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Real Estáte Tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Wayne, es. In the matter of the rutate of Mary C. G'adwin. deceased. Notice is herehy triven, that in puiguaucc of au order granted to the nnderslgned, exeentor ol :he last will and tcs:ament of said d-ccaeed, by the Hon. Kdt'ar O. Dnrtee, Judge of Probate o County of Wayne, on the teuth d.iy of Pehruary, A. 1). L880, thrre will be sotd at public vendar, to the tlgbest bidder, Ht city of Aun Arhor, in tiie County of Waahtenaw, and Mate ol Michigan, at the maln entrame to the cmrf honse in t-aii city, on Saturday, the fflth day of May, A. I. lSKii, ai twu o'clock p. m. of said day, the loltowlDff destfibec real estáte, towlt: The utidividid one-ttalrd of :ha certain piece fr pnrcel of land sitúate lu the city of Ann Arhor, Washtenaw Couniy, Michigau, and kuown au twenty-one and one-nalf (21%) feet in width off the north sido of lot tive (5) in hlock onc (1) south of Hnron atreet, in raniri' four (4) eaet, in the city of Anu Arbor ; also the uh r tbe alley along the east end of lot flve (5) and mx (6) in .-aid block one U). Detroit, April 12, 1880. WINTHKOP G. SAWYKK. Ejecutor. MICHABL BHE.NNAN, Aitotney for Exeentor. 9W W8 Notice to Crodltors. OTATE OF MICHIQAN, County ol WatWenaw, -. 0 NolJce is lioreby given, thnt by an order of the Probate Court for the Couuty of Washtenaw, madfl on the ihirty-flrHt duy of March, A. i). li-W. m. inimtbn from that date were allowed for creihiors to prasent their claims ap;aiti8t the estáte of Maitlia B. Wood, late of said connty, deeeued, and thnt 11 creditora of gaid deceaeed are required to present their claims to eaid Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor. for examination aii'1 allowance, on or before the flrst day ol Uctober ncxt, and that such claims will be beard before said conrt, on Thursday, the flr&t day oí .lu'y, al i on Frlday, the flrst day ol' Oct. her next, at ten o'clock in tbe foreno'"! of each ' iald 1 y-. Dated Aun Arhor. .Mrch :ilít, A. D. I WII.I.1AM D. HAKHIMAN, 980-983 Jodge oí Probate. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OF MICH1UAN, County ol In the matter of the estáte I Clara E. Pftnooa, minor. Notice is liereby given, that in pursuauce oí an order gruuted to the niulersiííned, guardián ot sald minor, by the Hon. Judge .il Probate (or the i Conaty ol Washtenaw, mi me twentletli day ol j Miircli, A.D.iSNi, there will be soldat public veodne, io tb.' nighesi bidder, at tbe east front doot Ol the j rourt house in the city of Ann Arbor, in tiie t ounr of W.iMitenaw, in auid State, on Tttetfdaj, thi cnth day of May. A. I). 18X0, at ken o'clock in the torenooa ol that lay (subject toall enenmbnaoee by mortae or otherwise aziatlofl at tbe time of the Mie,) the following ile.-cribeJ real catate, to it : An undivkled BDe fourth ('41 laterast, after the lerinination of tbe Ufe estáte of WUUaoa 1. Wood llicnin.iu tbe undividi'd threc-pvi nth (.3 7) purt of the west huif of the soulh-east qunru-r ai d tw n v mui Itirse-foartbs (WHV) acrei off from the north end ot the easl half ol the BOQ b-wesl ol v i ¦ Hon number ninateen (19) In tbe lownsbip of Lima W.ishtcuaw County, Miohiffan. THOMAS s. BANFOBD, Guardian. Datad Maren 10, WO. s7'.i üi: Chaneery Xoticc. STATE OF MH'HIÜAN- The Twenty second Judicial Circuit- In Chaucery. Bult pendías in the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw - In Chaneery. Marcm W. Wallace, complalnant, TS. Mary WaUftoe, delendant. Uoon prooi' by aindavii, that Mury w allace, tbe oefeadani in the above enütled oanae, pendías in thls court, resides oni ol the MMid St-itf oi MichiL'an. and in stuw01 Indiana, and, on inotion of J. 1 .¦int', loildtor for complainant, it in ordored il. at the satd defendant do aiunar anrl answer the bill of rnmplaint, (lied In the Huid cuiise, wltbin tbroi BOntba Ironi the date ot thts ordtT. else the said bi] of complalnt hall takeo as confeased; And lurther, that oMer be jMibií -hfl wllbln twenty hi k from litis dale, ín '1'hk Ann Aukob CoI'hikk. a newtpaper priuted in tlu: sald couniy of Wtushtenaw, and be pnbliabed thcreln once in ach week for six wek in snonasion ; ueh pnblioatlon, h. shall not be oacessary lu etst u copy of this order red on the said defenduut, penonally, twi-iity u.iyr' befóte the time hereiu preacrlbsd tor Urr appearssoe. Daled, this Bixteeuth day of March, A. P., 1880. JAM BS McMAH 'N. A Circuit Conrt Commlestoncr in and lor Wsshtemn County, Mich. J. F. Lawrbmk, Soücltorforl' !i7s.()R4. It will be for your Interest to KmnvTiuit CASPAR RINSEY (Lato from a Whclenale Groer's Uouce in Dctiolt,) baB oponed a mm m wm store At o. 16 EhnI Hnron niii-rri. He will also keep In stock FL0CR, FEK1), TOBACCO AM) CIGAKS. All tjoods are (resh and new, and, bcinp purchased at the lowasl v bolea ik I ast Pi i' ¦¦. Hl be soid ui rates correspondtncly low. ali pald for all kinils of Country Prodncr. 984-885 ASil'AR HINSKY. 1VT0NEY TO LOAN. At even per cent. Securlty mint. bc on flretcloss lurms in this couniy.or city propertj in Anu Arbor in central and deslrable localltieft. ,!. (. A. SKSNKiN'S Altorncy. WSStf u% cor. Main and Hurón sis., upstuirs.