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The Congregational church, at Augusta, is being thoroughly repaired. A change is to tako place on May 10 in the timetable of the M. C. R. H. Judge Cheever is to address the reform club at the opera house next Sunday. Co. A had a target shoot on Wednesday, hut we have beeu unable to obtain the soore. __-_- _ The Hon. Edwin Willitswill accept the thanks of the Courier for valuable public documenta. R, E. Frazer, E-q., spoke at Delhi last Sunday eveuing and secured 12 f-igners to the pledge. Don't forget the entertainment to-night at the opera house, for the benefit of the reform club. One of the rooms under the Chandler house is to be opei.ed up by a sewing machine agemy. ??? A student of the medical department, roominit over Dr. Frothingham's office, haa the scarlet fuver. Eighteen new mcinbers united with the Unitarian church, Sabbath of' last week, batead of thirteen. The wood-work in the court house has rc-eived a fresh coat of oil, much to its better appearance. ¦ m ( The April shower whieli groeted us last Sabbath morning had a large quantity of hail mixed with it. Vanderford fc Werner are to have a billi;ird tournanient next week at their rooms fora chaiupion cue. (íillie S. Pitkin has been appointed quarteriuaster of Co. A., in place of J. Berolsheimer, Ie ft the city. The Democratie county convention, to elect 18 delegatcs to tho State convention, will be held in tbis city May 27th. The dug store of Emanuel Mann has been removed to the old city arcade building, and he now has a fine, neat store. Mr. D. F. Schairer supplied some 700 ladies with Japaneso parasols at the opening of hia store last week; all gratis. J. A. Polhemus being the lowest bidder, will carry the mails from the post office in this city to the depot for the coming year. About $34 was the net receipts of Gen. Cary's lecture last Friday night, to be dividc;d between the reform club and city band . _____ M. D. L. Branch has removed his store from the post office block to the store on Main street, recently occupied by Emanuel Mann. _ It ia aKoRcther probable that the fair to Chicago will be reduced to $5.00 for the round trip during the coming national convention. A collecüon taken at the M. E. church, Sabbath before last, in aid of pioneer Metbodisni in northern Michigan, netted $92.00. At the M. E. church, next Sunday eve ning, Rev. J. Alabaster will speak upoo the subject, "what shall a young man do with his doubts?" The CouRiEii office under the painter's brush, is fast assuming the appearance o a new building. It is being enthely re painted and the brick work nicely penciled Several inembers of' the Ann Arbor re' form club went to Saline last Sabbath to hear Gen. Uary, who had a crowded house there both Saturday and Sunday evenings The circuit court adjourned last Wednes day, after having been in .'e.s.-ion since Tues day March lCth. Several old chancery cases of long standing, have been disposec of. Rev. W. It. Alger, of lioston, Mass. preached morning and evening at the Uni tarianchureh, last Sabbath, both discoarse being spoken of in terms of the greates praise. Mt. Jeflcruii Warner a resident of thi city and county for 41 years, died of r neu monia, on Thursday of' last week, at the age of 64 years. Last Wedneüday añernoon engine No 130 bound east on the M. C. 11. R , had 39 white refrigerator cars "intow," ,-aid to have been loaded with beef for Englaod. A meeting of the ladie-T library assoeia tion is to bc held in the parlor of the Pres byterian churehto-morrow, Saturday afternoin, at 3 o'clock, to consult upon the pur ehase of a lot. Burglars entered the hotel of Louis her, near the M. 0. H. R. depot iMt Saturday night, cut out the bottom of his till and seeurcd $6.00 n money, a re volver, pipes, otn. Mi Julia A. Randall, a sister of the W Norman and Volr.ey Chapiu of thi city, died on the 20th inst, aged 73 years l "OOtlM an.l 12 days, at the residence o S. O. Tubbs, in Sao. One of the nicest invoices of vfedding tationcry, invitation paper tod envelopes and visiting cards in most elegant designs which has ever been raoeifed at thk office 's dow in stock and for sale. Ladies de ñring calling cards in the latest and mos laslnonable designs, are eepeoiJly ídvíiim U inspect our stock. " Society notes " of the Sunday Detroit Post and Tribune aays that Miss Allie McLean, of Ann Arbor, is to be married in May to Throop Morley, of Marine City, a gradúate of the university, class of '78. "A. student" wrltes that a cimlr of plgeon ahootlng has been establishecl at the University of Michigan." Don't belleve lt.