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DANDELION Dr. Whlte'fl Dandelion Alterativo, th; Great Blood Purlflerand Renovttor. A vpoclAc for LiverCom&i.niit, BlllouHitetiri, Chilla and K'-wr, Uyapepsla. idney Disenso, Rhfumatipm find CoiiBtlpnilon of the Bowels. Removes pimple and eallowneea from the bIcíd, prociuciiiK a clear complexión. It is purely vegetable, pt'rfocliy ha rm leen and pleaaftDt to take. Pint bottles uuly #1, and every buttle warranted. PULMÓN Allí A, Ut -o fnr CoiikIik, uld, Amhinii. Ilniiii htti', C'roup, Whooplne Coiigh nd Inclpltnt Consiimption. Pllty centa per oottle. Larce bottleo 81, aml evcry bottle warrrtuU'd. Por eale in Ann Arbor by Kbcrbacb A 8on, and druirfrlpts everywhere. 15(1016 HALLS BALSAM Cores Colds, Pnenmonia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooplnr Coueh, and 11 diseases or the Breathing Orans. Il Hixithi's and heals the Hembrane of the l.wniis, inflamed and poisoned br the cliscusf, and prerento the niirhvgweats and tihtness across the cfieot whlchaorompanjit. CONSUMPTION isiiDt au incurable mulaily. Itisonly necossarr to have the riirht remedr, and HALL'S BALSAM is that remedr. DON'T DESPAIR OF RELIEF, for this benigu gpeciflc will curo too, even thougu professional aid fails. HENRYS CARBOLIC SALVE the Most Powerful Healing Agent ever Discovered. llrnry'it Carbolio Salva eurts thr toorn OTtê, llrnry't Cnrbolic Salm alluyt th pain of hurn. Hmry't Carbolio Salve rurtê all eruptiont. nrnry'ë Carbolio Salva haalt plmplt and llrnry' Carbolio Satv vill eurc eutt , and bruite: XjÊk for IIonry'M, and Take o Other. :ir pewark oy coükterteits. . F( )lt AU 1)Y AU, niU'lidlSTS. JOHN F. UENKY, CURRAN & CO., BOLX FBOnUXTOBb, t CollFie Place, New York. 961-1018 -eow The Michigan Central Ratlrad, wlth lts connectionij at Chicago, afforde the must direct and deairable route of travel from Michigan to all polnta in Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Minnesota, Dakota.Manitoba, etc. Michigan Central trainsmake snre and cloee connectlons at Chicago wlth thrnngh expreaa tratos on all Western linea. Rales always will be as low as tbe loweet. Parties going west thls spring will find it to their interest to correspond with Henry C. Wentworth, Gencrul Passenger and Ticket Agent of the Line, at Chicago, who will cheerfully impart any Information rclative to routes, time of traint, maps nd lowest ratee. Do not pnrchae your ticket nor contract your frelgt antll you have lic ird from the Michigan uentral. 875-M0 All about iprVAQ s e n d sr. :,r,ïï" 1 L A Ao of the CAZETTEER & CUIDE, which oontalm full Information on all mattere of Interest ralating to Th " Lone Star State," and a new correct oountj map of Texaa, 25 i 25 inohas. JOHN ROSS t CO., GEN'L AGEIfTS, ST. LOUIS.MO. LECAL NOTICES. Drain CommisMioner's Notice. WHKRBAS, Application bae been duly made by petition In wiitlne (o A. E. BulKick, Tuwnship Drain Coramiseloner for the Townehip of Salem, Coumy of Washtenaw, and State of Michigan, to locale and construct a ditch or drain in the Iowjj, Connty and State aforesaid, anü lo ruu hs lollowa : Commencing on the somti town line ot aaid townshlp at tbe corner, or at the bridge near the corner, of sections thlrtj-fonr and thlrty-flve, running nonherly on the line between tue lands of ut-nn Qef and Adolphus Giller ; thencfl betffeen the lai;ds of William Wood and Sarah Laraway ; thence uorthcayli-rly acruss the lande of Wlllmni Weed and Saxnn Mc Cumber; thencethroughtlie landsof William Buaaer as far ae nt-cessary, or to the Territorial road ; and Whkreas, Said ('iimmisionor has determtnod that there is bulncient cause íor iimking said appllcatiou, and fnrther that there are ct-riuin nou-reHideuts, minors and incompetent persons interested in aaid ditch: It ie hereby directed, by said Commissioner, that the rcidenc! of Wllliam Bnssey, Township, County and State afore.aid, be and is hereby apuolnted as the place, and the twenty-thfrd day of March, A. D. 1.S80, as the time, for an examination of said application, at which time and place all parties intereeted io the locaiion of said drain are hereby notifled to be present to consider said application. And it ie further ordered that this notice be published in Th Ann Arbor Courier, a paper printed and publiehed in the C unty and State aloresalrt, for three succeasive weeks next before the said twenty-third dav of March, A. D. 1880. tlatea rl,ruary 24tb, A. D. IS80. _ KA BULLOCK, Townshlp Drain Commisi-i.,n,.r. The time of meeting in tho ahove notlce has been adlourned until Tuesday, the twentleth day of April. im, at two o'clock p. m. A. E. BULLOCK, '.17.VÍIKI Township Drain Commissloner. Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty of Waahtenaw, ss. Notice is herebygiven. that byan order of ihe Probate Conrt for the Connty if Washtenaw, made od the Iwenty Becotid day of March, A. 1). 1880, nlx months from that date were aliowed for cn-ditora M present thcir claim' a_-aii!st theeatate of Abi(fail K. Latimer, late of said couuty, deceaed, and thnt all credilors of said deccaned are roqulied lo present iheir clalme to satd Probate Conrt, at the Probate Office In the Oity of Ann Arbor, forexamlnation and llowance, on or before the twenty-second day of September next, and that such chilniB will be heard before -anl court, cm Tuesday, the twcnty-aecond duy of June, and on WedneBday, the twenty-Becond day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of aaid davs. Dated Ann Arbor, March 22, A. D. 1880. WII.I.1AM D. HAKRIMAN, 979-982 Jude of Probate. Chancery Notice. STATK OF MICHIGAN- The Twenty-second Judicial Circuit- In Chancery. Suil pending ín the Circuit Court fur the County of Wafhtenaw- In ChaiiciTy. Marrus W. Wallace, Complainant, vb. Mary Wullace, delemlant. Upon due proof by amdtvii, ihat Mary W.-illace, the dclendant in the above entitled cause, pending In this conrt, residu oui of the asid BU.M oí Micbitan, and in State of Indiana, and, on motion of J. F. Lawrence, Bolicitor for complaioant, it is ordered that the Bald defendant do appear and antwer the blll nf complaint, flied in the said cause, wlthln tnree moutha frm the date of this order, else the saiii liill of complaint. xhall b taken a coufrant'd; And fnrther, that order b puhli-hed wilhln twenty dayo from dun d.Hte, In '1'hb Ann Aubdr Couhibii a newspaper prinle.i in the sai.l coumy of Waahtenaw, and be published tlu-reln oncoin euch weck for Btx week in Buccession ; uch publicaüon, howevcr, shall not be neceesary in case a cupy of tuis order be erved on the faid defendint.' personally, at least tweoty dajrn befor the time hereiu prescrlbed lor her appearflnee. Dated, this sliteenth day oí March, A. D.. 1880. JAM lis McMAHDN. A Circuit Court Commissiouer iuand for Washteuaw County, Mich J. F. Lawrknce, Bolicltor for Compluinant. !r7S-84. Notice to Credltors. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County o' Whtenaw, bs Notice is bereby givun. ihat by an ordiT of the Probate Court for the County of Washtunaw made od the ihirtjflrst day of March, A. i). 1S80, sii months fmtn that date wtre alloued for creiliiorB to prenent their claim aainet the entate of Maitha ü. Wood, late of Hid cuunty, dt-eeaaed, and that all creditors of Baid deceaBeu are requircd o nreBeut thelr claim to naid l'robaie Court, at the Probate Oflice, in the city of Ann Arbor, Tor examiiiatlim kik' allowauce. on or beiore the flrat day ol October next, and that nueh claiinu will be heard oefore aid court, on Thundaj, the flrnt riay of Jnly, and on Frlday, the tlrst day ol Ocu ber next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon ol ,.„ch of snid d yn. Dated Ann Arhor, March Sist, A. D. 1880 WILLIAM D. HAHUIMAN, 8Mg Judu-e of Probate. Estáte of Henry H. Shefflcld. OTATE OF MICHIOAN, County of At a sexslon of the Probate Court for the County ol Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aun Arbor, on Frlday, the twenty-slxth day of March, 1d the year one thouaud eiphi hnndred and eiRhty. Prusent, William i). Uarrimau, Judi;e of Probate. In the matter of the entate of Ilenry II. ShcmVld, deoeased. William 11. Sheffleld, mentor of the last will and testament of sald deceased comea into court and repreBenfa that h& ie now prepared lo reutier hls final account as euch exeentor ThiTeupon II Uordered.thatTueHday.lhe twenticth day of April next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be aeslgned for cxaminiiiL' and allowlng such account, nd that the heirs at law of sald flocOMOfl, and all other prrsous lutert:sted in aald estáte, are required lo appear at a Besslou of sald court, then to be holden at the Probate office, in the city of Ann Arbor, in sald county, and show cause, If any there bc, why the sanl account sbould not 'reailowed. And ít Ib further ordered, ihat sald mentor (five notice to the perBona intereHted iu said ftetate, of the pendency of aaid account, and the hearing thereof, hy causlnt; a copy of this order to be pubÜBhed ín the Ann Arbor Vourier,n newspaper printed and clrculatlní in sald county, two succeaelve weeke prevloui) to naid day of bearins, (A Irue copy). WILLIAM D. IIAKKIMAN, Jud{u of Probate. WM. Q. DOTY. Probate Ueelater. 980-Wö