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I Each pACkatfc of SAXFOKTrs KAJMCAL CUKE contuina lïr. Srhioim's Improvi d Inlmllnif Tuíu-, with fiilt dircctions for Iti uiw ín ftll cases. Prlce f 1.00. Soldlty all Wholesale and rettUl drugKÍnta nul doah-rs throufhoat the. I'ultpd ttafitt ni: I Confuías. WEEKS & PÓTTEK, General Agenta and WUolcsalu IruKgUU, líoaton, BG0LL1NSV VOLTAIO PLASTER IS SIMPLY WONDERFUL. KlNOSTOX, MlNJÍ., í April), 187Ï. J I consfrler Ollixs' Voltaio Plábtsi: the bot piaster lover - frnw, mitl ani recomu.endinft tliuüi to all. C. McMobeow. 1 MR, ILL., ) April 1H.1ST7. í It has done my bov more good than ull othcr medicines. He now KoeB to school, for the urat time ín tbree vears. Eliza Jakje Duífieid. KllJlA, ILL., April 2, 1877. Ï I l'i( tnoone Igotwüll. They rué tiic beat piasters, no doubt, Ín tiñp world. tí. L. MoGux. A M (rROVE, MO., ) Muren 22, 1877. t mv tliiviike for tho koou d' rivea froni tlietwoCoLLiN8 Tlastkus sent mo soma time airo. W. C. Moobx. COLLINS' VOLTAIG PLASTER for IochI pnin, lammest, eorenesn, wcakneBs, nmnhness, and íullamiiütíoii of tlie lunfH, Uvur, kídney, spleen, bowels, bladder, beart, nn.l musclcB, 1 equal to fin anny oí doctora tuul acica vi plauU and ahrube. Ii'U'o. iLS$ conts, Sold bv all WhoIesiUe and Ketall DniffSiK tnroosbout tin ( aliad Statoi and Canada, anU by WEEK.iT A I'OTTKÜ, rroprlctors, Ttostn: HSÜ-WO OP BITTERS (A 1 (iirino, not a Drink,) I vi xa HOPS, UCHÚ. MANDKAKE, n.WDKLTOX, AM) TirR lUTtEST AKD IÏEST SlEDICAL QUAUTIICS OF AXX OTHKR BlTTXBfl. PTU-wises of the Stomarh, P-iwcIh, Clood, T.ivor, ¦, aad Urinary Orinn, IfffTfnTUmonil. ííltfpBand eieclalqr l-Vimile Comilaints. $1000 ÍN BÚáJDt píiid fea a caso they wlll not curo or help, orj tliingrlnipurc or Injuriousfouiul in thenv. -. t for Qqp CIttfira and tiy them you slo p. Tnkc no Ihcr. HOP Coücii CCEElBthe swcotest, aafest and best. AskChildren, Tlip Ilor 1 ad for Stomach, Liver and Kidncy in opt rlortoallothcrs. Cures byabsorption. Askdruggl3t. D. I. C. la an absolute and Irresistible cure for drunkmness, xisu of opium, tobáceo and narcotice: ¦¦¦B9 Í3cnd for circular. KflHBB ¦ -l-lby ilrOfOflst. I i ' . Rnchettr,N.Y. UM-990 UnscrupuloiiR partáis are falnely representing to consumera that tliey are selllng síxirts of our manufacture. SliirlM .nade to Order by dm bear fnnip Hilli Ink ou Voks Uiui CHICAGO, S I CINaNNATI,J (InrRi'nd.iHuilr tttilrta '"ii tnnip ultli In.l, lil.l.. Ink ¦¦ Yube, Uní: A1I Othersare Falsoly Repretented. WILSON BROS. Importing and Jobbing Men' Furnishers. 