- Detroit Even Ing News. Quite right in your belief. It was not a chair established at alt, but a stool-pigeon disestablished, so to speak. " Alle samee." Rev. Joseph Cook, of Boston, Mass., will probably need merely the announcoment that he is to lecture, Priday evening of next week, to fill university hall. He comes under the auspiees of the students' christian 6sociation. Mrs. Sallie Woodruff, the inother of Thos. M. Woodruff, both formerly of this city, died in Reed, Séneca county, Ohio, Saturday, the 17th, of paralysis, aged 83 years. Her remains were brought here for iuterinent Monday last. The Dodge City Times of April 17 th, has the following in reference to the formar agent of the Michigan Central raiiroad at this plaoe: "Mr. O. W. Sharpless, formerly agent of the Denver & Rio Grande at Colorado Springs, will be agent of' the Santa Fe, at Albuquerque." The old saying that "When Christmaa on a Thureday be, a windy season will ye 8ee," has proven a very correct one so far this year. The wind runs riot most of the time, perfectly regardless of gentlemen's chapeaux or ladies' raiment, and making it difficult for pedestrians to travel. ? Lightning struck the residence of Alonzo Healey, iu the 2d ward, cor. of Catharine and Second streed, last Sunday morning. It went down through the kitchen, giving the cat and dog a close cali for their lives, and prostrated Mrs. Healey who was sitting by the wiodow. No further damage. Complaints are being made by parties interested that the new manager of the D. H. &. S. W. and T. A. A. & N. R. R's is building up the business of' the former at the expense of the latter. How true this charge of ''robbing Peter to pay Paul" is, we are not prepared at present to state. Bishop Borgess administered the sacrament of cimfirmution upon over fifty candidates at St. Thomas' Catholic church, in this city, last Monday raorning, services commcnoing at 10 o'clock a. m. In the afternoon the Bishop administered confirmation upon several applicants at Northtiold. A change has been made in the original plan for the néw Baptist church on Huron street, and the structure will be of stone instead of brick. To outward appearances, if not in economy also, the change will be a grateful one. The building committee think about $1,000 will be saved by the alteration of' plans. The perserving rascáis who make their living by swindling farmers, are already on the war-path as census takers. They get a faimer to sign what he supposes to be a statement of his property, products, etc, which signaturc in a few days turns up as a promissory note. Look out for them. No census takers will be around until next June. Two suits against saloon keepers of the city for selling liquor to a person while intoxicated have been tried before Justice Granger, oa complaint of A. Diuble, of Lodi. The first against Chris. Sanzi, resulted in a verdict of $25 and costs - wbich was appealed - and the second against (ico. F. Lutz, the jury failed to agree, and the case postponed until to-day at ten o'cloek. Ooe great evidence of prosperity in a city is the demand for houses. Ann Arbor has hardly a vacent house within her borders, at least in a oonvenient location, and if any one doubts our word, just let biin hunt for one. as the writer had to this spring. In our exchanges trom different portions of the state, we notice a demand in many of tbem for more residenccs. This denotes prosperity. With the return of summer do not forget sanitary mattere. Have your premises thoroughly cleaned, sprinkle all cellars frecly with linie, and see that the drainage about your residence or place of business is good. Itemember that pure drinking water is nccessary to good health. Let everybody pay attention to these niatters, and the general salubrity of our community will be greatly increased. "An ounce ot preventiou, etc." After the walls of Ludwig Walz' new building on Liberty street had been completed to the roof, it was ascertained by the cracking of the same, and leanirjg toward the west, that the foundation was not sufficiently firtn, and now the procesa of taking down has commenced. Mr. Walz says that it will have to be taken down and rebuilt trom the foundation, which will entail the loss of much time and considerable money. Have we no plne foresta ln Michigan, that the state luis to import and pay for four carluails of piin' lumber from Alsbama for the new untversily museurn at Ann Arbor? - I .uu siiin Hepubllcan. Yes, there are undoubtedly plenty of pine foresta in this state, but then, yon know there isa certain quality of excellence always added to a commodity which comes from a distance. But seriously, it is generally conceded that the pitch piae from the southern states is far superior to our white pine for flooring purposes. Tuesday evening the fire departmcnt was called out by another attcmpt to fire tbc end of the oíd Presbyterian church in which John G. Gall's meat market is locatedThe flatnes wcre extinguished by a few paila of water. But for the tituely discovery the building would have soon been in flamea, and much valuable property endangered. What can be the motive for the persistent ttempta to burn the property in this vicinity, ia a mystery as great as that of river I Lai.