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Tho election in Ann Arbor towo resultod in the uhoicc of the RepuMican ticket pub lished last week, by an average vote of 122, there leing tio opposition ticket. One man however substituted his own name for every candidate's name upon the Republiean ticket and voted it, whieh gave to N. 1$. Covert one vote each for a variety of offices. John C. Mead received one vote for supervisor against 121 for Isaac N. S. Foster. The amendnient relative to governor's salary received 46 votes "yes," am 73 votes " no." $800 was raised for roads and bridges. CHEI.SKA. The Iïerald says that Bernard Parke has comoienced to dig the cellar for his new residence. The village President, Jas. P. WTood issued his proclaraation closing all saloon on election day. Thos. Godfrey, a resident of thia place for the past 40 years, died on the 29th uit. agod 82 years. Mrs. Godfrey is danger ously Hl. Tlit; jicvjplc uT Cliclocn oio oiy rauo eleated over the fact that the assistan supeiintendent of the M. C. R. R. ha agreed to have a new passenger depo erected very soon. It is to be a fine one and to cost in the neighborhood of $7,00( The reform club couimenced four specia meetings last evening,in the Baptist church with R. E. Frazor, of Ann Arbor, as th first speaker. To-tnorrow evening Rev.Dan R. Shier, of Saline, will spcak, and Capt E. P. Allen, of Ypsilanti, and other gooi speakers are expected for Saturday am Sunday (evenings. Lu-t Monday the township of Sylva elecied Wiu. E. Uopew, Republican, super viur, by 63 inajority ; clerk, Jacob Schu ruacher, D. , 32 ; treaourer, Thos. McKooe 1)., 10 ; justice of the peace, Michael Leh man, D., 213 ; commissioner of highwaj Philip II. P. Schweinfurth, R., 15; drai commissioner, C. Webber, D., 69; super iutendent of schoola, G. A. Robertson, D. 24 ; school inspector, G. W. Palmer, R., 8 constables, Jacob Staffen, R., Jas. Hudler D., Peter Osterle, D., J. Fregg, D. DEXTER. Remeuiber the " Sleeping Princess," a Costollo's hall, Saturday, April 10, for th benifit of the ref'nnn club. Mr. Henry Fleming, of this place, ha lately returned to Sandwich college, Onta rio. It is snid a lectura will be delivered i Coj-tello's hall, nest Wednosday night, o the " Life and Tiines of Eduiund Burke, by Prof. Hiward. Mr. K. S. Wbeeler, was deprived of th credit duo him for the able history of th reform club wliich he read last week at th opening of the anniversary. By a typo Ki;iphieal error, Mr. was made to read Mrs " Unole " Ed. Litchfield is lying ser ouly ill at the residence of his on in ttu village. Feeble hopes of his recovery are entertained. Tbe reform club anniversary was not th suocess ardent temperanoe people ha hoped it would be. The speakers disap pointed the club three evenings and beside that it was too raitiy, even had the speak ora been here, for a real successful week Mrs. O. B. Schuyler, of Ann Arbor spok before the club last Sunday night. Gen Sam. Cary lectured here on Monday am Tur.sday nights, on temperance and th mistakosof "Mqsm or Ingersoll, Which? He drew very fair audiences both nights. If some cHpiialist would build a nnmbo of good houses in this village he could fine ready oecupauis for theai. There is grea dein uid for dwelling houses this npring aud it is a wonder that not more are put ting up houfics. Mr. Wm. Stephen stak ing advaritage of this tide of prospcrity and is fitting up the old Adams house fo dweiling plaoe, When completoly finii-h ed it will be au ornamnot to the cast sid of central park. Delegates lo the Republican cunty onvention : L. V. Briggs, Dr. W. E. Ziegenfuss, Itobert Papkins, James V. Ving, John Hcnloy, and A. 1. Crane. Jeromo Marhle, Esq., of VV'orccst. r, Mass., has been in this place f'or over a week, attending to business nnd visiting 'riends, his fatlur havinp livod herc a long inic ago. Mr. M. siartód last Wednesday