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l'padiriL' has a new postmaster, Mr. II. F. Doty. Two Battlo Creek boys are putting a su-iiin yuobt on Uoguac lakc. About 150 new books have been purchased for ülivet township librarlos. Rev. L. K. Spafford, of Masón, has been called to the Bellevue Baptist church. Leslte has a barrel stave factory that vea employment to abont twenty five men. Scvi'ral toft-nsliips elected women as pupcriiitcndent of schools at the late eleotimis. Lansiqg polled tjie íargest vote last week Monday she ever did. 1,941 are the figures. Potty thievpf have greatlyannoyed Lmlington people for the past two or three weeks. A vigilance oouimittee for tho purpose of onforeint; t lie liquor law has been forined at Eaton RapMs. An eleotric light and powder company üi Nee f'nrmed in Orand Rapids with a capital of $100,11111). band tournaiuont to be held at Flint has buen suttled far the dates of the 8th, 'Jth and lOth of Juno. The archers of Battlo Creek aro about te comruence practice for the summer campaign, saya the Tribune. The animal report of the Detroit, Grand Hayen i Hilwaukee railioad will first bo made publi i in Rngland Jonesville people wnnt lu;r hartar shops closed on Stindays, and also want tiiecouncil to fix the licuor liconse at $(h. The first nnnnal moetine of' the Miehitran Anhery Club will be held at Recreation park, Detroit, June 23d and 24th. Tho eeneral office of the Chicago & Oraod Trunk R. R. will romain at Port Hurón, and not be moved to Chicago as rumorea. The Press stntep that two of Owoswi's business mon filled their ice houses recently from O t sopo liike. The ico was the nicest cvfr séep lo ( hvin-.ii. Tho Bnehtoh Citizen says that in tlicir "Miirket Fair and its management, Briehton has set an entapie wortby of being followed, in one thing." The Ingham county news tellsof a Dcuiocrat who run for ofEce last week, who had chan?ed his politics five times in eight y pars. He wasn't ele3ted. Frod. Carlisle's property, near Pontiac, fonnerly the country seat of Henry W. Lord, was bought at auction recentíy for $El,,OpÖ by Herbert Bowen. Allegan proposes to raise $2,000 to seenre the state reform school for girls, and has alrendy raised about$l,800. Too late, Adrián has "seooped" it in. 'l'lios. Ashnian, for 20 yoars a resident of Wyandotte, was run over and iostantly killed at Grosse'Isle by the Pacific expresa on tbc O. S. R. R., recently. Jhe pension agent at Jackson has secured a pension upon which f 1. 238 arreara have aecrued, for one Mrs. Jane A. Wilbur, and is now scarohing for tbat lady. The Alpena log erop for 1880 figures up 147,500,000 feet with a probability of 5,000,000 additional. The milis of that place will havo sufficient food for sumraer use. The Principal of the Advent College at Rattle Creek thinks the attachment for home of somc of' the students just bcfore exaniinations ia marvelous and wonderful. Messrs. Curtis & Weeks, of J onesville, recently shipped aeren car loada of sheep, said to be the finest lot ever sent from that station. Threo car loada were of Mr. (''.ïrii.-s' ïaising. What has become of our commission to lócate the new state school for the blind ? There isn't a class in the state that so nmeh neod be proyisions made by the legislaturo aü the blind. An iupane man named Do (Jhaney took pOsSesaion of the Catholic church a.t Tronton, armed with a rom enUer. It took about twenty men to dislodge him, and they broke his arm in so doing. Thos. Piergon, a truckman, eotntuitted suicide Wedne-iday of last week by hanging hiuiself with a rope suspended í'rom a beain in a barn in the rear of his house, No. 92 National Ave., Detroit. If the political parties must elect niein1-c-s of' the school boards of our cities, we 1 hink; that Lansing has hit upon the right plan. One of each politica! party l'rom i ach ward is their wanner of choosing. The Michigan Southern & L. S. II. R. report $1,800,000 as thair earnings for March, the largest in the history of the company. The Detroit & Milwaukee also report larger earnings than ever before. Th' .Michigan Transportation Co. is the name of a newly incorporated company in Detroit. Chus. Kellogg is president; T. W. l'iihncr, president ; and W. Livingstune, Jr., treasurer and general manager. A freight train on tho N. W. & T. R. R. boina taken through west by a jiilut who was teaching a new man, ran off the track nt Sc itr's staifon, baused by the train lnvakinif in two. Engino budly damaged. No livos lost. Win. 