
' ;oifntHi)inr.. F JX" "¦¦cck SS3] ! _ AWL CANADA. __ 1 FAMILY MEDICINES. ! The orlginator of I)r. Himp Famlly MU- eines 1h tlie author of lp. 'liane "m Keel pen ; or, Information ror Kverjbody, and otlier Itccipp HookH benrlng hls name, and were brought about tbrough the InqnlrlcK of many of the purchasers of hls Bookx for gomethlng to meet thelr llngering and oompUoated ills,.;imi1 cc milii huis, which they did not nnd descrilicd In hls Books. Tlieproprietorshlpof the Medicines, and the business management of the same, having passed Int tlie hands of the DR. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE C0MPANY WITH HEADQJUARTERS AT JDTÖ. CHASE'S STEAM 11 HOUSE AAW ARBOR, MICII., We would gay to the public, that they can rest H-.Mii. a that Ir. Iihn.-h Kaiuily Medicines wlll glve them a greater satlsfaction than any others, for the Dlsease for whlch thelr ñames Indícate them to have been prepared- equal to thatof hls Books over all otlier books of a similar oharacter, as shown by tbelr sales, whlch have exceeded the salea of auy other, reachlng over one niillion copien. Glve them a trial, therefore, nd know for yourselves. Is all we usk. DR. CHASE'S öoughandWoundBalsam Has been found the qulekest and most certain cure of Coughs of any prcparatlon In use; also qulckly rellevlng Hoarseness, Sorenesa of the Thrmit or Luugs, Pain orTlgbtnesi across the Chest, Bronchitis, Clergyman's Sore Throat, and Consumptlon In all lts earller stages, Whooplng Cougli, Croup, etc. l'rice I per Bottle, or 0 Hot t les Tur L5. DR. CHASE'S DYSPEPTIC CORDIAL AND BLOOD REGENERATOR Prevents and cures the Pain and Dlstress of the Dyspeptlc after meals, and for Purifylng and Renewlng the Blood, qulckly toning up the Stomach, and Invigoratlng the whole System. Frice $1 per Bottle, or 6 Bottles for $5. DR. CHASE'S Liver 1 Anti-Bilious Pilis For curlng the Dlseases of the Llver, and correctlng Blllous condltlons of the System, as well ji-s for all Cathartlc purposes. Sugarcoated ; selling for L3 cents per Box, or 5 Boxen, poHtpaid, ror SI. DR. CHASE'S AMERICAN LINIMENT AND PAIN ERAQICA.7OR Is a double-strength Lintmem, eralicHtltibc' terual or external Pain quicker and more permauently than any other In use. Two slzes,- 50 cents and Si,- or 6 large Bottles for 5. DR. CHASE'S MEDICATED PLASTE R Is put up In Roll or Stick Form, whlch wlll spread a dozen Piasters, glving a strengthenlng and heallng Piaster for two cents not equaled by Uiose for whleh you pay two shllllngs ; selling for L5 cents per roll ; flve rolls, potlpaid, l. Dr. CHASES CiñRRH SNÜFF Is for the qulck cure of "Colds in the Head," and doing all for old Chronlc Catarrh that niciliciiH' eau do. Selliug for 54 ets. per bottle. IX OIÜM K!. Any ol tnese Medicines, (lf your Drugst has not eot them,) or for any furlher Information in relation U thcrn, address the Dr. A. W. CHASE MEDICINE COMPANY, Ann Arbor, Ilich. 966tf FERDON LUMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Hasaractnrer nd Dealer In SACINAW 6AJV6-XAWBD LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. We Invite all to glve un t. cali, and examine oni stock before puichatilnK elttewheru. ALSO AGENT FOR JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SKLLS FIRE BRICK. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. T. J. 14 KI II. Hiipl. fcb.12,:: ALL FORMER YEARS OUTDONE. 356,432 C3-S31rXrilÑrE SINGER SEWIM MACHINES SOLD IN 1878, BEINU . 7,'l,()2O More Than In Any Prevlous Ycar. WK WA MUNT EVBKY XACUIHS 0Ln BT Ufc SOME VERY HAED NUTS TO CEACK Int. Companles havo BprnnK up in eTery part of tbe I Union for makioit an "ImiUUipu SI:ikt Mnchine." Wfiy are not ëlmilar companies formeit for making Imitation of other SewitiQ Machinti t l'he public wlll draw tu own infiruncc. Qold U ontinwUly counterfelled ; ortut and tin ntver .' ¦M. The iiiKür hu takn the riB.T Prlze oyer íll compctllorH more tlmn two iuxdiud timks Wli v f AftertheChicagoFirethel4:lu;f Coininitiut: und, rtook tofumish uwlng machincjutothc neoily women of that city. Aiipllennta were permltted to ebooêa Irom elx ditieriut kinda of machini. 2,944 applii-anm wero luruipüod wiih ma' litii.c ; 2,IJ7choie Siugor Machine, aud 517 dltributl thelr cholee amone the flve other Kinds of machine. Thee.' girln cru to KAll.N THKIR LIVING OIJ thcee UlKCUlUDB Vb' l"' they take SliiKera KSF luriher naniculaie cali ou AT THE SINOBR OVFICR, 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Who wlll wil yon a Sewlng Machine chcuper than iiny oltx-'i man. 1 am aireut alo for the DOMKSTIC hikI lur the NSW W1IITK, the mout popular duw machine In the world, havlng irainod a ale exceeded only by the Sinter, in the nhort pace of two yeari.. KEPA1RI.%6 s Specialty- Singfrs Hade as (ood m New. Wtf I. L. GKINNELL, Ann Arbor. All kimlM or Book-Bindlnc ilone at The i'ouiiiT ofllce on hort atice.
Patent Medicines
Dt. Chase's Family Medicines
Dr. Chase's Steam Printing Plant
Ferdon Lumber Yard
Jackson Sewer Pipe Co.
Singer Sewing Machine Co.
Sewing Machines - Sales & Service
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Dr. A. W. Chase
James Tolbert
T. J. Keech
I. L. Grinnell
17 S Main St