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¦noli EXOHANGE. I have a farin of 100 acrcB in the weetern part of the State, valued at $6,000, which I will exchangu for Ann Arbor City proporty. BICB A. 1ÍKAL. "POK SALE. I have a good, well-built house mul lot, situaii-.i on EUaabetb itreet, Ho. 15. Tliere Is a good barn atul wood-ihed on the plaoe. 'J'lic property Is now and In good repair. lerma very liberal. Apply to 977-989 MUS. E. E. WINSLOW. T)R0F. REUBEN KEMPF, Havini; Just gradnated from the Conscrvatory of Motie at Stuttgart, Unrmnny, wlH-ri' he rcalvd n thorouffh educatinn, and instrnctloiiH in ihr Of teaihiim music, is tinw prepared to l-ívc Le- om I iliirinou) , and on Plano and Orj;an. Ptanofl ttuara u roaaonable tenat. Koome, iHiriheiwt cormT of Muin and Liberfy ptcrtH, ap-8tairn, Anu Arhor, Midi. HKX) TVTANTED. SEVERAL BO1, To learn the fmiehinir trade, at the Keek Purniture Compauy Eïtabllshment. D81-Ü84 TTOUSKS AND LOTS FOR SALE. öeveml (jood brlck dwolling honteB, and a nuraber of fraraed dwellineH, dtfirahly ittuited, wlth om or more lot for caoli, for hhIc. on fair terma and r - 1 i Also. flfty city lots. well located, iih ¦d title, and on !ong cri'dit. Also, farms and mortxm'ce roí a Mnney safely invested for lendi-m, at ten per cent. InqmrviM 4()tf ft. W. MORO. WILLIAMW.NICHOLS, X5E1STTIST1 BiïÊ& Succoasorto G. W North. Office, 19 South Min lioeIt( National Bank. Kestdence, 27 Llb erty Bcróot. ?íitroni oxide sflhs admiulntered when reannstwd W3tf JPOR SALE. That very definible propartj conpi-tiiiR ol TWD ÏÏDÜSES m LOTS Sltuated on the Corner of DIVISIÓN AND WILLIAM STS., In the city of Ann Arlmr. Applj to CHVKI.KS E. LATIMEB. STUDEXTS' t'HKISTI AN ASSOCIA1ION. JOSEPH COOK LECTl'UES AT TJlsriA7'E!E.SIT"2" HZA-XjXi, FEIDAV EVENIN&, APRIL 30, Sniüect - Certaintles in Belinioii. ADHIMIOMf, M CENTS. 9-ü W. W. BLISS & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TOBACCO & CI5ÍR B All GoooisSoli at Detroit Prices. A-gents lor GLOBE and BEAL OF DETROIT tobaco. N0. 7 EAST HÜRON STREET. '.ISlyr 9S.1 9DS All kinds of prlntlnu uid Job work wlll be done at Tuk Oourjxb offioe In better style and at ohuaper ratos thaii at auy otbur olllce.