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Grading has commenced for the ncw passenger depot. The vifage assessor will soon commence his annual rounds. Mrs. Orman Clark, of Lyndon, died recently, aged 60 years. They are ta'king about getting up a 4th of July celebration here. The brick hotel of Mr. H. G.. Hoag is to be completed the coming season. Chas. M. Davis, living near this place, recently had f'our sheep killed and several wounded by vicious dogs. The Herald expects to see a new winduijll soon on the top of the town pump, Inch is receiving thorough repairs. Many improvcmeDts in the shape of new sidewalks and fences are in progresa, and 20 or 25 new dwclliiigs are talked of. Chclsea now has three elevators with a capacity of 25,000 bushi-1., the grangers having recently turned their warehouse into an elevator. Several people, it is said, have been bitten by savage dogs, recently, and the village council is called upon to pass and enforce a law compelling parties owning such caninos to keep them muzzled. Apropos to spring the Herald remarks : "Dirty streets are not an evidence of good taste or clean liness. Cart away your rubbish, or keep it in your own back yard if' you like to see it and smell it." Counterfeit half dollars are becoming plenty, chiefly with the dates 1857, 1875, and 1877. The dies are generally good, but the weight is noticeably lighter than the genuine coin. Many of those of the date of 1875 show a light flaw under the tallons of the eagle, and tlie letter in the word half, itumediately under it, is also imperfect.- [Herald. DEXTER. Mrs. Bert Gray, of Alpena, is visiling friends and relativos in this plaoe. Dr. Ziegenfuss moved into the house lately occupied by Harry I. Phelps, near the M. E. Church, where he can hereafter be found ready for professional service. Ten couples of young persons of this place are going to Chelsea to atfena tne leap year dance this evening. We are pleased to see the ladies wake such good uso of their opportunities. Yojing Holber, who duappeared about two woeks ago and was ,-upposed to have committed tuicide, turned up last week well and hearty. He says he has been in Chicago, and had a good time. About forty girls and boys were confirmed last Tuesday forenoon, at St. Joseph's church, by Bishop Borgess, of Detroit, usistod by hú new secretary, Fr. Maas. The confirmation was vcry largely attended. Mis Carrie Magoffin, of this village, has just returned fr.mi av i.sit to London, Ont , and Detroit. She went on a combioed bu.- iness and pleasure trip, and pays s-he had a splendid time. Sho expects to attenJ the Ladies' Hellmuth College at London, in the fall. Company I, M. 8. T., Dextcr. IIow is this for Dexter? Officors: Captain, J. S. Gorman; Ist lieut., G. W. ]'arker; 2d lieut., Jay. Warren; Ist sergeant, James Mr.Yimara; 2d, F. H. Evarts ; 3d, J. H. Frawley; 4th, Chas. Parker; 5th, A. T. Hü hea We wi.-h the boys success. i lie drama, " Blow for Blow," which was annonnced to be presentcd at Costello's hall ihin and to-ruorrow nights, has been posponed till Tuesd; and Wednesday, April 27th and 28th. Examine the bilis and programmes and tlicn come and seo the play. It is eomical, satirical aud cminently entortaining. Don't forgot the time. For the benefit of the ladies' library assoeiation. " MANCHESTER. Hon. John J. Rnbison and Mr. Berktey CKborn have purchai-ed the McGee farm in Sharon. The next meeting of the farmer's club is to be held at the residence of J. G. Eaglisb, May 7ih. At the Catholic church in Freedom, April 8th, Geo. Dettling an Adam lveidle tradeil risten lor wives. The Enterprise says "it is astonishing how poor the people are now," - the supervisors are assessing property. W. F. Fountain, botter known as "Piek," has gone to Cincinnati to see what prospect there is for him to regaiu his eyesight. E. B. Norris has been appointed village attorney by the couneil, and M. D. Case is to be the recognized hcad of the fire depurtment. The new engino on the D. II. it 8. W, R. It. bas been laid up for repairs of a broken link. A. EL llcwrtt, Eq., has admitted Mr. A. F. Frceman into psitoenhip under the firm name of Hewett & Freeman. The lattcr bas been Btudying law fbr thepset three years with Mr. II., was recently adruittcd to the bar, and is highly spokcu of. Mr. unJ Mrs. Blythe celebrated thiir golden wedding on Thursday of' last week. The whole thing was a surprise, and a pleaaant one, too. The Enterprise thinkl the Clielsca boys who camc over there to play "Zoe, the Octoroon," recently, were not merabers of the red ribbon club. On Friday evening, May 7th, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Wheeler, iormerly