The 31 ard only cast one vote on the Governor's alary aniendiueut. Prof. I. N. Demmon has tuade the purchase of a lot on Washtenaw avenue. The now meat market cf John H. Nickels, on State street, beine rapidly pustaed. In a period of 45 years 39 criminals sentenced from this county have been pardoned. t_m_ Smith N. Wilbur, formerly of this city, bu knn out li is sliingle in Clinton, Lenawee Co. ________ The Wells houiemead, on Division street, has been sold to putiea from Cincinnati for $5,000. An election of officers is to be held by the Ladies' Library Association next Monday afternoon. The Democratic supervisor Lyndon, Mr. Boyce, was nominated and elected by the apoblioaos. The reform club of the high school was addressed by Rev. Dan R. Shier, of Saline, last Tlni[day afternoon. Fred Hutzel, of Pittfield, sold a pair of two yetr o'd steers jesteHay hit brought down the sCales a' 3,105 lbs. Nineteen vol. mies wore adiled to the libr:iry of the Laaie.-.' Library Asociatioii duriui; the tncnth of Mareh. The present resident physician of the Wyandotte Suli'hur Springe is Dr. J. G. Gilohrit, formerly of thi city. tien Sam. F. Cary il to i cak on temperance in Clifto Hall, at Whitmore Luke, next Thursday evininp, April 15. Ontho jOüi of ihis uionih, at the opera lwu-e in this city, Anna Dickioson is to read her nev? traaedy " Aurelian." At the M. E. Church nest Sabbuth eveDiBf, Rev. J. Alabuster will lecture upon "Ilevelations froru Ninevah and Babyion." Henry Burpmff has been arrested on a charge of vagrancy, and unless he can furnih bail to the amount of $300, he will reside in lonia for a time. Dr. Wilsnn, of the homeopathie department of die TTniversity, on Wednesday evening, pavo "An Hour with the Skull," at the Unitarian chuivli. D. F. Schairer U tu have a special opening neit Monday evening, ai,d invites all the ladies to examine hú stock of new goods, then to be displayed. Mr. Abbott, the historian of Kalamazoo County, haa been employed by the Pioneer Society to write up the history of this county, and the work is now in progresa. The Greenbackers have comaiittees in two warJs. W. E. Walker, Japper Imu9, Dan. T. Flynn in the 31, and M. J. O'Rilley, T. E. Keaiing and N. B. Hill in the 4th. The Democratie city coiuiuittce for the coming year will consist of Col. J. L. Burleigh, chairman, A. D. Besimer, J. 8. ('ase, Oscar Spafford, lliley, and J. H. Starlt_, Gen. Samuel F. Cary will lecture in this city on Friday of next week, upon the " Mistakes oi' Moses, or Inpersoll, which?" in answor to the latter's eloquent diatribe against religión. Conrad Krapf, elected supervisor in the lst and 2d wards, iá now ser ving his 16th yoar in such office, and hit majority last Monday was 205. A iretty fooil endor-etuent of his record. On Monday evening next Mr. Calvin Thomas will read a paper üpon "Groethe," lor the benefit of the Ladies' Library, ftt the residence of President Angelí. All are cordially invited. La-t Friday night tbe nierober-f of Ann Arbor City Band were handsomely entertainod by G. V. Crop ey at his restaurant. The boys tondered him a vote of thanks for the generous deed. All nf tho cots in the homeopathie hospital, 12 in number, huve been filled the past w.iük, and üxjtü are neeJod. For the week endino April 21, ti") mses were treated at tho cliniques nf t-lu departineot. Our reporter was luisiniormed last week as to the member of the Kepublioan city commitue froua the stoond ward. Mr. John Heinzuian is the uiau instead of A. II. ltoys, as stated in our last isue. Chas. Earl, who has for the past year or so earried on a picture gallery on Main street, three doors south of Mack & Scliiuid's store, haa oloted up his business here and removed to Klkhart, Inüana. That excellent piper, the Adrián Daily Times, is now recoived the satne moruing it isissued, coming on the 8:10 a. m. train on the T.. A A. & N. R. E. At least twenty five subsenbers should bc obtainod for it io tliis city. If Susan B. Anthony had read the report of our Ladies' Library As-ociation, pub lisliid io the last ilsoe, he probably woul not have recoinmcnded Ann Arbor a ihu place forhul'liiig iliu propoaed womnii suf frago