'J'. Palmer, of liattle Creek, says the Journnl, was the last of Napoleon's guards, and just 4( years ago on the 31st uit. reccived his di chirle from the Rnglish ariny. He duesn't use glas-es in roading the Joaraal. The Shuwu.-uc. Atuerican: " Miohigan bidj l'air to bc liturally invaded the oiniqj summër By (ast naga, drawn hithcr in conlerjuenoe of tho large premiums offered by the (Jirri-rent Iwna asMotetied, aggregatioB about ÍSO,000." l'li') Eenzie county journal statea that Cadillac has offered $100,UOO to aid in the gonstruction of :i railrcAd to tnat point, anil the Wexford COUnty l'inneer wishes the cittzi-n-i ui' Sh-rmnn tn oll'er a libera nuiuiiut tor tlic siiTiic puriiiise. A new manufucturing catablishment, to uiake sugar out of corn, has recuived i capital stock subscription of' $250,000, aun will Boon be commenoed. It is expectec to iiM 3 000 bushels of corn daily when in f'ull opcration. Jjoeated in Detroit. idi. ('Irise, tti(í iictivfi, encriíctic presíil.-iit of' Ohö Kim refnrm club, and m inticr of the temporalice at'¦ oeutral coininittcc, eleoted mayor of' Flint at the late eleciver poe of the most popular men in that city- ('has. A. Ma-on, Democrat. Thé b -jard of wntrol ef the stilte reform chónl,' at Lin-iiiL', rocently re elccted P. M. H'.wv, the .resTit nnperinttMidfiit , fol ánother year. The institutiou is siid to be in aq excellent uomlition. JurinK March 20 Imys wcre ïoicived aud 15 diwjharged. The laws of Michigan relativo to highways, briages and drainage, with Mank iortna for uie use of highway officers and diaiu e iiiimi--iorievs, forminii a nest iiniphlet of' 158 pagos, have boen rMMtlf iBsuod ander the -upervision of the secret ai y of state. All the constitutional and letal provisioiis are jiivcn in full, with rcferenüe to the decisiuns of the wipivnie court bearing upou these matters, and a full index and side uotes, enabling thoso who consult the law to turn to any provisión with case. Lansing is to have her principal street paved ;it last. Sealed prcposals for the paving will be reccived by the city clerk till April li.'. This will spoil the favorito diwription of the Street in tiü)cs fvi--t Ui 2 miles long, 1Ü00 feot witte and S feet deep. The sixth distriut, (composed of Shiv wassee, Clinton, LDgham, and Livingston countie, ) of Free and Aooepted Maaona will hold a lndge of instruction at the hall of Lansing Lodge Ño, ii, in the city of Lansing, on Thursday, May '22d, at one o'clock p. m. The safe of J. A: B. AniHtrong's hilliard rooms, over the MaiMfffoM market on Michigan Grand Ave., Uotroit., was eraekod and robbed recentty by three mefl, who were apprehended and arreSted the next morning by the policeman on that beat, Some $200 and a gold watch was obtiined The Hillsdalo Standard says : "Moscow haa su!w-i!"d the requiroil uinount to seure the Milwaukce and Toledo railroad through that town, and h:iv. been apsured that the road will bc built. Au aspessment of five per cent. on the suli-i'Hption will be paid in immcdiatoly, and the balance as the work progi The state fireiuen's aaeociation will huid it .-xtli asnual conyention at tirund I!aids May 5. Reports and essays will b ¦ i ¦¦- ceived from the standini; oninnnttecs on fire apparatus, legislation, water supply and mutuül benefit a.-suciaüon, and ihirtcen different topics of general int. reist bave been assigned to iudividuul.s fiit discussioD. The editor of the Berrien county llecord says, uniler diitc of April i'i : "Mr. Aloneo Hamifton bfought tö thepffloe last evening a liamlfiill ot lifMlstrawbérlies flloiredalting the siile of the M ii-hitrun IVnual road be tween this place and Daytoo." The aboye beata uur young uicadow lurk slory ol' two weeks ago. Bat ours was a true story. - [Kd. Cocrier. JThe propo9Ítion to chango the c"unfy seat of Berrien county from Buot.anan to Niles, whieh Ua caused lively wordi between our Benien county brwtliers of the quill, and which the suinnitted to the people to be voted on at the late elcction, was di'l'eated by a vote ot' L,67Í for, to O,.'!