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"POR SALE. A OOOD, RELIARLE MaRE, Nlne years oíd nd perfectly sound, a good drirer and safo. Cali at 66 South División etreet, any afteroooq. lwk. "OOR SALE. I have a good FLOURING MILL of fonr run of ¦tone, that I wlll sell or exchanee for property Ín Waahtonaw County. 964tf RICE A. BKAL. "DOR SALE. A Farm of twenty-one acres, with a good dwelllng houoe on ir, one mile from city city limita. Knqnire 965U At THK COÜRIKH OFFICB. "POR EXCHANGE. I bare a (arm of 100 aeree in the western part of the State, ralued at 6,000, whlch I wlll exchange for Ann Arbor City property. KICE A. BKAL. TVTONEY TO LOAN. At seren por cent. Securlty munt be on firstclartfl farms ín this county, or city property in Ana Arbor ia central and desfrable tocalitles. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Attorney. 958tf Office cor. Main and Harón ut., up-olsirs. "POR SALE. r I have a good, built house and lot, sil uated on Elizabeth atreet, No. 15. There is a good barn and wood-ahed on the place. The property Is new and In good repair. Terms very liberal. Apply to 877-989 MRS. E. E. WIN8L0W. T POWERS, Veterinary Physlclan and Surgeon. Calla answored night or day. Office and resldence, No. 30 Soath Fonrtli street, Ann Arbor, Mlch. Jlterencet : B. Hall, A. L. Noble, A. V. Robison & Son, Dr. George, Kberbach Jb Son, pharmaceutisU ; H. J. Brown & Co., pharmaceutlBt ; C. 11. and F. W. Jewell, proprletors of Cook House. 982 pROF. REÜBEN KEMPF, Having Jast gradaated from the Conscrvatory of Mualc at Stuttgart, Uermany, where he recelved a thorough cducatlon, and inëtrnctlons in the lateet methods of teaching music, is now prepared to give IiCnaoiin in llarmonTt and on the Piano and Orean. Planos tuned od reasonablc ti-rnin. Kooms, northeast corner of Main and Liberty streets, up-ntalrs, Ann Arbor, Mlch. 949-1000 WANTED. SEVERAL BOYS, To learn the finishing trade, at the Keek Furnlturc Company Bitabliehment. 981-9S4 "DEES FOR 8ALE. On account of contlnucd ill health, not being able to care of so m.uiy, I will sell ÍO OR L3 4WARSM OF BKKM, at very reaaonable trma. ltalian and natives. Straight, movablc couihs, In extra good hlves, well painted. Plenty of stores, in kealthy condltlon. Tlils Is the proper season to buy, N 30 Nurtli State mrwt, Ann Arbor. N. A. llt I l.l.l Ann Arbor, April 9, 1880. VS1-MN TT0USE8 AND LOT8 FOR SALE. Sereral good brlck dweiling houses, and a numbvr of framed dwellings, deslrably sttaated, with one or more lots for each, for sale, on fair term and reasonable credit. Alm. flfty cfty iots. well located, wlth rood tltle, and od long credit. Also, farms and mortptges for sale. Money safely Inveeted for lenden, at en per cent. Inqulrc of Mtf B. W. MOKOAN. QOFFINS AND CASE8 , FULL 8T0VK AT MARTINAS. A1 orrfors promptly attmdadto. All about rmjY 0 8 E N D E ofcX 1 U Año of th. CAZETTEER A OUI DE, whloh oontlna fu!l inrormatlon on all matten of lntereat nlatinc to tl " Lona Star Stat," and a now oorrsot oountr map of Taa, as x 25 inobaa. JOHN ROSS I CO.. GEN'L AGENTS. ST. LOUIS.MO. AU klnilH of prlnting and Job work wlll be done at The Couricb otñoe In better Btyle and at olieaper ratea than at any other office.