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Kook and Iüií iU.ue Notices. Tuk i'ivir. f:ofüRiRSTop MlOHIOAM, wlth chapten on tbe polltloal macblneiy. and the (iovernineut of tbfl ruiii-d suites. By W. J Cocki-r, A. M., .Superintendent of School, Adrián, Mlcli. Pöbllihed by Klclimonds liackus i Co., DetroH. Th is work is MM wlii'-h exerv editor, lawyer, doctor, minister, teacher, politician, or other porson desirous of knuwing and understauding the lunctions of' mir State gov(riimont, should have at hand. It is extruuely valuable lo public men and teacher, epeciaTly, in tpat the whole workings M tlif State Rov'ernment is aocurately portray.J. Deüigaed uiore especially for a teit Look for our dchool.s it not only fully merts fluit ciriaiiily want, but commends it-elftoevery Citizen of the commonwealth from tho fact that the knowledge ooptained therèiq is soiuething all ghould' iticiniukrhly uiidersland, thuugh preciousfew do, ! f every elector would purchase a copy of tUs-Work and owreast anot her vote anti] he could do .o intslligeotlj', it would not only be kater for hinjgerf, but for the State in n bieh he live.s. There aro no waste pages in tbe 306 and upwards. The letterpreea might have heem iuiproved upon, but thfl sot)jeO( matter ii would be difficult to prodom in better nhape, or in a more ihnruuiih mauiur. It ia well worth the price, and we couimed it to our people in {etteral ás -('II a ro the different school wards and offieers of the State. The volïme is not sufficiently large to be unwieldy, but just about right to be usnd either as a text book or a work of ref'erence. The au'hnr, W. .1. Coöfcer, is a son of Rev. B. F. UockeroftheUniverMty, agradtt til tltO ' I ..¦,! iuruvriul;cai a rufidout of thlS city. HlHTOKY OF .lollN SHtHMAN, S. ( n -tiiiv ol the Troanury, contalDfng :i ditalleil account of hls lifciiiKl pnhho servil. l'iil.lis] ,1 by II. W. Derby A Co., Culuinbus, olilo. l'rliè l.UOi The thanksof the Conti er office are due the publi.-ihers fur a ebpjj of this entertainbgpook. It seertia ve-y opportune, and quite accidental, of coiirse, thatthe author, Kev. S. A. Bronon, D. ])., should have chüsen tliis particular time for the publication of the work. It may be a portion of (he plan inauirursted by Secretary Sherman wiih wliich to secure the Presidenlial uoounation, but the readws of American lii-tnry, or the biitory of Amerioan stati .suioii, I! bö thankful Devertheless, that tlie ork bas keen wied. It not only nárralos, in ;in entiTtaining manner, the oouipe Secretary SLurwo his pvisoad during i ;i-t ïiv .nty-tive years of political lifc, but also givt.s quitó an idea of the history of this country durirtg llie samelength of tiuic, wliicli we all kiiow to have been the mostexeitingthiough which it lias ever I. and inuludi'S whe whole of that vast eries ofevents which, beginDing with the ui)iisintt in the nortli aainst the fraud involved in the Utewi r-irrroion, enjhraces theülgauiz.iUuii .i' tl, Kr..;1rniy y liean party and itisplendfd strupple for the Preuidency in 1856; tlie local triutnph ol' frrc Insututiöns in Knnsas and Nébruka, despite the iniiniiit:s o) the Ij'comton eonstitution and Üm allianee betweon Buchanau's admi .istratioD and the slave power ; the political campaigo of ISfiO and the election of Abraham Lincoln, despite the threat of traitors to detroy thegovernment if they could no longur rule it ; the attempt to exeu'itothistlirtat in líítil, and thebloody four years war that ibllowe J ; the reoonstruction measures that were adopted after the war ; the defcetion and itDpeèóhmeni of Andrew Johnson; the rürnipWioii and adoption of the conatitutional ainoiKlineots ; the revival of the rebcllion in the south in the form of a cons racytodeprive the southnrn friends or the ('ilion of thcir oi vil and