9K0-KÖ TUTTS PILLS JNDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERQYMEN ANO THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE 6REATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OFTHE A8E, TilTTC' Di I IO 1'UT'r hn' lUlld riLLu i'WdcdtnrnmtiiiikiFla TURF ru MPAnaPMC thcpe pnls tliehcreKv TIITTIA mi ¦ A ti('HO(llSTliKN(iT)UN'l, T S PÍLLS Piuwativk. amUl'uCURE DYSPEPSIA. Th"r ilrl pparont , " cff.r.t la to lncraue tha TIITT DI I I Q nppclitn by tansingtho I U I I O rJLLO fíd lo propcrly asCURE CONSTIPATION. i!ate. Tlmuthesj-temis nonvNhed, ainl TTIITT'C Or! I O bythcirtonicnctlonou lUI I 0 I iL'.V l!u' dlgestlve orpaus, rilBC piicq regular md lisa'ílw 6TUTT'S PILLS duíh" nsMitr wh CURE FIVERAND AGÜE. ON FLEM? S Jndlr TÜTT'Q DFIIQ P111. indícató theír aI VI 1 O líLLO dapialiiüty tu mrarish CURE BILI0U3 COLIC. "'!' licntr ttair rüiricy in curing nerTIITT'C DIIIC VO11B dobiIity. mclanIUI I O rlLLd choly, dyapepsia, waatCuro KIDNEYComplalnt. fflí&Tg? T S PILLS audiimiartiiiKlicallti CURE TORRO I LIVER Sfc TUTT'S PILLS PriMo" 1UI I W TILLO fi3 Itlurray Slrcet, IMPART APPETITE. bw yokk. I K1-100Ö k ¦¦ ¦ ini wv ¦'" "" soffer flH" UY?""'11-" un ¦ m ¦."'tordj; )ut irv a t'üc W% ¦ A l# ¦ 77 Al1 'l''H"Ol tllCkici HHI ¦[ I,liv.Tand KM ÊM I I m L iirii'ry orirnn-í.ilroiiBy, ¦'¦¦'¦i gtsTel, dUbates. 1'riL't t lií('ií' oí tbe kldnerK, und lncoDtlnenoa i ii retentlonol Drioe(are careo by llmit'M l{km' ly. lf ih prepartd SÏPRKS3LY lor thinc díaCaoierOn Coiirty, Central IVnny]vanla, ( Driptwo.iu, Nov. ÍK, 1879. j D'ar sr must ay HUNT'8 RBMBDY Irns raincd thr dflad. It ralned me from tía dt-nd for mu as the doctora had iriven me ap to Ato in S1X lio! us.und Bohad all tlie pcople. M) friindn called in the pi luet lo prepara me tor dcath, and he alo Muid 1 was doonu'd. Thuy all had ni" dead, bnt Hunt Uenieily BAved me, añil 1 am allve to-day, ound anrt onrcrt ofírojuy. R. W. TRtTDB. t'rorn llcv. H. (i. l'iiylor, I). D., Pnptor First BuptÍBt Chnrch, ProTldenoe, lí. (., Jan. 8, 1879: Icautesúfy totbe vlrtneof III vrs KKMEDYin kidiicydiKoasee from actual tri;il, bet'n L'rciitly baeflrted by Iti na. B, ;. taylor. ¦ ¦¦IB ¦¦HA11""1'" KoiikmIv 1 11I'''H tii-cn 11--I by tilínM I I NI I ' ly iihyxii'laiiH for '10 IUI1 mM "¦:¦- It li..H never ¦"" " bam koown to rail. It i a Kdle, Mure and HPIFH l-im-ly vcV'ft'alil.!. All ml k MM m 1 1 w wh" M; " "Joy Kud nkmCUI:;t;",[. ;- CLARKK. rnovniKNcK, R. I, I toll by ull Iru(íKlHn, and by Farrand. Williams iCo., Detroit. ALL KINJAS OF BLANKS PRINTSD ON -HOUT BOTICK AT THE COURIER JOB ROOMS.