convention. Sever;il h--aps of stntvingt in difieren parta of' Micliaol 1111 m ;tn's wooilslied an( barn were discuvered hst Moiiilay DOOD, a roady to touoh a mutch to. jt scoiuh a tllough soiue perbon was bent on firiiig th property in that vicinity. A new bridge is to be built across the Huron river near the farm of Thos. Blake, on the luiddle Geddes road, and a new mul ¦ way will be constructed leading thercto, the same terminating on the river road, on the farm of Nathan T. White. This s an improvement the people of Ann Arbor town in that vioinity will appreciate. The Young Men's Musical Society of this city recently elected the following officers : C. Schteberle, president and director ; F. Lotz, secretary ; E. Huss, treasurer; C. Schaeberlc, II. Allmendinger and J. Diedcrle, executivo committec. Monday evening the Demócrata had a bonfire in front of the Leonard House, and at the corner of Main and Huron streets ; while the band serenaded Dr. John Kapp, the Mayor elect, and other officers. This is the first major they have elected in this city since 1874. Dr. H. C. Allen, of this city, has been appointed by the faculty of the homeopathie department, lecturer upon diseases of women and childreo. The appoiotment was authorized by the Board of Regents, and is said to be an excellent onc. The Washtenaw Co. Pioneer Society have eneaged Prof. W. H. Meek to give entertaintnents in different portions of the county, the receipts to be placed to the credit of the pioneer society's fonds. Next Wednesday, April 14th, the professor is to initiale the series at Dezter. m 9 Quite a serious accident happened to Hon. J. M. Ashley, while returning from Toledo to Detroit by boat, last Saturday. By sonje accident he fell through a batchway, injuring hi right limb and ankle severely, but he returned home the same evening, and is now doing well. Last Saturday, of disease of the brain, caused by cancer of the eye, there died in this city, Daniel P. Rogers, of Quincy, Mich., a brother of Moses Rogers, of the 4th ward. (lis age was 62 years, 1 inonth and 1 1 days. His remains were taken to Quincy for interment last Monday. At the Chanoing centenary service at the Uoitarian Church next Sunday evening, short addresaes relative to the character, work and influence of Dr. Channing will be delivered by Judge Cooley, Profs. Donald Maclean, T. P. Wilson and V. C. Vaughn, Messrs. A. McReynolds, B. C. Burt, Judge Harriman, and Prof. ü. F. R. Bullows, of Ypsilanti. jljf" "Good Night Gentle Folks" is the title of a new quartette sent us by the publishers, W. L. Thompson & Co., of East Liverpool, Ohio. It is the composition of Will L. Thompson, and is said by competent criiic8 to be an excellent piece of music. Price, 50 cents. Sent by mail upon application. On April 14th and 15th the third annua convention of the W. C. T. U., for the second congressional district will be held at Monroe. Three delegates frona each union in the district is allowed. Mrs. O. B Schuyler and Mrs. Darius Wood have been elected delegates to represent the union o tuis city. The former has been invited to deliver the opening addrexs. A prominent Republican of a neighbor ing t'iwn was chairman of the Republioan caucus to sind delegates to the county convention next Wednesday. The township was entitled to four delegates. After three had been elected, the chairman arose am blandly said : "Gentlemen, I shall be in Ann Arbor that day." It is needless to say he was elected by acclamation amidt great enthusiasm. Mrs. Martha Scott Denton, of this city, who died on Friday of last week, was the widow of the late Dr. Samuel Denton, who was a leading professor in the medical department of the UniverBÍty from its commencement to 1860. She was born in Virginia, and came to this city as early as 1829, and has resided here ever since. She had been a consistent member of the Presbyterian society of this place 47 years. At the opening of every spring term of our schools the influx of young children, from five years upward, is so great that the lower school rooms are entirely inadequate to the demanda. This scaon Prof. Perry has changed the boundary of the 4th ward district