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Only 50 Cents A Bottle

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Tlie ilj IC:iili:i lompuil) of 'Incubo works l,ííO Cloras. Reud uliiil Supfrintciulciil Miiiru !i;i lo :¦} : Wc use exclusively Whittier's Linimeut. It wil! pay a!l owucr; uf liorsos io culi orwrite. M. W, S1 LilKS, Su,m. C. C. K. Cq. The Kxpress ompaiij works 370 llorc.. Iwiail u luii Miihtihiciiiiciii Kiiiuiii bal io my : 1 have been usine Ijiniment on the liorscs of the Amèrfcan and (T: Kxpress Cnmpany stabiel lir 24 eiir.s. L never niet aiiy tb at hnd fti'1 kii-)i I inoril bf Whittier's Liniment Our stables are open. ( 'all and re lor vo1 [. KNKiiri', 6,it.. I . S. Kx. i Tlic Truiirer oiiipaii) ol' Cliiciiso nork Z84 llor.i. Iï mI wliat H I. VO1 .. O. have lo uy : 124 Michigan Avenue. - Whittier's Liniuieut sliould he n every bani. li lias real merit. The eon tractor for clcniiingr of Ilii' oltj' wor! 'Jl IIr!cs. Ilcar hal C. T. HOM II ïi I os A CO. to Ík) : Whittier's Liniment will cm o more horsen in ne day titan all others in n Month. C. T. HOTCUKISS & CO., Ktreet üleanrntf I Scraicbe, Oreased Héél, Tlirush, alled Spot Oom any aiiso, lioal up in f i-om two to Ihrce applicalioiiN, and jon run nork the liorge evory la . and yon can cure iiim ut the Mime lime. Il h ill takc om all iiillainiiialion in a few moment. There s no Remedy on Earth that Equals Whittier's Liniment for Rheumatism. It will have the mme eiroel iipon the liiuuan ril"., SqrofiUa, Seald liead, Catarrh, Pimples or Bloiclica on Fju-e or Kody, Old Sore, or Fresh Cuts. DR. S. WHITTIER, NO. 2O4 EAST WASHINGTON STREET, CHICAGO, IS.L. KOU SALE llï II. J. BROtVN CO., A!"fN AltllOl!. U5S-1Ó09- eow