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T OGS WANTE1). I wlll pay, at tbc Aim Arlior Kteam M mil!, for Wliitc or Swamp Oak Lok, trom t 8 to ÍH per M Kod Ok Bntt Log, sound 7 per M White ABh 10 14 per M Wbitewood 0 ¦ I MM M Bamwood S 1 P"r M Hickory - !'¦' M Uard Maple 1 per M Walont K " I" t M Uulternut W 15 per M Ked Kim 10 per M Wil] bny loge within four miles of my mili, if deeircd, and draw them. Persona havlng logs to sell re requeetod to cali and ee me aa soun as possible. . i Nov. 4, 1879. J. T. IIALLOCK. 969tf 1 Unscrupuloun parttes are fiüMly ropraaontim to consumera tlmt tbi-y aro öolling shirts of our manufacture. ftlilrta Jlmte to Order It na bear atfimp wiili Inl HM. luk on Yokf, Uiu: CHICAGO, lCINC[NNATI,J RMl.v-Mad Nhlrt bnu-itamp nlili lucl.lll.lo lul. on ïoke, ttaua: All Othersare Fulsely Repreaented. WILSON BROS. Irnportlng and Jobbing Men's Furnishers. 980-SW3 i The Only Remedy j Hthat acts at tuk samk time onI Jthe liver, the bowels, ¦ ¦ and the KIONEYS. L i 7%i combined actiongives üwoh-& m derf ui power to cure all dueaset. JWhy Are We Sick? Because we allow these great organ L Jto Jecom dogged or torpid, andU Upoinonous humors are therefore ora'dC lJ into tt Moed íiaí should, ie cxpelled W Unaturaly. ¦ BILIOl'SNESS, PILKS, CONSTIPATION, Li fi KIDNKT COKPLA.INTH, IWNUtV H II DINEASES, FEMAI.E k, HKMM, AND NEKTOUS II ¦ DISOKDEUS, f by caumng f ree tetiom of these orfjo7ism J ond restoring tlieir power to tliritw ojft} kditease. m Why Suffer Blllona palns and orhrs P H Why tarmentorl with Piles, Coiistlpition t ¦ 1 J Why frightenedOTerdisordered Kldneyj I P ¦ Why rmlure nerrous or lek headoclical I Why hare sleeplesa nighu t U Z7m KIDNEY WORT and rejolcé inl j KtaUti. Itlta dry, vegetable compound and II ¦ One packc will mukc lx jtof Medicine. L J Öt ü o JW'ir Drugmst, he toill order Uw or you. Price, $1 .00. T WILLS, EIJEASSMH 4 CO., Prcprfoior, il 2 WUIodpoilpM.) Burlington, Vt. f, 954-1005-ch e w ¦ VAWTABLE TRITTHM. wO If youaresufferinfrom nooT hralth. or lantfulghInf on & bed of Kiiknews, lakt obacr, lor Hop Blllera ill (ure Yon. If yon are a mlnlater, &nd havo OTertaxed ymrelf wlthyour paírtoralduticü; or a niothur. worn outwiUic&reaiidwork.or f you are pimply ailinï' if you feel weak onU dlplriUd, vriUiuut cloirlï knowlng why, Hop HiitiTH wlll Krntorr You If you are a man of bnIness, wcakened by the tmln of your cveryday dutka; or a man of letttrs, toiltng over your mldni#kt work, Hop Bitters will StrciiElhrn You. If you are younp, and sufferinff frora any (ndis cretiou.orarfKro-.viugtod fat, at. is uf teu the' cuso, Hop Bittera will Relieve Yon. If you are In the worknhop, on the farm, at the disk, anywhere, nnd foei that ytmr - eleanalng. or stlmnLlimr without Intoxl. atlmc, Hop niltera Is Whae You Need, If you are oíd, and yonr pulse la ferblo, your nerrea unateady, and your xacultjes vrauiuig , Hop Bitters lll jou New Life uud Vlcor. Hor OOOOH Cua Is the sweetot, nafeMt and beat. ¦ Ank Chlldren. One Hor Pi for Stomaeh, I.lrcr nd Kldnoys !s ... 1 TUrtoallothors. Cureaby absorption. It is pi;if. ct.B D. LC. lHan tliwi.hltt. and irnsiI:ïilt. rur.. fui (ir.uik I ennem, use of opium, tobáceo aud narcotica. abort foid by IrnreL-tt. Hop Biuer Mfi:. Co, B huUT, N.Y.B 76-980 DANDELION Dr. Whtte'e Dandelion Alterative, the Great Blood Pnrifler and Kenovator. A ept-ciftc tur Liver ComÊtaint, BflioiiMiKs, Chille and Kever, Dyspepela, .idney Dieease, Kheumatlsm aud Constipatioa of the Bowels. Kemovee pimples and sallownecis frotu the skin, prodncing a clear complexión. It ie purely vegetable, perfectly harmless and pleasaiit to take. Pint bottletj only $1, acd every bottle warranted. PULMÓN AEI A, %X "4 for Conghs, Cold8, Astbma. Broocliitiu, Cronp, Whoopine Cough aDd Inciplcnt Consumption. Flfty cents per bottle. Laree bdttlen 81, and every bottle warrauted. For sale m Aon Arbor by Kberbach A Son, and drugglets everywhere. .59-1010 %Hf rK I fK f w gnl A PHY8IGIANS TE8TIM0NY. 80 Years a Physician. 