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A oopyof V( bster'a Unabridged Diotionary wa offered at a teachers' instituto in Pennsylvniíia t atiy teacher who wonid reiul thc tbllrwing parai?raph and proneoiJoe every word correotly, aceording to Wol ster. No one sncceeded in earoing tlie dietionary, allhouj;li nina toacliers made the at"tcuipt : "A sacriletrirus son of Bclie!, who soí' fered from bron :hitis, having exhausted his. finanoos. in unier lo imike trood the deficit,resolved to ally liimill' to i comcly, lenient aud docile young lady oribe Malay or Uaucasian rtre. He accordingly purehased a calliope and a uecklace of a chamclion hue, and, securing a suite of' rooms at a principal hotel, lie eníragcd the head waiter a his coadjutor. He than dipatched a letter of the most unexceptional caligraphy extant, inviting the young lady to a matinee. She reviilted 8t the idea, refused to consider herself'sacrifieable to his desires, and sent a polite note of' rafusal ; on receiving which he pioeund a oarbino and a bowiaknil'e, sayini.' il;:it he would not now forge fetters hymenoal with the Quiten, went to an isolated spot, severed his jugulur vi'in and diseharged the contents of his carbine into his abdomen. The debris wasremoved by thc cor.mer. "