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Annexation Of Canada

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A resident of Chicago writes to a London paper, the British Empire, giviDg to the world the following startling story - we will not say f acts, just yet : "The questioD of reoiproeity between Canada and the United States has paased the commercial bodies, and is now before the American Congress. The way is being smoothed and made easy, and the momout a troafej ja mado and rotitinl. ilTUKWation foUows. The plans are all laid, and before England has time to open her oyes, Canada, as a British colony, will be a thipg of the past If the yearly drain on the national wealth is so enormoas now, what will it be be when British goods are vinually excluded from the American continent, aud England forced to buy all herfood requirements from foreign countriee, and pay for them in oash ? A large proportion of the peopleawcilth' is directly and indirectly investcd abroad. True, it has hitherto paid interest to a great extent ; but a large proporiion of the securities held for this invested capital are not worth the paper they are writton on ; and, with tinpland's decline, theday isfast approaohing when both principie and interest will be repudiated. If this steady drain is ïept up for a few years more, land in Britain will not sell for even L10 to L20 per acre, or equivalent to eighty per cent. of the landed wealth will have vanished out of isight. How ridiculous all this looks, but how often has the world been startled by the sudden and utter collapse of some gigaotio mi)neyed firm or intitution thouht to be so pro8perous and rich that failure was iiupossible ! It will be the same with England if she continúes her pressnt fisoul policy ; and before the end of the nineteenth century thora ujay be a littlo island nauifd Eng land and Scotland, but no British Empire."