12 Years s Sufferer. Tried Regular Remedies. Tried Patent Medicines. Fe- - nently cured by SANFORD'S RADICAL CUitJ. ME8SR8. WKFKB POTTKU, - kin : 1 have prao ttoed medicino lortliirtv yeara. aud have been a afferer melf for twelre juars with c.'atarrb In the W ¦" . f '"¦' ¦ iMid lry. ¦; 1 baya uwd every. tblng in tho materia tut lica ltlio;it Hiiy permanent reller.unillLn..:!; ..:.¦ ..! ¦ . ' . ¦ , .. , m-nt medicine (omcthlnir thnt we a'lo;alln ¦ i,u vcryloth ro do). Í v'.V1 - -and rllrtr. Ihcra u u.i 1 a utliold of your. I f"llowcd the direct Ion to . i d nm Lnppy ïR-ÏK l"vo hid ' peroiaiwut nr. Vuur kadic'ÁL CY ?''¦ " certulnly a happy eot-ililnatlon for Ihe cure of that most unpleasant and ol diheiues. Yonr. rrp rtfuMy. i, w. o ry, m ii.t Of Ir. D. W. (írav A I. i „nd Drugdata, Muteatlne, lawa,. MrCATiNK, Iowa. Mareh T,, 1877. The valne of thlj remeUy munt not be crrcrlooked in the cure of tliosu SYMPATHETIC DISEASES, Affortlons of th' Kye, Enr, Tliroat. Lunn and Rronchlal rubea whlcli In uiany caaea acutnuany a sevore c:iae of Cutan !i. iMtanvd nnd .l'nuvil eonditlon of tho luiicoua nicmbr.uie la tlie cimae or all these irouble; tnd oiull lila tc:n h I n brontfht ;.ropcrly uni! rt ¦ Intl wn.-e - i the RADICAL l KRK i1''?? t"'eiom 'rom tu'u tanuot bi: reitaonably exit I; but three vearn RVNFOP.D'S RADICAL ' l V.r. i pl.iced pulille, lm In thnt horr 'imi It h f, umi I ¦ way frwii Jl.dne to Onllfornln nu.l wture acktvwIrdK-d lv . Ulfíf!t and pl.yslelaru ii be the ïn-jst eucc.riil utvpnr.itlcn fir tlic. tnoroiuhfreaTmei.tofrata uandcd. The f.irt will he deenied of moni Importan v.u'n it la ¦; ;l thufctat :.. -M t'oit w;:liln ilve yoars over J) dUcreiii r :-cdn s fur at irrh liav-i boen placed on air, a'.id t5-d.y. 'uli One ür tv th Ir nnmea vannot reralled by tho bett-1 : jrmed drilfrj(lt. A.ivetllalng miv laccc-d In ín clni f-waale" nnu-M rcn.edy rosca und.nihi l . nicdl-.l p-opertles. It tg biolutely (-crti-.ln to t uerltodobacurlty. . ackaije ..f SANFORD'S RADICA1 .! -A'r' canfor i íniprov d Inhallnu i utrcctloni for Hu oe i i al) caai'a. Price 1 1 t nll wNolcêalcand reuil druiitli-ts aud r. tl fniti-d stut. ¦ and i inadaa, tvi TKK, Ooiirul Ajenia aud Wlioiesalu DruKKlMi, IJ VOLTAIC PLASTER 13 SIMPLY WONDERFUL. Kingston, .Víiíjn., í Aurll 'ïK I8T7. ï I con'tliïcr ColLl h" Voi,taio I'LAisTKit the heat pliuiter I ever ftuw, mul uiu rccomo-cudiDK them to all. C. McMokkow. I!i mk, III., April 18. lS77. ï It liaxlone my boy moro good than uil otlitT iueillclut;H. h DOiV coe to school, for tho flrut tlinu in three vears. Eliza Duffixld. Emma, III., ) April a, 1877. t I ÜkettH'OMi' lK"t wrl!. Tliry are the licnt jlatL'ra, no doubt, In tin; worM. Ö. L. McGlll. Aph ükivi, Mi)., March íi, 1977. Accept my thanks for tho Itoutl tl rlvea from the twoCoL1 1..-' I'lamtxics ftcnt me nomo Unie atfo. v. 0. Mookk. COLLINS' VOLTAIC PLASTER for IochI iiiilnu, Uim'ii'fB. sorenrs, weakawa, nunibUKá, and l:iil .mui. n :- i oí Uifl liiütf, Uvar. kidm-yK, ph'cn, b iwi :-, hl UI r. ti-t, und tnuscK'B, )¦ rqnal to an anny of duel uf plants and nhruus. Frico. ?5 cent. Soll hv al! Wholenalü nnd Itctill PruRífim tnrouarhout the t'niicii ,-,i.i;, ¦ mui Canada. and ty wkkks 4 POTTKK. Proprl ton. Boston, Mtika.