UOR SALE. I have a good FLOUIÍIMU M1LL of íour run nf stonc, that I will sell or excbaiiKe tor propcrty Ín Wanhtenaw Coanty. 964tf RICE A. ISKAL. T?OR SALE. A Farm of twenty-one seres, witta a gpod dwelllag house on it, one mile from city city limita. Euqulro 965tf At THK COÜRIER OFFICB. "POK EXCHANGE. I have a farm of 100 acre in the western part of the State, valned at JG.OUO, wblcn I will uxchaiw for Ann Arbor City property. RICE A. BEAL. ¦jyTONEY TO LOAN. At even por cent. Secnrlty mnst be on flrtclaas ferms in thie connty, or city property in Ann Arbor in central and deslrable localltiee. J. Q. A. SKSblüNS, Attorney. 959tf Office cor. Main and Hurón ets., up-slair. "POR SALE. I have a good, weH-lmilt honse and lot, sltunted on Elliabeth street, No. 15. Tliere Ib a good barn and wood-shed on the place. Thé property Is new and in gooü repair. Terni very liberal. Apply to ÍT77-989 MRS. E. E. "WINSLOW. pROF. REUBEN KEMPF, navinï jast graduated from the Conservatory of Mnsic al Sumurt, Uermany, where hu received a thuronL'h education, aud intractions in the latit mcthodH of leachinc mnoic, is no preparcd to giye I.. mtoim In IIiirniDii) , and on the Piano and Organ. Piano tunt-d on reacotmble trms. Kooms, northemt corner of Main and Liberty stn'ets, up-stalrs, Ann Arbor, Mlch. M9-1000 POR SALE. That vcry deeirablc property coiMirtiiig ol TWO HOÜSES AIO LQTS Sltuatcd on tbc Corner of DIVISIÓN AND WILLIAM STS., In the city of Ann Arbor. Apply to CHARLES E. LATIMER. 981-10+4 PIANO REPAIRINC. Hitvc your piano put in order by a reliablc hand . Tuning, Recapping, Regulating, AMO (1E.VKRAL RXKA1HIN; DONB IIV II. W. SAMSON, YPSILANTI, MICH., Formerly of the Chlckertng Foctory, Boston Maas. Orders sent by mail, or left at Watts' Jewelry Store, will recelve prompt atU'ntlon. HATISFACTIOW IARANTEKI. 780-78 ___ LOOK !J0K LOOK! Single Machine-made Harona... ttf.OO siimli' Haud-made Hamess. S.GO Single Nickle platcd Hamen. f 15.00 toS5.00 Blngle Strap Harnesi. MM to .'iï.00 Lliflit Doubla llarness..... 25.Ü0 to 50.00 All Brille BrntheB .70 to 4.U0 Whalebune Whips 75 to 8.0 Uood Blaukut .W)o .UO UpRobe 2.00 to 7,00 CryUli7.ed Zinc Trnnlw S.OOto 9.00 Airo a largo, stock of Uone Knrnisbing Uoods at Bottom Prices. J. C. BURKHARDT, N. 4 II. ik, n Ntrert. 9;r7tf Ann Arbor, Mirli.
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Rice A. Beal
J. Q. A. Sessions
Mrs. E. E. Winslow
Reuben Kempf
Charles E. Latimer
J. C. Burkhardt
15 Elizabeth St.
4 Huron St