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Heu. L. J. Tuvlor's Farm and Auctlon Sale. Lainqsbukq. Shlnwassee Co., I April IJ, 80. f Deer Sir : Here is an item I tbought you would like for your paper, as you know the parties. Considerable laad bas been changing bands in (bis oounty, several farms have been bought and sold, among them the Hon. L. J. Taylor's, and on Thursday, the 8th in&t., hesold at public auction his farm stock, and utensils. About 750 persons were present, coming from all parts of the county, and some coming from St. Jobns, Clinton Co. Tbe ssles foated up oearly $2,000. One flock of ewes sold for $8.15 per head, and other stock sold accordingly. The largest bill, to one man, $150; about f'our hundred Lungry farmers and one hundred from the village satisfied tbe inner man at his tablea tbat day, and every one voted him the best farmer around, and sorry he was about to quit the business. Tlianks for your prompt attention toour paper. Respectfully, K. H. Wheelkr. Bucklen'g Árnica Salve. The best aalve in the world for cute, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, tetter, chapped hands, ohilblains, corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions. This salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every case, or inoney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by L. S. Lerch, Ann Arbor. 935-986 There is an advcrtisement in our columns to which we take oiucli pleasure in referring to our readers, because we believe in it and can conscientiously and heartily recommend it. We refer to Hall's Hair Rencwer. We remember many cases in our niidst of oíd and muidle aged people who formerly wore grey hair, or whose locks were thin and faded, but wha now have presentable head pieoes, and wih no little pride announce to their friends that they haven't a grey hair in their head. It is a perdonable pride, and the world would be better off, if there was more of it, for when the aged make themselves at tractive to others tbey are more certain to win and retain the esteein and respect to whioh a burthen of well spent years entitles them. Try Hall's Hair Renewer if age or disease has thinned or whitened your locks and you will thank ub for onr advice- Pan-Handle News, Wellsburg, W. AMERICAN bJílílue THIS IS THE BEST BLUEING IIsT TJSE! IT IS NOT POISONOUS! I1ELPS BLEACHING and GIVE8 A BEAUTIFUL TINT! S-For Sale by all Grocers._ American Ultramarine Works, 55 Muiden Lane, New Y'ork. 962-ljr Estáte of Luke W. Blodgrett. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County or Washtenaw, s. At a seaslon of the Probate Coort for the CountT of Waiblenw, holden at the Probate office. In ihe city of Ann Arbor, on Tncsday the thtrteenth day of April, In the jtear one thouxmid elght huiulrcd and eighiy. Pretent, Wllllani D. Uarriman, Judge of rrobate. In the matter of the estáte of Lnke W. Blodeett, deceaiwd. Worster Blodgett. admlniitrutor of aid eetate, come Into conrt and rapn-aenta that he is aow prepared to reuder hls final account as uch ¦nmiDtifrajnff. Tliereupon lt 1 ordered, that Thuniday, the sixth day of May uext, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be aesigned for eiamlnlng and allowlnr such account, and that the helm at !aw of uld deceaned, and all other pereona lntereeted In said eetate, are requlred to appear at a awslon of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, iu the city of Ann Arbor, In aald county, and show cause, If any there be. why the mld account hould not be allowod. And lt Ia further ordered, that sald admlnletrator glve notlce to the person liilCTented In sald entate, of the pindoncy of ald account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thi order to be pnhliebed in the Ann Arbor (Jourier, a ncwupaper prlnled aud circulating In aid county, two tuccewlve weeks previou to said dy of hearing. (A true copy.) WILUAM D. HAKUIMAN, WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register.8 tVw Notlc of Attacliment. THE CIRCUIT COÜRT FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHTENAW-Wlllard B. Sniilh plalntlfT, v. Clara N. Ovenshlre, defendant- In Kttachment. Notloe la bereby Rlven, ihat on the alxteenth day of February, 18H0 a wrlt of nttachraent wiis duly lasned out of the Circuit Court for the County of Wathtenaw, at the Buit of Wlllard B. Smlth, the above named plalntlff, aRalnst the lund, tenemenU, goods, chattels, moneys and effecta of Clara N. Ovenahlre the above named defendant. for the eom of ?ÍÍ60.12, whlch said wrlt was returnable on tha second diiy of Maroh, 1880. bated March 9. , o. E KINNE, W7-988 Attoruey for Plalntlff.