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The Manner In Which Some Mothers Act With Their Children

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Bonton Advertiser. 8 a youtiK woman with a liltle child. An angelic child. This ín no cotnrniin creature, and it would bu ditiieult t exagérate her beauty. She is as delioaie and dainty as a f'airy. At fint one only sees the lovely picture of roy che;k.H, deep blue eyes, made quite angelic by duik lx-lnM - the enolianting, lauguing tuouth, abaolutely illuminated by the sweet baby teeth, and the finishing touch of a loóse, yellowcurl showing below the white oap. Very bood, however, any wotnan notioei that she is not only becominnly, but very expenively dressed, and when it becouies manifest that the mother is probably the wife of a mechanic, it occurs to one to wonder what would be the emotiuns of a European mother of this class on seeing a child of hers arrayed in all this lace, embroidery, and the softettt and snowiest of' woolen wraps. At once all eyes are drawn to this sweetest of'sweet things - a beautilul child. The fir8t person to notice her is a pleasant-looking man, who sits with hi.s ilc in a wat next the baby. Suinething ahout them niakes one feel that this is a chiliiWs pair. The baby at this moment is half sitting, half lying on her mother's lap, kicking up one little redshod foot against the next seat. She is almost the only unconscious creature in that car as she lies there perfectly hap py and at case. Friendly man stretches out his hands toward hor. Up spring! the mother, and with a nervous hand seizos tlia little foot, pute baby in a convenient attitude, saying, "Why, Maud 1 Your foot does not look very prctty up there." "What is jour name?" anks the man. The baby, bless her heart ! haa nuw worked herself down agaiu into her protty attitude, and again kicks up the little red foot, making no answer to tbc stranger. Again the mother seizet the foot, glancing anxiously around at us all, and repeated : "Why, Maud ! Teil the gentleman what your name is; teil the gentleman wliut your name is, Maud. Maud ! teil the gentleman what your name is." Baby is gazing happily now at a bird in a cage hanging near, and visible through a rent in the paper oover ; but the mother cannot leavc her in peaee, and begins a vigorous pushing back of the vellow hair under the cap. We all can feel how it polk. This done, she stiffcns up the angel in hor lap into an attitude of a wax doll, and begins the exhibilion again. "Can't jou teil the gentleman how old you are?" "Most two," the baby answers iromptly. "Ou, no ; not most two," the uioiher eays solemnly, "two years old, Maud; say two years old." And then - Maud, say this, and Maud, say that, is repeated over and over, the little vietim being shown off and put tbrough her paocs, without a mouients peace or rest for so long that it inakes one's ears and heart ache. It is a relief when the friendly man -trotches bis arnis to the baby in a gentle way, and uhe raiso hor blue eyes to hit;, and seeing that jearning look thcre which a love of childron often putu into a man's eyes, and which even a very yoting baby knows how to read, straihtway holdn out her arms to him, and ha lif'rs her uver the back of the seat with that expresfcioo, wholly pieased and half .vurprised, becoms one who has received the highest of compliments - -the confidence and preference of a little child. How have any of us ever deservod that the kingdoni of heaven should be given right into our arms? For a few moincnts our dcar baby was allowed to rest in this quiet man's arma, play wilh his watoh, to hunt through his pockets, to be Iet alone to do whatever she pleased. lt was not long, however, before the iuodior began i-truggling in an omiuous way wil.h har traveling basket, and then, w hile baby was entirely quiet and happy, watchini; ih" roflection of the lamp on the bright watch, a large piece of what looked like pound-cake mm pMd over to her by her njother. It was hard to nee her put her little white teeth into it, and to judge fronj this what the ordinary diet was likely to be ; hard to glanoe from the beautiful peachlike cheelc of the child to the sallow one of the young uiother, which, together with the fragüe, brokep American teeth, told the story of chronic dyspepsia and general debility. Is this what our blooming baby is coming to ? She throws the eake on the floor, thank heaven, but eats the rest carelessly and without appetite (there is no inember of Bi F. 0. present to prevent this caso of cruelty to children), and then standing for a moment ou tlw mm's knee she glances up, and through the narrow window in the roof of the car she catches sight of the moon. "Moon!" she shouts with an enchanting laugh. "Moon up high I " then up go her darling hands and slie calis, "Moonie ! mooniel Come moonie I " "Why, ghe nevir did that before," aid her uiother. "Maud, sit down and teil the gentleman where you went with parper. Where did you go with parper, Mand? Maud, where did ffo with parper?" The daai clieks are growing too red now. "Water," she says, as t-he is dragged down from the comnanionship of the skics. "Water, water." It becomes a moan, and wethink of the pound cake. "No, there ain't no water. Marmer can't get you no water. Water is all gone. TeH the gentleman where you are goinjr, Maud." "Water," moans the baby, and turns her flaming cheek toward her inother, stretching out her hand to her, "water." "Water is all gone ; perhaps there'll be a boy round with water byme by," says the mother. "Teil the gentleman where you went with parper, Maud. Teil the gentleman where you are going, Maud." My journey is endcd. Poor baby goes further, night though it be, and the last words I hearas I leave the car are - "Can't you teil the gentleman where you are going, Maud?"