nigbt. The elections have been quiet in this part of the county. Webster had but one icket in tho field, Republican, and of eourse t was oleoted. Dexter had but one ticket n the fieid- Democratie- elected. Liuia md three tiokets, Greenback, llepublican, and National-Democratic, the last of which was elcctod. Scio likowise put forth three iokets, Deruocratic.Itupublican.and Greenack. , A younií man by the name of Helber is missing, at this wnting, (Wednesday) and greatrsolicitude is feit by lus friends and relatives. The circumstances, as near as your reporter has been able to get them, are as follows : Mr. H. is a Germán from near town, bas been suffering from disease for some time. His brother came to town with him to consult a physician on Mon day. The doctor not bcing f'üund in big office, this youngman was left there and his brother went after the doctor. When hia brother roturned the young man was gone. Many fcar he has committed suicide, as he has spoken of it at time?. Ho has not been seen since, and it is thought he has jumped into the Huron river and drowned hiuiself. Supposcd to be insane. Particulars hereafter. The Manchester Enterprise of April Ist, says : " Drunken women are frrquently seen in the streets of Dexter." We have lived long enough in Dexter to know that the iuformant of the Enterprise was either ignorant of the state of affairs " in the atreets of Dexter," or else willfully cast a slanderous remark upon the women of Dexter. Como, Mat, be a little more cautious how you speak of a neighboring vilhge. Come and see us, and we will shnw you as respectable streets as oan be found near your home. MANCHE8TER. Hon. John J. Robison recently returned from Washington, where he has been as a meinber of the Detroit bridge eommittee. The Enterprise says that real estáte is ohanging hands lively, but that none of the sellers are goiug out of the State to lócate again. Alonzo and Ira Haight, former residents of Manchester, at a recent fair at Riverside,Cal., had a fine lot of oranges, lenions, linies, figs, and citrons on exbibition wbich were grown upou their owq farms. Two barns, one belonging toChas.Youngbaus, and the otber occupied by John Sehaffer, wore destroyod by fire receutly. A little boy of Schaffer set it on fire to see how big a bonfire he could make - and he found out. Loss aboutl 150. No iusurance. The Greenbackers, as usual, were successful in the election Monday, defeating both the other parties. The following are the names of tbc officers electcd and majorities given, as near as we can obtain ihein : Supervisor, Hratlo Burch, 84. Clerk, A. Jaynes, Jr., 112. Jiislu'r of the peace, full term, Cooley, 187. " viinuicy, ('onkliu, 13. ireasurer, Sherman, 21. Highway commissioner, Schalble. superintendent of schools, A. B. C'oukliu. School Inspector, Clark. Constables, Farrell, Traub, Flsk and Holmes. NORTBFIELD. The contest in the towuship of Northfield was a three-cornered flght, the candiHates for supervisor being Ëmory Leiand, Kepublican ; Patrick Wall, National ; and Patrick Puriell, Dernocrat. The iacter had 70 plurality. Tbe remaining officers elixted - all demócrata but one constable - are Clerk, Eugene Gibney. Treasurer, John Taylor. Justlce of the peace, Wm. Schnffer. Commtssloner of uighways, Fred. Prockuow. Draln commlssloner, James McKernan. School Inspector, Win. Walsh. superintendent of schools, Klchard Roach. Constables, C. Pratt, Uupublican and National, Chas. O'Connor, M. Kennedy, Joliu Henchuiaii. SALINE. Weather, roads, and trade are good. Our " Dacotah Pilgrims " leave us next Wednesday week. Clark Bros. open up the spring campaign by selling the finest plow of the season. The young people's entertainment at Union Hall last evening, waswell attended, and was pronounoed a succes. The programme consisted of essays, declamation, vocal and instrumental íuusic and tableaux, followed by a "Lady Washington Tea Party." Tlo Democrats were generally successful in this towusbip. Tho following are the officers : Supervisor, E. W. Wallace, 18. Clerk, C. N, Howe. 70. Treasurer, J. M. üross, 11. Jualioe ol the peau, A. L. Feldkamp, 40. School Inspector, H. A. Hammond, 1. Hlghway commlsslouer, R D. Qlover, 71. Draln oommlssloner, L. (J. Grady, 13. CousUbles, J. H. Warner. 