of this place, will celébrate their wooden wedding at their home in Woodstock. Monday of last week school in districts Nos. 3, 7, and 9, of Sharon, were comnjencod by Missos Clara Baker, Franco VVliitley, and Anna Osborne, respectively. The linteriiribo has conie to the conolusion froui what was said at last council meeting, that "we don't know whether we have a fire department or not, guess not." The Uuiversalists have clianged the day of holding religious services, and commencing with lat Sabbath therc will be priwihing every altérnate Sunday, llev. J. B. Gïllrnan offieiating. lliver llaisin station is on the Jackson branch of the Michigan Southern lt. EL instead of being upon the D. H. & S. W., as statcd in the Courier last week. The tnystery still remains a mystery. The sbeep shearing festival was held on the 21 st at tho barn of J. D. Corey. The premiums were $5, $3, and $2. The judges were S. M. Merrithew, Manchester; W. E. Kennedy, Somersett; II. E. Wilton, Tipton. Frank Spafard was appointed weightniaster, and Junius Short, fleeceholder. SALINE. The following resolutions of condolence on the death of our worthy brothor's wife, Mrs. Docia Kidder, which occurred at their resuene in the town of Saline, county of Washtenaw, state of Michigan, April 6th, 1880, were adopted by Saline lodge No. 272, I. O. O. F.: Whekkas, It has plcased tho Supreme Uuler of the universo to remove by deatb iroiu our naldst, our wortliy brother's wlfe, Mr. Docia Kiddkr, therufore. Resolved, That while our hrotlier mourns hls loss wc i'xlcml uur heart-felt sympathy ti. Hun I Jus s;nl bereavement. Resolved, That in token of thls sad bereavement, the charter of thls lodge be draped lu mouriiiiiK tor tlilrty days. Resolved, Thntacopy"of these resolntions be I giveu our bereaved brother, Bpread opon the records of iliis lodge, and copins lent to the ANN ARBOR COÜKIKRUrnl 1 X'lllxOl'at for püblioatlon. H. II. UAB8H,8ae. STONY CREEK. Who ever kncw it to be more windy? The prospect for wheat is fair indeed. Mr. Barr has the thoroughbred Chester Whites. Quarterly meeting is announccd for May first and second. Mr. Drake is quite sick with cancer and dropsy of the heart. The Universalist Church at Moreville was dedicated last Wednesday. The Sunday school board of tho Methodist school is U meet next Sunday at 9J o'clcck. Gen. Cary lectured at Morevillo last week but did not have such an audience as ho deserved. The grocery át Stony Creek has char,ged hands. It ia thought it will not be opea on Sunday. Mr. llopson, the proprietor, aas brought on quite a stock. Mrs. Abigail Ewers celebrated her eighty fourth birthday on the 13th inst., at the residence of Mr. Benjamin Kelly with whose family uhe livcs. The worthy uld ladj is enjoying good health. YPSILANTI. The firemen are to havo a ball to-night. ltev. Father De Bever leaves for Kurope next Mouday. The oratorio "Elijih" is in preparation by the musical unión and normal solioul choir. Some of the lots on Forest avenue are being uiprovcd by lettiog iu the miii's rays a little. Prof. and Mr?. Bellows celebrated their silver wedding Mondny of' last wiek, and had a pleasant time. Tbc sons of temperance will give a five cont social at good templar's bail to-night. Rd'reslinients will be served. Jno. B. Alley, of Boston, bas been in Detroit the past weck looking to the extenHon of the D. II. & S. W. liy. The Fpsilsnti grande lias been putting fifteen new members tlirough the different degrees, atd had a í'east over t Weduesday nigbt. It is rumored tbat a suniluer normal ojftss is to Le organized by the normal tchool faculty for the benefit of the teachers throughout the state. The Ypsilantian gives a detailed account of some very queer procecdings by parties there ;.. Mu matrimonial line. But it turned out all right in the oA. As an inducement to the young ladics oí' Ypsilanti city and town and nine surrounding townships, the Commercial offers to send "a copy frce, to every new bride." Mr. J. F. Watling, of this city, has purchased the mili property at Norvell, of the Messrs. Wilcox, and bas baught some new macbinery, aud will fit up the mili lor custom work. A hook and ladder company oonsisting of a membership of fifteen, was organized last Thureday evening, wiih Alex. McCullough as president, and W. A. Groom, secretary. A numberof Ann Arbor people attended tlio rendering of the "Chimes of' Normundy," Friday evening of last week, and wc uodcrstand wcie amply repaid for th ir tiouble. The ]5aptit church sent Mrs. J. II. Scot(, Mrs." J. M. Sweet, Mrs. D. Iliiy.-, and Miss Sarah Emerick aa dclegates to bite Baptist woman's miaonary sooiet; of the west, held in Detroit last week.