so that it includes a portion of the lst, 2d, and 3d wards, and a new teacher, Miss Emily ü-undert, has been employed by the Board, and one of the vacant rooms ot' the 4th ward school house has been furislieil, and filled witli pupila. An individual evidently deeply interested i a budding moustache, and -truggling wit h n all-conauojing love for the first time, ends us a letter to publish. The letter is loving one, a gushing one, win enthusiasic one, bubbling over with animal calorie, and hooeyed passion, but we can't publish t. It is too tender and green for spring rosts. The closing Hoes wil) have to sufice as a specimen of the whole : 11 For with contentment I canl rest untill you fold me to your breast Your to arms around me entwine and promife that you wilt bc mine." To show what benefit advertising does, wc would state that the little notice miert ed in the last issue asking for a copy of the Courier for Jan. 9th, for our files, has elicited respondes and copies from the folowing persons, to whom we tender our thanks for the same : Mrs. lt. 11. Marsh, Saline ; O. L. Kobinson, Colorado Springa, Col. ; Mrs. E. C. Bibbins, John Allman, Lorenzo Davis, Alonzo A. Gregory, Geo. Kecbler, B. B. Bissell, editor of the Albion Recorder ; Mrs. N. H. Pierce, and Mrs. K. Qaddes. The choice of the Republicans of this county for the Presidency, as taken in several preeinots last Monday, at the request of the Detroit Post and Tribune, shows Blaine to be decidedly in advance of all others. In Webster the vote stood : Grant, 55 ; Blaine, 42 ; Sherman, 3 ; scattering 2. Ypsilanti city, Grant, 33 ; Blaine, 108; Sherman, 18; Washburnc, 5; Edmunds, 7; scattering 10. Scio is reported : Grant, 25; Blaine, 90; Washbarne, 10 ; scattering 20. Lyndon: Qrant, 12; Blaine, 55. Salem, Grant, 14; Blaine, 130. Detroit papers of last Thursday and Friday gave an account of a "big, big bounce" wbich B. Frank Bower, the former local editor of this paper, now occupying a similar position upon the Detroit Evening News, gave an inebriated individual known to the pólice court bar as L. D. Godfrey. The latter invaded the privacy of Mr. Bower's room and insisted upon entcrtaining him with a highly liquified convcrsation which partook of profanity very largely. To show how well-traioed Mr. B. has been w will Btate that the bounced individual was taken to the hospital, but it is thought be tnay recover. All the bedg in the University hospital (regular) have been occupied during the past week and there is no more room in the building for more beds. The cases aro almort without exoeption of a oritical and instructivo nature, and several hours of each day are apent among the patients by the iaculty and their staff of aswistants. Advice or troatment han been afford;d o patiënt by the different memberaof the ïospital corps Tour hundred and fifty times luring the weck onding Saturday, April d. Tuis statement in regard to the reguar hospital of the Univcrsity and the work one there wilt stand tlie test of the strictst investigation. The Morriee Times, a six column folio, published by the Times Association, at Horrice, Shiawassee Co., Mioh., is a lively ittle paper for a town which has prung up wituin a few years, since the extensión of the N. W. G. T.'from Plint to Lansing. t is tü bc hoped the people of that vicinity will help malen it a sueeess. The closing muetings of the anniversary week were more largely attended than the revious ones. University Hall waa not crowded to hear Rev. von Schluembach, ecause of various reasons, yet the speech uade was an excellent one. Friday evening Rev. R. B. Pope, of Chicago, had an mínense audience at the opera house, and gave an address filled with good ideas and sensible points. Saturday evening Gen. Jary wsxed eloquent over the cause, and Sunday afternoon Rev. Dan it. Shier assisted him in speaking. Sunday eveaing mndreds were unable to gain admission to ïear Cary, whu, it is said, cxcelled all previous efforts. This olosed the week's auoiversary, which the temperance people èel was a successful one. The total receipts trom the eleven meetings held was f328.92, an admission fee of five cents 5eing charged.