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'yn&l COMPOUND SYRUP BkE WASTINGr DISEASES, 8ÜCH AS viliina, HronchittN, 'onHuaaptloa, Kruin l. hau-ilon. 4 hronir Constlpatlon, hronir Itilirrhira, ¦ .vnM'iMia or Ijomh of JSTEEVOITS POWEE, Are inwiiivi'ly and speedily cured by Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites The merlt of thi rcmarkable rcmody Is dne to Ita peculiar propcrty of restoring the wastud tiasues of ilic body lo their original flrmness and vigor. It ia well known that for overy thought and action there U death or decay of 11 amount of material propor ti mate to the magnitude of the thought or action. Thls waatc is aupplkd hy the unimpaired uutrltlve lu'ictioua. Tbe pWQBlOUl activitj of youthe, the rnthiwiaatic Btrugle for Health and fame in the middle iigod, and oíd age itself cause au undue decay i'f material i.errotu forre. PEO8TBATION. i:tuiu l'lay, ui I'ugwaah, Nova-Scotia, writes as follows : Mr. James I. Fellowb, Sir, - Haring, hile at your establishment, carefully axamlned your prescriptlons, and the method of preparing your Compound Syrup of Hypophoxphite. I feit auxiotiH to glveita fair trial In my practlce. For the hift twelve months I have done so. mid flud tbat in iuclpient congamptton. and other diseases of the throat aod lunga, It Iihs douc In restoring persona MitTenng from the effect of dipthcria, ana the conu'h iulliming typhoid lerer, prevalent in thin reeion, It Is the best remedial agent I bave ever used. But for perrons snflfering from exhsatttion of the powers of the brafn and uervous aystem, from lon-coniinued study or teaching, or in those caaes of fxlmustion from which so many young men snffer, I know of no better medicine for rettoration to tx'H th than your Compouud Syrup of ilypophosphilea. H. Q. Addy, M. D., St. Joba, N. B., writes %a folIowb : Mr. Ja ves I. Fellows, Chemitt, Dear Sir,- Huving use.l your Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites for some time in my practice, I hal e DO hesitation in recommendfug it tomy palients who rr HufTenn trom general debllity, or any ie of the luiiL'-s knovving that, even in casec utterly hopeless, it affurrts NMC SOLD BY AI.L URUGGISTS. PBICE $1.60 PlB BOTTLE. '¦'''¦' '¦ ¦'. L. S. Lerch, Agent, Ann Arbor. HILDREN f'ry for Pitcher's Castor!. They Hke it becww i( issweet; Hothers like Castoria becanse it glita hualtli to the hild ; and IMiysicimis, because it cuntain no morphine or mineral. Castoria Is .Nature' Rcmedy for assimllating the lood. It euros Wind Colic, the raising or Sour ('urd and Diarrhoea, allayg FeterIslmess and kills Worms. Thns the Chlld has health and the Mother obtalns rest. Pleasant, Cheap, and Keliable. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The most cffectlve Pain-relieving agents for MAN and BBAST the irorld has ovor known. Over 1,000,000 Bottles sold laat yar ! The reasons for thts unprecedented populaiity are evident; tbe Centaur Linimenta are made to deserve cocfidonco, tbey are absorbed into the structure ; thuy al ways cure and noTer disappoint. No person need louger suffer with PAIN in the BACK, Rheumatism or Stil) Joints, for th CENTAUR Linlments will surely extermínate the Pain. There is no Strain, Sprain, Cnt, Soald, Burn,, Sting, Gall or Lameness, M nhicli Mankind or Dumb Brntes are subject, that does not respond to this Sootbiug lia I ui. The Centaur LINIMENTS not only relieve pain, bnt they incite healthy action, subdut inflammation, and