D. Woods, 187 Broadway, N. Y., Cured of Chronlc Catarrh. F. J. Haslett, 859 Broadway, N. Y., 4 years CUrrh. O. L. Bruah, 413 Broadway, N. Y., 10 years Catarrh. 8. Benedict, Jr., Jeweler, (ffl Broadway, N. Y., (lady fnend), cured of Cbronic Huy tam, Mrs. Kmma C. Howes, 39 W. Washington Sqnare, N. Y., cured of 30 years Chronic Catarrh. Rev. Geo. A. Rel, 16 Jay St., Brooklyn " It rutored me to my ministerial labor. Rev. Chas. J. Jonct, New Brighton, 8. I. " Worth ten times tbe coet" Rev. Alei. Frees, Cairo, N. Y. "It has worked wonders in slx casen in my parish." L. F. Newmtn, 305 Faltón St., Brooklyn, enred of 4 years Chroiiic Catarrh. Mrs. J.8wartz,Jr.,2IKP Warren St., Jersey City, cured of 18 years Chronlc Catarrb. &c. &c. &c. ftc. &c. A real rure for this terrible innlady is the most important discovery for the relief of human suflVring -mcr varrination. Wei le Meyrr'H Catarrh Cure ie sold by all Druirgists, or delivered by D. B. Dïwey A Co., 46 Dey St., N. Y., for S1..1O a packtigc. To Clubs, six packnge for V7.5O. lr. Wl !¦ 1I-.vt"m TrcatiMC, with full explanatlonx and ovorwhlming proolï, Is poMt-all and sent free (o mij Ixxl j . M 1002- eow FARM FOK SALE. I will foll flrty acres of lnd, on the south iide of tbc road, brkk house, two barns and carriKe house; or ei;bty-ieven acrs on the norlh slde ..f the rund, lodndlng the J. Wlng place, with good buildings ; or will lell ibe whole farm comhined, ao purchaser may dcplrc. The land is located on the Dexter road, three and onc-half mllc west of Ann Arbor City, and Is In a very fine stte of cultivatlon. Tarms to sult purchasers. If not sold by April lst, I will let tbe smc on shares. Will also let the Pillmore farm of ouc huudred acres adjolnlng the above. 75tf J. W. Bradford.