Fire Department Election
The niembers of the fire departnient of this city held a meeting for the election of officers for the ensuing year last Tuesday evening, at Fireman's Hall. The following is a list of the officers chosen : Ctalef euglneer Dr. Willard B. Smlth Flret awlfitant enutneer Daniel B. Fletcher Second iifMi-unt eugineer Albirt orir Secretarj ..Lont" L. Wad.i Trcarurur Cba. II. Worden Steward ! Aikinoon The following named persons wcre chosen fire wardens for the ensuing year : lt ward Fred 8cnmld, Jacob Lubcn?ayer M ward -John Hein.nmn, Tho. F. Leonard d ward Henry E. H. Buwpr, Nelxon J. Kyer 4th ward Henry Munten, Dudley J. Loomis 5th ward Uw. H. Rhodun, John w. Jotmsorj tb wrd .....Clias. McOmber, Prof. J. W. Lanijl.y For the past two jears Mr. Charles B. Davison has held the position of chief engincer of the Ere departnient, and was tendered the compliment of a re-election, in fact the members of the departuient showod their appreciation of hiw services by electing him three times as their chiel', after he had told them he could not acept a re-election. Such a compliment to an officer, especially one who has so many to please, must be gratifying to tbe rocipient, and we feel warranted in stating is highly appreciated by Mr. Davison. Mis private business, however, would not admit o) holding the office longer, and tho declination of the honor, much to the regret of the department and friends, could not be roconsidered. He has been a fuithful nd efficiënt officer, and the department has advanced in efficiency since he has had control of it. The new officers need no coiiiinendation, being too well known among our citizens for that. A committe, consisting of Dr. Willard B. Smith and Chas. B. Davison, wen: :iipointed to make the purchase of a new steamcr, hose, etc, ordered at the last election. PROTECTION CO'8 OFP1CER8. On ThurMlay evening of last weck, I'roteetion engioc company elected tho following officers : President FúSrrF First RssiuWnt "'¦ B. BmltS Secimd aultwut Uilbcrt Mclutyru ThlrdiUnt - O. Matthiwi Secreturr Dan. P. Flyim TroMUrer Cha. II. Wordtu The Protection hose coinpany chose : Captain - - - John O'Mar AMltnt - Wm. Flynn Wrdn, J. Womcr.K. W. Snell, J. later, J. Morgan I
Ann Arbor Fire Department
Elections - Ann Arbor
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
Dudley Loomis
Dr. Willard B. Smith
Daniel B. Fletcher
Albert Sorg
Louis F. Wade
Chas. H. Worden
John H. Atkinson
Fred Schmid
Jacob Laubengayer
John Heinzmann
Thomas F. Leonard
Henry E. H. Bower
Nelson J. Kyer
Henry Masten
Dudley J. Loomis
Geo. H. Rhodes
John W. Johnson
Chas. McOmber
J. W. Langley
Charles B. Davison
Sam R. Smith
Gilbert McIntyre
Dan F. Flynn
John O'Mara
William Flynn
J. Worser
E. W. Snell
J. Slater
J. Morgan