I Caiid of Mr. C. Eberbach desires to return thanks to the members of the fire departuient, especially, and to the citizens generally, for the vory efficiënt aid rendercd in extÍDguishing the fire in the rear of bis drug store lust Tuesday night. He considera that no more danger from a disastrous conflgration was ever known in the city, and bis thankfulness is in proportion to the magnitude of the work done in averting the danger. C. Eberbach. Don't fail to see the chariaing American comedy of Dollars and Cents, which will be repeated by the Barrett Dramatic Club of this city, at Hill's opera house, Friday evening, April 23, 1880, with the following cast of characters : Mrs. Slybold Mrs. John L. Burleigh Evelyn Nlckelbary, _..._Mi8 Anna Orcutt Harriet Wilford Mr. Emlly Allen Betsey, „..Miss Manie Ooodrich Moutague Pimples _ Chas. M. Jones Win. Nickelbury, L. C. Goodrich Frank Nickelbury, Jno. V. Bheehan John Falrplay „ „.Chas. E. Hlscock Philip Sharp „ W. L. Pack Ferret „ OU. 8. Pltkln Mlke, M. C. Sheehan We Can't Talk Without showing the conditioo of our teeth. Every laugh exposes them. In order not to be ahamed of them let us use tbat standard dontifrice, SOZODONT, which is sure to keep them white and spotless. No tartar can encrust them, no caoker affect the enamel, do species of decay infest the dental bone, if SOZODONT is regularly used. It is a botanical prepara - don, and its beneficial effects on the teeth and gurus are marvelous, as it removes all discolorations, and renders the gums hard and roRy. 980 984 They Work Together. When your system geta out of tune and you feel completely worn out, it is pretty certain that you need a medicine to act on both the Kidneya and liver for these important organs work together in freeing the system of its waste, and keeping up the tone. Then take Kidney-Wort, for this is just what it does, for it is both diuretic and cathartic. Science in the service of the hout-ekeeper has produced the beautiful, pure, harmless, yet efficiënt American Ball-Blüe for the laundry.
News Items
Accidents - Fire
Ann Arbor Fire Department
Barrett Dramatic Club
Patent Medicines
American Ball-Blue
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier
C. Eberbach
Mrs. John L. Burleigh
Anna Orcutt
Mrs. Emily Allen
Manie Goodrich
Chas. M. Jones
L. C. Goodrich
Jno. V. Sheehan
Chas. E. Hiscock
W. L. Pack
Gil. S. PiM. C. Sheehan
Hill's Opera House