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'W. TREMAIN O-EtTERAL In ie iiiï OFP1CK AT A.A.TERHY'S HAT STORE orlli Itrlitsli liiNiirmue oinp'j (of London and Kdinhurgh,) Capital $18,000,000. Gold. Detroit Flre and Marine lim. Co. Caeh Asaeta fliOOOOO. fcnringflcld In. Comp'y. of Wumn., Caeb Asset 1 ,801,000. Iloward In.. Co., of New York. Oah Assetr il ()ixi,ooo. Agriciilturttl liiMiruiuc t'oin') WATKHTOWN, . NEW YORK. Caeh Asueto $1,2(10,000. IjOsscs libeially mijustcd and promptly paid. ïr ' OLD AtfO REUABLE, Dn. Saxpobd's Ltver Intigoratob 5 is a Standard Family R'inly fOr i disciiB M of L,v. r, Stoiuacü Èk i Is.- It U P.uvly. „aiCS VeRetablp.- It iicvit W n? DebiliUitcH - It is jfl I I W' Oathartic mul % U WM .+ ! ! wiïm'filuif SM in "v i"""'n'v I I ¦ P%% "1 l'v tii.' pui)lip,! ¦ IV ?" l'T ri i. t'...:i ?,' . , _ ¦ P% witli uapieoedeated rrüult. 1 "w SEND FOR CIRCULAR c t h animen u n I6a bhoadwiy, urrDirwinTTnLLtsi.L ror miErrrinei 5 H-MS Kt, S. LBRI H, AK1T. TUTTjS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERQYMCN AND THE Af FLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TBIUMPH OF THe AGE. TMTTC' Di 1 1 C tutt hi mIUI I O TILLO eedi'diccumbiukifciii CURE 8IH_EADACHL STjëJ? TIITT'O DIIIO tleSOiaSTKESOTIllM., TÜTT S PILLS L!i"ToMLdlL CURE DYSPEPSIA. "S S ippn-it _..__. _.. . _ effect is to iocrt'aw Uw TUTT S PILIS PPetitebycanringthc I U I I O IILLtf iood to properly tnCURE CONSTIPATION. mUate. Thuthey9 ¦ tem i 8 nouiisht-d, and TIITTJQ D'l I C y theirtODicaeiionon IUI I O IlLLv lhe dig-tive orcans, CUREJMLES. ÍSSiSÍS? %rt TÜTT'S PILLS da a- - -¦ . the iniluence of tüeas TITTC Dll I C Puls, indirat.-i their aI U I I O lILLO Saplability to nourish CURE BILIOUS COLIC thc hence their effiCRcy in canog nerTUTT S PILLS choly.dysp.ia.waBU Cure KIDNtYComplalnt. gihnesa of the liyer, T S PILLS ndimnartiuBh.-alihA IVI I W I IkLW treDgthtothc7t. CUflE TORPID UVER, Sold Iverywhwi 1MPAHT APPETITL aw yobk. 954-1005 Warner's Safe Kidney and Lfver Gure. K (Fnrmerly Dr. CraiQ' Kidney Ctrc.ï A vegetable preparation and the only nrc reme4ly m tin; world Tor Brlffht'a UlieM, niabete. xiid ALL Uldurj, Llver, and Iriaarr Hlirwn I estinumiais of the hlghest order In proof of these statements. WTFor th cure of niabete, cali for War nrr'i S:fV Diabetea run. fctf"For the cure or Bright's and the othr dlseass, csll for Wurner'i Safe Ultimar ana I.MirdiiT. WARNERS SAFE BITTERS. It Is the best Blood Purlflrr. and jtlmultte every functiun to more heaJthiul ctiuu and Is thus a beneflt In all dlseuea It curea Hrrufulou and other kin EropClon, and Discases, including Cauccra. O?, and otlier Som. Dyappp.i, Wonknru ofthr Stomafh, Coaatipalian. IHuinr... .iior.l OebllIt.r. etc. are cured by the Mare Bltterm. It is unpqualed ns au appetlteraad regular tonlc. Buttles of twoaizus: linces, 60c. and f 1. OU. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quiclcly Rlves Rest and Sleep to tbeaufferlnc, i'uros Headnebci and Neuralgia, prevent! Kplleptlc Fila, and relieves Nriloni Pn tratlon bruugbt n by excesalve drink, ovrwork. mental shock, and other causes. Fowerful as It la to stop pain and aoothf dlsturbcd Iserves, it never Injuret the sjsuni, wliethor taken in nmall or larite doses. UulUi-Sof iwusizes; pnces, 50e. and (1.00. WARNERS SAFE PILLS Ar an tiumediute and active atlmulus for a Torptd LlTer. and cure CoitlvaotH, Dyipepil BU¦ RRHHIPn ft lóame!, Biliout DUr¦ KUAPin IV11J L rha. KilirU rtvir I rnujfc'íffjl I LaLW n and should I IjMlÉMKkS Bil be used whenever lh I VVVspHHírB bowels do not opérate ifl' AH H TV fret'ly and regularly. g KH.1 ¦ VPW Ho utiirr rilli riulr Brk ¦ lTlfiTpfl WriM """ Allw for "wrouck I tuHLUUUI M ork. l'Hrr Sr, PU. ba. ¦ PTJMWHWIM 1 Wrnrr'Nri-Kctllr ¦ MbèLlkmiaHM HÉ "1'1 hJ l)niKll UflM I LUlT"1T'llMl H. H. Warner & Co., tO PI RsCblOH l'roprlftor. I .1 J7TiM' J ROOHF.RTER. H. Y. HbSbAiLV C Srd for I'anphlet 3VI. OÏk ITXTISTDttfü VN Y WOKK IN HIS LINE. Km liies, Agricultura] Machlnery, Scwinjt Machine i 0 Lncks . i-piiirl. 1'uTtng. Key-nnlng and frrludm promptll done. Keeut a ood asortment of t-utlery, Locka ud TikiIp, which will be sold cheáp. No. 36 South Main Street, A.ISTJNT ARBOR. W