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Only 50 Cents A Bottle

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I lic 1 iij Railivay Conipany of ('hieago ivorku l,;o Horwi. Read u hal Superintendent Squtreg has i wy : We use exclusively Whittier's Liniment. It will pay all owners of horses to cali or writo. M. W. SQÏI1RÈS, Sup't. C. C. R. Co. The i:pre-. 'om pan ) workt 37O llore. Keud whal Superintendent li ii i í; li I han to .aj : I have been using Liniment on the horses of the American and Uflited States Express Coiupany stables for 24 yean. I never met any that had one tenth the merit of' Whittier's Linimeut. Our stables are open. Gal! and &ee for yoursolvcs. H. KNIGIIT, Sup't. U. S. Ex. Co. The Transfer onipmi) of iiioao wurk 7 I Horse. llctul hal W ¦!. YOl'KG & CO. have to mi y : 124 Michigan Avenue. - Whittier's Liniment should be in every barn. It ha? real merit. The oo ni rao tor Tor ol' the eity uoiU 834 Horscfc. litar lial V. T. HO I i IIKISN A CO. huve to ay : Whittier's Liniment will cnre more horses iu one day than all others in a month C. T. HOTCHKISS & CO., Street Cleaning Contractors. Soratelies, ïrea-d Heel, Tliru-h, Oalled SpoiN Trom any cause, heal up in froin two to three appllcatlonü, and you eau uiirk the horwc evcry day, and you cun eure liiiu al the miiiic time. II will tak e out all iiiflainmatioii in a few moment. There is no Remedy on Earth that Equals Whittier's Liniment for Rheumatism. II will have the name elfect upon the human. PI lei, Scrofuta, Krald llead, Catarrh, Himples or l{ll Ik on Faee or Itody, Old Sorc, or i'rooii Cata. DR. S. WHITTIER, NO. 2O4 EAST WASHINCTON STREET, CHIC4CO, ILL. FOK SALE Bï H. J. IIKdHV A CO., N AU KOK. WW-Kníl- oow