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The Board Of Regents

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The Regenta convened in adjourned sension, Tue.-day evening, the entire board an8wering to their namea. The President presented a notiee served upon hiiu frooi tho Supreuie Court, respeoting the Universily case now pending there, which was referred to the special committee. Regent Duffield, from the exeoutive committee, to whom was referred, in 1878, the taak of oompiliog all the laws, by-laws, etc., of the Uniyeraity since ta organization, submitted his report. Ad exocutive session was then entered lato. Wednesday morning upon reassombling, Regent S. S. Walker reported that the cominittee upon the preparation of a general catalogue, had accomplished the work, and recomniended that the board subscribe for 600 copies at $1.50 each, which was adopted. The committee on literary department reported favorably upon the temporary appointment of Prof. Friezo as President, at a salary of $3,500, fuel and lights, during President Angell's absence to China : also tho appointment of Measrs. H. C. Adams, Herbert Tuttle and Theodore Johnson as instructora in different departments, at salaries of $800, G00 and $900 reapectively. Regent Cutoheon then presented a majority report of the special committee towhom had been referred the matter of employing counsel in the suit now pending in the Supreme Court - being the Kose-Douglas cafe - signed by himself and Regent E. C. Walker. The report was to the effect that the protection of the rights of the University entrusted to their care could in no other way be accomplished exoept by the employment of counsel, and that the failure so to do would be to subjeot the board to the severest criticism, and more to the same effect. Recent Van Riper presented a minority report. The report reviewed the case in question at sonie length, recited the fortuer action of the board at its March meeting in 1879, when it unanimously decided not to employ counsel, and approved of such action. This course "relieved the people from the alarm which prevailed that this relentless and bitter controversy would end in seriously endangering the future of the university, and entailing upon ityears of disseosion and strife. In my humble opinión that resolution, and the action of the board thereon, is the only solution of tbia difficult problem." After reviewing the probable expenses of employing counsel and the amounts already expended for the same, and citing a decisión of the supreme court in a similar case, the report closed with the following paragraph : " This resolution was passed in Ootober laat by a majorlty of this board, by men who had pussed through all or nearly all of this bitter Btruggle andkuew all 1U helghts and dopths, and 1 tliink we can safely coutlile In ther Judgment then and there ezpressed. and knuwlng thegreat ablllty, sound Judgment and Inherent lionesly of purposo of Regenis Cutcheon, Kynd, Cllrule, Duffleld and Maltz, I ra gratlfled to be able to agree so fully with their views, as ezpressed In the Octoher resolutlon, and do, therefore, recommend that we ablde by the resolutlon then adopted, and that this board take no further action in this matter." Considerable disoussion followed, pending the adoption of the majority report, and it was finally made the special order of business for the afterooon session. At the opening of the afternoon session the question upon the adoption of the majority report was voted upon with the folio wing result: Ayes- Regenta Cutcheon, E. C. Walker, and S. S. Walker.- 3. Nays- Regents Cüniie, Duffield, Van Riper, Grosvernor and Shearer. - 5. Immcdiately upon the announcement of the vote, Judge Douglas, who had been a constant attendant upon the meetings, arose and desired to know how much of the record the regents desired to have printed. Upon being answered by Regent Van Riper that the supreme court would undoubtedly caïï for so much as they degired, in any event, Judge Douglas proceeded to say that he merely spoke in the interest of the university, (not that bis cliënt was in the least effected thereby). He was positive that in the event of the regents not being represented by counsel, the printing of the entire record would be ordered by the supreme court ; the decree of the lower court reversed, and costs awarded against the university. He spoke as one who knew whereof he spoke. Tbia was no matter of surprise considering the relationship he sustains to the tribunal, orthat he shouldannounce beforehand to the regents the decisión of the court.