75 ; Win. M. Bralnard, W ; Wm. L. Avery, 50; John Klage, 1U. SCIO. The result in this township is slightly mixed. There were three tickets in the field, Republican, Democratie and National. The followiug were the fortúnate ones : Supervisor, John L. Sinlth, R., 08. Clerk, Volney H. Potter, 1).,87. Treasurer, H. 1). Allmendinger, D.,52. Justiceof the peace. Jus. S. Uormitn, 1).,4I!. Oom, of highwuys, Henry Osborn. K , 22. Draln commlHsloner, Jacob April, Jr., D., 28. Schixjl Inspector, A. '1'. Hughs, 1., 88. Bupariatendent of schools, John Lee, D., 30. Constables, Volney H. Potter, D., S6; Chas. W. (iuesl. ü, 53; Jas, Cunulnghaui, IX, 'ü ; Huury Davls, N.,;iO. SUPERIOR. The result was considerably mixed, yet the Republican captured the lion's share : Supervisor. Krceman P, Ualpln, R , 14. Clerk, C. J. Downer. Treasurer, a Republican. Drain commlssioner, S. Bagley, D Coininlssloner of hlghwayx, A. J. Murray, D. Balance of the ticket Kepubllcan. WEBSTER. There was no oppositiou to the Repblican ticket in this towDship, and the following were elected by f rom 111 to 113 votes: Supervisor, Alonzo Olsaver. Clerk. W. H. Westiin. TreMurer, S. ü. Wheeler. Justice of the peace, F.llsha Cranson. CommisHloner of highways, Kdwlu Ball. Dralu coinmiKHloner, .las. tí. Arma, Jr. School Inepeotor, O. w. UoCall. Huperlntendentof schools,Frank H. Wheeler, i anstables, Wra. Burnham, A. J. Mawyer, Qeo. W. Phelphs, H. Wilsou. yPSILANTI TOWN. The Republicana weresuccesBful.electing their entire ticket: Supervisor, Albert R. Graves, 68. Clerk, Alonzo K. hord, i Treanurer, Dltmer V. Harrls, 6T. Justice of the puace, W. Irvlng Yeckley, 73. ('.¦in. of highways, Ben). D. Loomls, 54. luaiii i'uiiimls'lnner, V. A. Grave, ijl. ¦Scliool lnspeelor, K. M. Guixlller, IS, Siipi-rliitciident of schools. W. H. I,ay, 86. Contat)les. H. M. Eaton, 63; Chas. Fletoher, 63 ; Martlou Moore, 4 ; Geo. Clow, 58. YPSILANTI. A lithngraphic sketch of the Rosabud Indian agoncy, executed by Jas. McCoy, has been placed on exhibition in the post office. Tbe block burned recently, wbich was noticed last week, was one of the old landmark, having bten erected in 1825, by the Ely Bros., of Philadelphia. The Ypsilantiau complains that uiueh shooiing is being done in the city by wreek - les-. r oareless people, and that several canines have been shot full of shot. Jacob Emerick, Wm. Lay, II. S. Boutell, and Frederick Graves have been chosen delégate to the Republjcan county convention from Ypsilanti townstiip. Prof. C. T. Lañe, principal of the bigt) school at Fort Wayne, Ind., and Prof. Fair, superintendent of schools at Harris, both formurly of this city, have been retained in their respectivo positions another year, with an inercase of salary. A woman's work and loan oxrtibítíon ts on thc tapis, and a coinmittee of' ladies fioui the Library Association, undor whose upicen it will bc held, appointcd a soliciting ooiuiuitii ¦. At tlic eUtJtion tast Monday tlie Iiepublio.ns elected Hnn. E. P. Alien for maye r by 27 roajority; oity constable, J. P. Martin, 84 majority ; and Jjee Yost, for supervisor in lst district by 220 majority. ín thc 2d district the Demócrata elected M. L. Shutts supervisor, and also three out of' th five aldcrnicn. Tho oapc of Martin Kekor-li, oliarged with robbery, at tho last term of oourt was prosecuted by J. W'illard Babbitt, and not by prosecuting uttorney Kmeriok, as some suppose. Mr. Kmerick was an attorney t'or Kckerish before being eleoted to his present office, and could not prosecuto the case.