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mmJXAZJTs Hem nAIIt Hl hiH stnmlard aiticlo is ctoflTpi n:tKd witli Ufe Healest care. ¦t-i i-IIWmh ure a wonderful and satiapactafy ti ever. Hit reitoree grsy or fidëd huir tó He routhfol cpior.J Bi romovcH Dll ernptionp, itchinK and (hn.driitl . Hil the sealp by itt. n-c ivluie and clean. Htiy its toni propepÜOT it tpKyM oipljlury Hjimls to thi ir normal viur. ptvventing Iwlilin-s,. HjK a ilriv-fint;, mittiii i; has bten loimd so cff i tu:i! Hdetbtble, Hjlr. A A.Haye, 8 r of MnPBae'iisctis, H}'x ol it: " I rousidor il ii. bett prepaïat Hj intended purporco." IuCRINGTIAM'S DYE. For llie Whiski i . ¦Tl'his eU'iunt prupnratlon muy Be r]Ii d on to iiii the color of Ihu board ïroni ry or auy other HiU'sIrabli' fhkdo, to brown 01 black, ut dir-critlon. I ia wiilly applied, hpiüc in oiif prarntlon, m .' Hirkly und etVortnally prixlurf n pennaiKtol color. Biich will neithur rtib nur wiwh oll. MANUFACTTKKD ItY ft. P. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H. I Sold by tl] DrugglsW and BialferS la liedfclue. DB1STTIST1 iP Híuccií8Korto (i. W North. Office, 19 outb Main ¦¦¦¦!, ppoeltoNtioiiaUank. Ki-iiidrnri-, Ï7 Lihi ¦ v atriK't. NlttouH oud,.. KaB aiimiuimurud whe B 563tl