political ridhtslby fraud and violrncc ; tl:c successive dcfeat8 of the reactionists in '08, '72 and '70 ; the bold reavowal of (he doctrine of secession in the Congress of '78-'7'J, and the consequent Kepnblican victories of the latter year ; and, no less important than any, tlie i'iiminiii.ius atrugf Ie, carriedou parallel with a nuiubcr of' these events, to degrada and vitiate the currency of the country, and to ovortbrow for all time the public credit, endiiiL' in the total defeat of repudiatiuuiïU and lia;its, in the triuuiphant resumptioi of specie paymetits on the first day of January, f8T9. and in the consenuent rustoration of the business and individual prosperity of' the nation. TKH 1NTKKNAÏI0.VAL REVIKW. AniDiiK the magazines which have worked tbcir way into prouiinouce and poi ular favor, we know of' none more deserving than the International Review, publishedby A. vS. IkrncsA: Co., New York. Theoontents are of'.-uali a characler tliat the studentsof general literatura, or those interested in scicutific research, or in any of the popular or Ittlpottrint qüertrona of the da)-, can always find eomethiug tliat u ahle and excellent bearing upuu thM topics. The table of coutents for April is : Mr. Gladstone, by Clement Hugh Ilill; The Letters of Kugeno Ddlacrüfï, liy Henry Jaines, Jr.; The Revolutionary Movemont in Russia, by Karl Blindfi Win. Mrcia Huut, by Sarah W. W bitman; Tlie Gottenburg LiquorLioeao Byat m, U (J. tí. Andrews; The Uranonienia Argentina of Dr. Gould, by Edward S. [lolden ; Hun Spot CyclesTand Kpidemic, by Brneot V. Cushing; Tamuiany Hall, by Van Buren Denslow ; Cont.-uipMrary Iiti'i:iture. Sü [icr year. Address A. i Barnes & Co., 111 S: 113 William streef, New York t&tj. I.irPlNCOlT'S MAOA7.INK. Among bther papers, Dr. Oswald's " Stitntiicr Skcd'lii-s," which is the openine paper far April, describes tlie ruins of IJxui:iL tiiac njjsteriou.s buriod city ol' the New H'orM, which atiets the existence at collie former perioa, of a race of builderson this cmitinent rivaling thoBe of Nineveh in the grandeur of their designs, in mechanical aliU, and in amplitude of lueans. "Three (.1' Central Xew York," is a pleashtfy written and w 11 iihntnted anide, by Frank II. Tnylur. In tlie Knglish Workingmau and ConimeivKil Cr,,," tlie lirst of two papers liy Octave Tlianef, the writer traces the effects of poluical ohanges, legislation, commercial panics, and other influences on the condition of the laboring classes, with a view ofi lueiilating wbat may be july termed tlie most porplexing problem of' modern civijizatioo. Mrs. Mary Treat deRoribes 'A Pjsase of lif'e in Florida." Dr. K. Otgoöd Maaon haa an lastruotivoarticle'Coiiciriiinir Aniiualcules." Dr. Dulle.i givcs piaetical suggestions about "JEating; " andan a nooy moas writer gives an account of "Tlie Red Cock," the name applied to 8iicceBsive revolutionary outbreaksofthe Rmmím peasantry during the last huif eentury. UlTKI.I.'s LIVING AUK. Tlie nntnbera of the Living Ate for the weekt, eii.inii; Manrh L'IMli and 2"th respectiv -ly.eont mi (Ik'I'uI owingaiticles ; Biühop Wjlberforce, tad the Romance of Modern Travel, Qaarterly: British Lighthouses, Bdinburgh; The Ililevon's Nest, Macmillan; A Wihl Itnh (inl, Temple Bar; llie History of Wriiiiiir, Soinething about Milk, and Artificial Productiop of Diamonds, Nature ; Street DjxcordM, Saduday Review ; Quarrels in a Lïbrmry, and Mr. Brighl asa Ohuioliman, Spmtator; with (instalmenta of " He tliat will not when he May," by Mis. Olipbaat, sod "Adamaad Kve," by theaathorof "Doroíhy Eox." A. a new volume begins with the uuHIÜei for April ïd, tliis is a guod time to ubacribe. For fifty two Dumbersof sixty-fiHU pages eaoh (or more than 3,300 pages a year), the subscription price ($8) is ïow. Littell & Co., BoHton, are the pquükMa,