w. whether the symptome proceed from vxntndi of thejleêh, or Neuralgia of the Servet; from contracted Cordt or a tcalded hand ; from a tprainnd ankle or a gathed ooi ; whether from disgustlng PIMPLES on a LADY'S FACE or a slrained joint on a Iforse's Leg. The aqony produced by a Burn or Scald; 1 catión from Frostbltes ; Bwellingt from S train ; the tortures 0 Rheumatitm ; Crippled for tife by some neglected accident ; a valuabie harte or a Doctor'i BUI may all be saved from One Bottlc of Centaur Liniment. No Houeekeeper, Farmer, Planter, Teamster, or 1 Liveryman, can afford to be without these 1 ful Linimento. They can be proenred in any part of the globe tor 50 OenU and %1.00 a bottlt. Trial , bottles ti Cernís. 1 Swallowing FOXSO2T iurtt 0 (liagutting mucouê from the nostrils or upoD the tontili, Watt-ry Kyes, Smijtet, Buzzing in the Bars, Dtafnat, crackling Beneatione In the head, IutormittcDt Pain over the Kycs, Futid Breath, Nasal Twnnir, Scabs In the Nostrils, and Tickling in the Throat, are SIGXS OF I Kltll. No other ucti loathtome, treacherone and undermlning malady carees mankind. One-flfth of oor CMldrtn die ol diseases generaled by lu Inftctiow Poieon, and one-fonrth of living men and women drag on! miserable exlatences from the ame canse. WlíUe atlttp, the impvrtlie In the r.oatrlls are necesearily $wallowed ino the lomach and infutled into the lungs to poison every part of the syetem Dr. Wei De Mpyer's Catarrh Care bsorbs the purulent virus, and kllls the seeds of poison in the farthest parts of the sj sicin. It vrill nol onljr relieve, hut eertaiiilj cure Catarrh at aiiy stage. It is the only renicdy which, in onr jiulirmcnt, lias ever yet really cured a case of Chronic Catarrh. Cured! Cured! Cured! Cured! O. G. Prenbnry, Prop. Wet Bnd Hotel, Long Hranch. Cnred ol 20 y ram Chronic Catarrb. S. Benedkt, Jr., Jeweler, S7 lirudway, New York, (member üf laruily) f'ured of Chronic Caurrh. E. B. Urown, Si9 Cnnal St, N. Y., Cnred of 11 yeara Chronic Catarrh. J. D. McDonald, 710 Broadway. N. Y. (Slster-In-law) ('un-d of 4U years Chronic Catarrh. M r. John Dnnghty, Fiehkill, N. Y., Cured of 8 year (,'hrouic Caiarrh. Mr!-. Jacob Swattz, Jr., 300 Warren Street, Jersey City, Cured ol 18 y.-are Chronic Catarrh. A. B. Thoro, 183 MonDigui' St., Brookljn, (self and m n) Cured of Caturrb. Kev. Wm. AndiTnon, Fordham, N. Y., Cured or 20 years Chrouic Catarrh. Mllc. Almec, Opera Prima Donna, " I have recelved vcry ureat beuefit from It." A. McKinuey, K. R. Pre., 38 Broad Ht., N. Y.: "My family ixperieuced imraedlate relief " Ac, Ac, Ac , 4c, Ac. Wei De Meyer's Catarrh Care Is the most important Medical Discovery since Vaccination. It is sold by all Druggists, or delivered by D. B. Dkwey & Co., 46 Dey St., N. Y., at $1.50 a packape. To clubs, U paokagM for $7.50. Dr. Wel De Meyer's Treatise is seut free to anybody. 951-1002- eow FARM FOR SALE. I wiil scll Uy acres of land, on the soath slde of theroad, including brlck house, two barn and carriage house ; or einbty-seveu acre on the north slde of the road, incliidluji the J. Wing place, with ood buildiug ; or will el] the whole farm combined, aa purchaaer my deiire. 1 he land is locatrd on the Dextcr road, thrce and one-half miles west of Ann Arbor City, and Is in a very flne sute of culllvation. Terms to sult pnrchaer. If not sold by April Ut, I wlll let the une on thares. Will also let tb Pilimore farm of one hundred acres adjolnlng the above. "W J. W. Brirord.