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I James Q. Campbell has purchased the Biterest of 11. II. Johnson in the MuskeBon Journal. I The Clinton and Shiawassee Union is now Bie solé property of J. W. Fitzgerald. It ¦as been reduced in size and prioe and is 111 priutedat home. I Tiie Dundee Reporter announces ita Bindidatc for the Presidency to be "such, ¦mi only such, a man as can crry the enBre northern states, and thus secure the ¦lection, which is as uure to be the result ¦s the clioice of candidatos be such as to ¦ïeet the hearty co-operalion of the party." I The Ingham County News, without even ¦lushins, says: "The chief advertising Bgent of the M. C. railroad, who receives ¦!l the papers pubüshing the time card of Biat road, says : "The News is the best ¦loking paper that comes into our office.' " ¦tnt i den, that isn't detracting from the Best of us any, for the News ú an uucomBionly good looking paper. I The Grand Rapids Evening Post thus Bebuke.s the recent disgraccful act of some ¦ f the boys at West Point in hazing WhitBiker, the colorcd oadet, whoso case has ¦een under investigation by a Congree¦ional eoniruittce : "The boys at West ¦'oint should brush up on biography, and Jhen they would discover tlwt (ieorge Washington, who was almost as great a man as any cadet of them all is likeiy ever to be, used politely to salute negroos even in the days when thoy were slaves." The Waync Review indulges in a little levity : "Tennyson claims to be a great poet. and yet he tnay fret and study and tear about for a week, and then can't yank an ode to a saw mili, while the sweet singer of Michigan only gave two minutes to whacking up onc keginning : ' All hall to thee, most terrible i n vent .Ion. Which chews up trees to any wlshed dimensión; AiKTwuen soinelhlug distractsa man'sattentlon, Will break him so a gov'ment pension "NVon't do hlm any good. OB niico dovourer. of men and wood.' " Supervisors all over the state will doubtless be interested in the following from the Nües Republican : "The faet that a supervisor in the eastern part of the state is said to havo escaped the penitentiary " by the skin of bis teeth," so to speak, for inexcusably assessing property at 40 per cent. of i(s value, when the law is clear and explicit that it .-hall be assessed at its actual cash value, or 100 per cent., should be sufficient notice to all supervisors throughout the state to follow the law in the premisas. We understand that several of' the supervisors elect for this county have already expressed themselves as inteoding to comply with the law as t stands, and asseas all property at its true cash value. If all will do so it will save themselves and tlje board some trouble." The Horneo Observer figures the Democratie majority of Macomb county down to 1211' in the recent election. Upon another subject, vital to newspaper publishers, the same paper says: "It is highly probable that those economically inclined merabers of congrees who incline to the belief that the press of the country should be loaded down and taxed to death to enrieh the pockets of a half dozen monopolists, will be tenderly remembered when they again enter the political arena as candidatea for re-election. It will haidly be believed, but it is an undeniable fact, that there are representativos in congress to-day working strenuously to prevent the repeal of the paper tax, who ate and drank and smoked and chewed up the back pay that was included in the notorious salary grab." Speaking of the ueglect of duty by our foreign ministry, the Van Buren County Republican thus protests: "Our ministry abroad is coming to be a by-word. Nor is it strange when we consider how illy the duties devolving upon it are performed, especially when we learn how seldom our ministers are at their posts of duty. The minister to Russia is in Washington. The minister to Eogland in Spain. Ministor tn l'ans ïas been spending tnree or Ibur uionths in África and Asia. Minister to Constantinople is'in Egypt. Minister to 'ienna is soon coming home to look after cleetion in bis state, Iowa. Now all this may be well enough, but to hard-working and hard-taxod Americans it seems only jast that they should get value received for all inoneys expended. Let us either abolish the ministerial system or compel ministers to othcr countries to be in thcir places and attend to their duties." - The Chippewa County News, published at Sault Ste. Marie, under date of April 3d, bas the following, which is alike applicable to othcr towns and cities. A thorough "cleaning up" of streets and allies sbould be hadvery spring, at least, if the good health of a community is desired : "The time of the sioging of birds has come. Spring moves on apace. Jack Frost slowly and reluetantly, yet surely, retreats. Our snow dissolves, and reveáis, not only the sidewalks so long hidden, but much that was before almost imperceptible to the naked eye - much garbage and filth, which if not removed, and tbat right early, will speedily oause lamentation and weeping in somo of our homes. Now is the time to prepare for a healthy and pluasant summer. Few of our earthly joys are without alloy, and certainly the gladness of the season just commenced is no exception. What may, with proper regard to sanitary rulos, prove a great blessmg, tuay, by their disregard, be the source of much sorrow and suflering." Tho Lansing Rcpublican of