ótj sgainst, leaving an udv.:iM' majority of 3,684. A uiofher, one daughter and three sona are in the Hillsdale county jail for laiceny and receiving stolen property. As a twin item theSaginaw papers (ell of a man and wife, one in the Detroit house of correotion, the other about to be sentenced, wliose little nine year nld daughter was picked up on the street in an intoxicated condition a few diiys sinoe. At Buchanan they have adopted a novel method of i roe uring railroad aid, that ol' eveuing socials. at which eyery lady ii weighed on entering, hur weight uiarked on a t-lip of paper, and the paper placad in a box, froiu which the men on entering draw a slip, and pay twenty-five cents per bundred pounds in addition to the adinissiou fee. We live iu a progresaive age. The mystery of the body found by two 'longshoremeu at Jones' dry doek, Spring wells, about one ycar ugo, tied up in a large piece of buVrap, lias boen partially 8olved. It has been ascertained beyond doubt that it was the body of' a woman known as Martha Whitla, but whose real name was Martha l'ugh. The umrder or murderers, or the ca.use therefore, is yet a mystery, though a cïue has been obtained. Gardner's Flint City Band has a reputation far and wide as being second to none in the country for its numbers. Tt bas beon engaged to accompany the Detroit (Joinmaiidry of . Koights Templar to Chicago June 25th, in attendance upon the -lst Triennial Conclave of Knights Templar of the United States, and has received bids for the 3d and 5th of July- the 4tU comes on Sunday - next, froua Baltiinore, BoftOB and New York. Another aad story of love and ruin is that of Eliza Smith, a young girl of Otisville, who gave birth to a child at the house of sneitar,, and then attomptcd to kill herself by jumping trom a window. She subsequently diodfroui cold and exposurc, but to the last refused to give tbe name of the man who effected her ruin. Such instances are becoming too frequent. Some punishinent should lie metfed out to the reptiles causing these suinides and murders. The body of a lady was fouod in the riyer Rogue, SpringwelLs, njar the bridge wbioh crosses the stream on the Monroc road, Ia6t week Thursday. It proved to be that of Anna M. Cletnens, of' Hay City, a young lady of good social standing and heretofore excellent character. Sheloved "not wisely but too well," and her death is supposed to have resulted from ao attempt at abortion, the body being thrown into the river either by the abortionist or some one in his employ. It is a sad story. The commission to lócate and build the new state reform school for girl.s, of which Miss Emma A. Hall, matron of thn school for the deaf and dunib and blind, at Flint, is secretary, bas receivnl psopóstls l'roui Owosso, St. Louis, Adrián, Allegan, and Marshal), all of which were liberal. The cotntfnssïoners are nnw on a tour of in'pection, and will soon decide upon the location. Since writing the ahove Adrián has bejep doeidod uponby a vote of five to iour. That looks like bpsiness. Ingham county Deiuucrat : "E. I'. Rowu, of Vovay, recently dug up souie very curious stoncs on hts farm. They resenible hu?e bones and look as though they miiïht llave been there in the time of the fluod. They now onjanient his dooryard, aqd one of them i trimmed with a pair of shackles that W'ir roUnd nn his ñiriu three years ago, and have Ixvri iilrntiliod as those worn by a man charged with murder, who oscaped from the Masón jail many yoars ago and h:i oever si nee been heard of." Albion Uepublican : "Albion división of Sons of Temperance, nutuboring two years ago over 400 meiiibers, and the largest (livisitm of tho order in the Stalc mal the late that sooner or later seems to have overtaken all tomperance oreaniïationp, and suspended. The cause of lts 'letnisc was not infernal disseiiMeii, but siiuply laok of interet. Of' the 400 membets proliably 50 wcre earncst tGBjperauce wolkers - the rest joinèd for the fun of the thing, ainl as soon as the novelty wore away, they drppped out. The división is posswsed oi loiir (ir five hundril dollars' wonh oi' property, including a cabinet organ, larg cir pet, and sittings for over 800 pétsons." The Adrián Daily Times has this : "Mr. l'avis, wlio livcs two miles east bf towh, in rcinodeling his house, bas t'ound a 'nriois insect, which Iiax dboe aome p tent labor un the wood-work of' the edifico. Undcr the qaves of t in; house, the boards were found to have been 'tunnelêd',' as you mi'ht cay. That in the insect bofëd tli olianiii-1, as il' done by an angcr. Afier boring about half way tbrough. tin. neot invanably quït work. Nono uf the boards were rúñnded olear throueb. In souie places the side of the board is ht't thio ft sheet of' paper, but nowheie is tbere a broak or hole oxcept where the in eet has gono into tlie board. A couple 'il the insects and one of the boards they have worked on are now at thia othVo. The insect looks very much liku tlie ordinary 'bunible-bee.' "