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The Baptist society, besides enlarging and improving their church, add a spire. The Herald wants the Chelsea boys to organize a company of State troops. Tbere u aome talk of building an opera house, the present hall not being of sufficient capacity. Building is looking up this spring, some 15 new buildings being in the prospeotive, says the Herald. The Tuomey Bros., of Dexter, are reported to be making arrangements to start a grooery store here. The village board have purchased a new wind-mill. Most village boards can furnish wind, and sometimos a "mili " too. The young ladies of this village are issuing invitations for a leap year party, to ootae off on the evening of the 23d. A gay time is antieipated. The oornet band have a new and boautiful uniform, and they made quite a show at Manchester, where they went in company witli the dramatic troupe last week. The Chelsea dramatic troupe did wcll, and had a fair audience upon their play of " Zoe, the Octroon. " They rccently rendered thc same to a Manchester audieoce. On Friday tnorning of last week, John uough attempted to go down into a well he was digging for Mr. C. W. Sawyer, of LyndoQ, and just as be was in position the descent commenced, but the brake was wet and didn't work, the crank hit the attendant, Mr. S. Trouton, in the eye, knocking him some six feet, and Mr. G. went down 16 feet rapidly. Fortunately he was not iojured though weighing 200 lbs. DEXTER. No news bas at this time been received of young Helber, who disappeared on the 5th inst. Bishop Borgcss, of Detroit, is to be here to perform confirmation rites at St. Joseph's ohurch, next Tuenlay. Mrs. Wm. Hoyt, of Plymouth, is visiting in this place, the guest of her parenisin-law, Mr. and Mra. G. L. Hoyt. Mr. Ira Clark, wbo bas been attending some normal school in Indiana, made bis appearance upon our streets last week. Intelligenoo has boen received here of the safe arrival of Miss Maud Moore at Santa Fe. She is going to St. Defiance, A. T. Benjamin Culy, Jr., who bas been in California for the past three years, has again put in appearance. But whether he came to stay or simply to vieit his parents, we are not iuformed. The amateur stars are practicing "Blow for Blow." A drama, in a prologue and tbree acts. It is to be played on the 23d and24th of this month, in Costello's hall. .Look out tor further notices and bilis giving an outline of the play. It is probable that thore will be sonie difficulty growing out of the fencing-in of some old streets and "oommona." Soine claim that the streets wero formerly regularly laid out as such, and henee they say be left open. Mrs. Frank Blodgett while starting away from the Webster church last Sunday, feil out of the buggy, struck her head upon the ground, and for a time was considered dangerously hurt. We are pleased to say, however, that the is doing well now. " Our Boys " have secured naroes sufficient to warrant the organization of a military company. A meeting is callcd for the elcetion of officers on Friday evening. We trust the boys won't disagree as to who should be made officers. We believe this was the difficulty before which prevented them from organizing. Mr. George H. Sleator, a graduate of the law department, University of Michigan, class of '78, who has been residing here for some time since graduation, and whose parents live here, is going to the northern part of the State to seek his fortune and fame. We understand he is goiDg to Alpena on Saturday. George carries with him the best wihes of his friends, who shall ever be glad to hear of his prosperity. The reform club social last Saturday night succeeded in calling out a $38.00 house, at 10 cents a ticket. The house was crowded, and almost e?ery available standing space was ccupied. The " Sleeping Princess " was the principal attraction,and it gave general satiifaction to all who went to the hall that night. Charlie Warner, chairman of tbe cuumiittee is to be con gratulated upon drawing such a hou.-e. And now Lima Center, in addition to organizing a brasa band, has also organized a reform club. About forty inerubers of the Dexter club went out tbere Sunday night and started a olub. A nuniber of our boys spoke, and then came the i-igning of the pledge, which we are informed has been signed by sixty-five pprsons, the greatest portion of whom are ladies. But then men are apt to follow the ladies, so there is good hope to believe thut even they will follow them in this also. A club was organized after these persons signed the pledgc, and all went home satisfied. MANCHE8TER. The farmer's club is to have a sheep shearing festival at this place on the 21st inst. Those who chase away dull care by "tripping the light fantastic toe," are to have a grand party at üoodyear hall, April 16. The Enterprise gives an account of a supposed murder at River llasin, the same place whero the headless trunk of a body was found floating in the river over a year ago. Kvidence of a deadly struggle were found at a litile station house, but no clue to the mystery has yet been obtained. yPSILANTI. The Ypsilanti fire department have chosen Jas. H. McKinstry, P. W. Carpenter, and Win. Robbins as delégales frotn that oity to the State (iremen's oonvention at Grand Rapids. On Monday last incendiarism was the cause of the burning of five barns in Ypsilanti, belonging to H. Van Tuyl, Mrs. H. Bogarus, A. Coyle, J. Martin and J. F. Sauners. Total loss estimated at $3,000. Jas. K. West, a saloon keeper of Ypsi anti, shot himself while out hunting last 'Viday. The coroner's jury returned a erdict of "death by hia own hands," the ollowing day. The deed is said to have een done in a fit of despondeocy because f financial embarrassnient. Our enial mayor of Ypsilanti will apreoiate the follnwing noiice from a recent s.iue of the Tusoola County Pioneer: Hon. E. P. Allen, formerly principal of ie Vawar Union School, has just been leoted Rapublican mayor of Ypsilanti." Last Tbursday afternoon, at 5:30 a fire broke out in the house of E. Steffy, on the east side, umi tbe Bamo was burned to the ground. Contenta all saved. The fire was caused by a bad chioiney. The loss ia ettiniated at $800, with insuranoe at f500.