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The Ann Arbor Courier

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FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1880. loKliie and Opening of lUatU. Mails leavlng Ann Arbor, Kast and West, wlll close asfollown: ooisa wbst. War Mali - 8:S0 mriirougb and Way Mali 10:50 a. m. and 4:50 p. m. Way Mali between Ann Arbor and Jackson _ 4:50 " Chicago and beyond ": na. aoiNO kast. Detroit poach 8:80 a. m. Through and Way Mali 10:25 a. m., 4:60 p. m. Eastern Mails dlstrlbuted at 8 and 10 a. m., 12 m. and 6:30 p. Dl. Western Mali dlHtrlbuted at 8:30 p. m. Chicago Mali dlstrlbuted at 8 a. m. Jacksou Mail aud Way Mali between JackBon and Ann Arbor dlstrlbuted at 11 a. m. Muil by Toledo Rallroad closes at 11:10 a. m. Toledo Kallroad Mali dlstrlbuted at 8:00 a. ra. except Suturday ovi'iiliw, whon lt la dlstrlbuted before tlie otllce closes. TUe mail U Wliltmore Lake, Webster and Brlguton leaves Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays at 9 a. ui., and Is recelved from these place Mondays, Wednesilays and Frlday at four o'clock p. m. CUAS. a. CLARK. P. M. Travele' Galde. Tralns arrlve and depart from the Michigan Oentral Depot in thls city as follows : TKA1NM AST. Atlantic Express i.06a.m. MghtKxpress 6.3 a. m. Jaokson Accommodatlou 8.45 a. m. Oraud ltapids Expretis 10.35 a. m. Day Express 5.10 p. m. Mail S.SOp.m. TBAINB WKST. Mall 8.40 a. m. Day Express 11.00 a. m. Grand llapids Express 5.20 p. m. Jackson Express T p. m. Evenlng Express .S8 p. m. Pacillc Express 11-20 P. m. All tralns are run by Chicago Mme. whlon Is nfteen minutes Blower than Ann Arbor time. Friends of The Conrier, ho have buHinesH at the Probate Conrt. wlU i(li-ur reqneHt Jndjce Harriman to end thelr PrlntinK to thi offlce.