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A new opera house is to be erected in Fliut. No city could better afford it. There will be cut on the Menominee river 300,000,000 feet of loga this mmoo. The Big Kapids Herald man, O. D. Gliddin, haa been wrestling with the meisles. A new Lutheran churoh at Franken meuth, Suifinaw (Jouuty, fa to be mtetta imuiediately. The Congregationalists of' Greenville, have placed au 1,800 pound belt in their church tower. 'I'he checker playera of Michigan prnpose to have a state tournanientat Lansing soine time this spring. Thos. Cotterotl, of Nilef, has been tenteneed to the Jackson 6tate prison 14 years, for ussault with intent to murder. 'I'he C.iitral Michigan bee-keeipr' association will convene in Pioneer Hall in the capitol, at Lansing, April 15th. The U. S. court recently sentenoed Allibdb DenniaoD, of Charlotte, to two years' iiuprisonment for paasin? oountert'üit jireenbacks. Tbc Toledo & Milwaukce H. R., via Alliion, i.s wliat excites the people of the latter city just at present, and they propase to have it built. The daughter of (ïongiessman R. G. Horr, of East Saginaw, lias been so seriously ill that her father returned from Washington receotly to see her. Miss Gertrude Wilcox, of Adrián, hung herself on April Ist, in the woodshed of her father's house. She was undoubtedly laboring under a fit of temporary insanity. The officers of the Citizens' National Batik, of Fliut, havereturned the house and lot deedud them by Uolouel Lochhead's tuother in-law to save hiui froui prosecution. The Chicago & Urand Trunk Railway, formerly known as the I'ort llurun & Lake Michigan, now runs into Chicago, arrangements to that effect having been completed on the 28th uit. llarry A. Conaut, of Monroe, thegentleiiianly Kepublican senator trom that democratie county, has been appointed consul at Naples, Italy, and will leave for that place early in May. Hon. Edgar M. Marble, of Ionia, for some years past assistant attorney general for the Interior Department at Washington, has been appointed by the President Comuiissioner oi' Patenta. One ( 'tuis. Canfield, a wagonuiaker, resident of Clio, Genesee Co., a member of the village board of trustees and president of the Cho cornet band, recently " litout," luaving several savage creditors. Augustus C. Baldwin, jndge of the 6lh judicial circuit, has resigned nis position, to lake effeot April 15th. It is thouvht exjudge Levi B. Taft, of Pontiac, will be appointed by the governor to fill tho vacancy. The compositora on one of the Bay City papers have ttruck tor a raise from 20 to 25 cents per thousand m's. Twenty cents per thousand is pretty sin ill pay for a man to earn a living by, e.specially if he is a man of family. The Chebnyian Tribune wan;s a signal station estabhíhed at that point, and says that " why ihey should be placed at very unimportant points and not there, is a qustion it would take a very wise man or a fooi to answer." Uenry Holden, a freight conductor upon the F. &P. M. R. R., feil between two cara of a moving train, while passing from the caboose to the engine, last Sunday, and was killed. The accident happened near Sanford station. The pastor of the M. E. Church at Greenvïlle, Rev. J. W. Reid, has been suspended from the ministry because hecouldo'tresiat the temptation of dabbling in optiona." The conference next fall will denl with him f'ur tin; nffrrm Dr. A. B. Spinncy, (if Detroit, was taken suddenly insano lastThuisday, without any premonitory symptoms. Physicians pronnunce the case one of typhoid pneumonía with oerebral affection, and consider insanity only temporary. The Allegan Journal charges that Fied. W. Carlisle, the uew seorétary of' the Republican State Central coinruitteevce Hon. R. E. Trowbridge, was in the Audy Johnson movement ia i his State, and consequently don't like the selection. The attempt to assassinate Proseouting Attomey Hairc, of Jackson county, by an unknnwn man rccently. istermed by one of the Jacksnn papers a Hairo breadth escape." Such a play upon words upoo such an occasion, ia enough to make one'sllaire .stand on end. The earnings of the Michigan state prison last yearwere $88,355.23, and the expenditure $84,095.81, leavinga surplus on hand of' $4,259.42. The average nutnber ol intuates during 187Ü was 792. The land belonging to the prison is rapidly beiog placed under cultivation. Grand Rapids is nothing without a sensation or an anouialy of juie kind. The Iate8t thing waa the unititig of Republicana and Demócrata in tbe nomiuation uf' can didates for city offioers. It proved too strong L team for the Greenbackers however, and was suecessful at tlie polls. The sharper, it seeras, will always find plenty of victimsevenin this land of schools and enlightemuent. In Van Buren county receutly they have made several big haulH by getting farmers to sign what purported to be a contract for an Igtoqy of a patent gate wheel, but which proved to be a promisaory note. It is stated that Mrs. Ellen White, the Advent prophete, of Battle ( reek, bas had a visión, and in that visión the Lord expressed a desire that all the fuithful of that faith should deed her their property. Such a visión should have appeared to the brethren, and not to the would-be assignee. The brethren are stiff-necked about it. The Alexander House at Grosse Isle, below Detroit, a noted sutumer reaort, was burned to the ground on Thursday moniing of last week. Nothing was saved but a portion of the furniture on the tirst fluor. The loss estimated at $30,000, with $20,000 insurance. The house was erected in 1873 at a oost of $50,000. The fire is supposed to have originated from sparks frum the kitchen range, which had been hcated up for house cleaning purposes. If the state papers would be more careful about calling the school for the deafand (luinli and the blind, at Flint, by its propw name, instead of terming it an "asylum," which it is not, in any 6cnse of the word, they ïuight be tbe mcans of dispelling the too generally accepted conclusión that the institution is of the nature of a hospital. It is nothing more nor less than a school for the educution of these two classes of children. Ilon. Juhn f. Bagley, of Detroit, has presented the 8tate School for indigent children at Coldwater wit h a $ I ,(K)0 8 per oent, school bond, of the city of Flint. The interest only is to be expended each year in buying presents for the fatherless and motherless children gathered theie. Wbon the liond is paid the capital is to be reiovested, uiakint; the fund perpetual. The gift was in memury of a ruuch beloved daughter, and made on the lsth unuiversary of her death, March 27th.