April 15tb, lias the following oommon sense view of the Presidential question: "Some naughty boys once tampered with the telescope of an enthushistic a.stronomer by putting a louse on the lens, and when the owner of the instrument pointed it heavenward, he was purprised to see an animal bigger than an ulephant walking around on the surface of the moon. Of course the thing appeared real to the enthusiast, yet, rfter all when a full knowledge of the facte were reached, the whole scare simmored down to a disgusting little insect. Thero is a certain class of politicians at the present time, who are horoscoping the presidential future with all sorts of insect in their instruments, and who imagine that unless their favorite receives the nomination monsters of frightful mien will appear on the polittcal horizon. The assertion that Michigan will be a doubtful Htate with i ccrtain prominent candidato for president, or, on the contrary, that ij' another certaiu man is nominated he will sweep the commonwealth by 40,000 majority, is mere twaddle. The arbitrary táctica of ¦ able the residents of citics, villages and townships in the nortliern part of' the state to manage thcir own affairs ; and would prevent saloon keepers lunning the public business in their interrsts, and to the detriment of the rest of' the community. The ten days residence now provided for by our state constitution works great injustiee to inunicipalities adjacent to the lumbering regions of the state, facilitating, as it does, the colonization of yoters ; who, wjthout property or other interests, niany times over-rido the wishes and pecuniary interests of the taxpayers and permanent residents, as was the case in this city last week. For ten days previous to an election the saloons and boarding houses of cities and villages, in close proximity to the lurnber oamps, swarm with 'boys from the woods,' who are kept on free board and free whisky for the brief period required to make them electors, in order that thuir votes may be cast in the interest of those who keep them. As soon as thcy have voted away they go and the taxpayprs are left to make the best they can of' the situation. Our next legislature ought to submit a similar constitutional amendment to be ratified by the poople. Such a provisión would do niuch toward stemming the tide of intemperanee and crime, ei)ecially il tiorthern Michigan. The Marine City Reporter ha this bit of interesting lii.-itory : "Ou the bank of the river just above Hart's doek stands a little dilapidatcd old building now used as acarpenter's shop,which has a h story a few of the incident of wliich are of interest to the citizens of Marine City. It was formerly used as a school house and was then ameng the more pretentious buildings of Main street. Many of our business men remember when they wcre occupants cf the little unconifortable bauchos and the chastisements they recoived. and richly deserved, under this roof. The red school houso was noted and not without merit. It was in this building that Zachariah Chandler made one of his first politieal speeches to a small number of Whigs who had assembled to listen to hiui, he baving juaf. rnnimenccd the canvass of the state, being the Wlilg Londa.t. for fmvrnor. Foster Hart acted as ehairman of the meeting, and among the audience were those who have since been powerful in political life. No one dreamed at the time that they were listening to a man who would wield a national influence. As stated by one of our citizens who was present, ' I liked hiui for hisplainness, but I sawnothing at that time which led me to believe that he was greater in any particular than the average man.' IIow homely is this picture comparcd with the brilliant ovations extended to Ihis honored man and statesman throuchout the land. A nation honoring his abilities, and all bowing their heads in grief when death removed him." An intensely Blaine paper is the Leelanau Enterprise, published at Northport. Hear wliat it eays: " No man in the United States possesses executive qualifications superior to James G. Blaine. He is eminently an American Statesman. No one who thoroughly knows him but haa the most implicit faith in his beinc; superior to any emergency that could possibly arise. The hundreds of thousands of young men who will this fall cast their first vote, proclaira the great leader as their choice. Republicans cannot aflbrd to rest their chances of victory in tlie coming campaign upon an uncertainty. Witb James G. Blaine at the head of the ticket, the Republican party ia absolutely certain of a glofious victory. There would be no experimental policy adopted by Mr. Blaine towards the south. In the tirst place his policy would be so clearly enunciated as to pe incapable of being misunderstood ; and in the second place it would be executed with a promptness charactcristic of its projector. And yet he would be sadly missed in the Seuate. We need his watehf'ul eye, his inciiive utterances, his profound research, his vast comprehension, and his intuitivo insight into wrong, in the senate chamber. Republicans and their icvured principies are secure when Blaine is on the alert. But jf his great mind must be removed from the senatorial arena, it can be placed in a sphere where its f uil scope and beauty and grandeur may be brought into play, the highest place in the gift of the people, the executive chair of the nation.