-in notoriety. A horse and carriagb came down Huron street from State last Tuesday evening at a pace which equaled Parole's best time. After circling around the square, the lady in the carriage - who had two children with her - gucceeded in stopping the horse, by the aid of the outside multitudes. The running was caused by the slipping of the bridle from the horse's head. This occurred on Thayer street, and the self posscssion of the lady driver probably saved herself and children from rerious, if not fatal injuries. _______ A certain window in a house in East Saginaw is reported to have in it a pane of glass on which is indelibly stamped the impress of a human hand, wbich it is said neither soap, water, knives, chemicals, or any otlier agency has as yet been able to remove. The writer of this is trouliled in the saine way at his house but more especial ly with the door knobs. In fact, most any house where children aro, can report the same thing. The mystery genorally is how any one of the panes happen to escape sueh an iinprcss. W. W. Nichols will surely be tho " boss" fruit grower of Washtenaw county in the early future. On 50 acres of grouud he has 7,250 fruit trees, as follows: 3,000 peach trees ; 1,500 apple trees; 500 plum trees; and 1,650 pear trees. He also has 2,000 currant and 500 gooseberry bjjshes. All of the above are in fine growing condition. The peach and pear trees will be in hearing this eeason. Mr. Nichols has spared no pains to cultívate and Btimulale the growth of his fruit orchard, and will soon have the pleasure of reajiiiii; a rich harvest of weallh. The coiumon tíouncil is to Ie congratulated upon its choice of city treasurer and city attorney. Mr. Webster is a gentleman who will discharge the duties of the treasurer's office in a business-like, gentlemanly way, while Mr. J. C. Knowlton, one of our promising young attorneys, will so attend to the city's litigation that we doubt if any complaints will be entered at the end of his year of service. The reelection of Mr. John G. Johnson as city marshal by a u laminous vote, is a high compliment to that gentleman's efficiency as an officer. _ County Clerk Clark and his deputy Wade, are full of business now-a-days, sending off blanks to the various supervisors, townsbip clerks and aldermcn of the county. To the supervisors for the returns of births, deaths and cereal produets, and to the remainder for tbe jurors' list, etc. The law is explicit in respect to filling out the blanks for the return of jurors, and Mr. Clark desires us to cali attention to the fact that a slight deviation from the prescribed form and method will invalidate the entire panel. Consequently too much care cannot be taken in fillirg out Üie same. This city lays claim to one of the coolest individuals under adversity inside the state. Ho is a boy of some 16 or 18 years, and one day last week, while standing on Huron street, totally unconscious of danger, he was as.saulU'd by a man in a red hot manner, who followed blows from the shoulder by blows from the hip. After a lull in the chastisement allowed the boy to ari:-e, without any show of ruffled tempor or resistence, he sirnply remarked : "Say, when you eet through, please let me know, for I should like to go about my bnsiness." It is perhaps not nccessary to say he was allowed to depart. The next social of the reform club having fallen to B. F. Watts, with charactcristic proniptuess, and a de.-ire to secure something in which the people would be interested, he inducid the Barrett dramatic club to givo their entertainment this Friday evcning for the benefit of the reform club. The cast of characters will be the same as published in last week's Courier. Mr. Watts has always been very successful in pleasing the people, and the previous rendering of the play, "dollars and cents," wa3 so satisfactory that it is quite certain tho present event will be no exception. Go and hear it. Tlmt excellent paper, ttie Ailiïan Daily Tl trom. Is now received the same morning it Is Issued, coming on the K:10 A. M. train on the T A. A. & N. u. B. At leunt twenty-flve subscriben should be obtaincd for it In this city. - A. A. Courier. The Times Is an axoellent paper, but as H Is an ev-iiinii paper, we aoni understand how they can get lt at Ano Arbor Beren hours before it is issued at Adrián.- Manchester Kuterprlse. We have always tbought the enterprising editor of th'e Enterprise kept up with the age, but we see he has sadly fallen behind the times. Why, we sometimos rcceive even New York papers two weeks previous to date, and the leading magazines a f'ull month ahead. "It isn't no great shakes" to receive a daily a few hours ahead, as advance sheets are quite frequently exchanged by prominent newspapers. The following scholars of' ihe high school have been selected to speak at the coinmencement exercises in June : Mattie W. Barry, Ann Arbor; Willis S. Knowlton, Ann Arbor; Harry Bitner, Mount Carroll, 111.; J. A. Case, Auburn, Ind.; Charlie Cooley, Ann Arbor ; R. M. Dott, Anamosa, Iowa ; Mary Farnsworth, Ann Arbor ; Lulu M. Gott, Ann Arbor ; Ernily D. Stebbins, Ann Arbor; Belle Huil, Hamburg; Fiank C. Wagner, Ann Arbor; Bessie Hunt, Ann Arbor ; E. R. Wagner, Ann Arbor ; Clemmie Houghton, Ann Arbor; E. C. Williams, Glidden, lowa. ; Mary Hendrickson, Ann Arbor; Jessie Wood, Ann Arbor; Addie M. Knight, Ann Arbor. The streets were well filled last Saturday evening to listen to the Ann Arb'or city band, which played ujion the south Lalcony of the court houe. But few cities in the state'have so fine a place for Oficn air baloony concerts as this one, and we doubt not the band, by a little encouragcment from our citizens, would be willin.i? to give (,ne or two coocerts a week. If they can receive reasonable assistance from the people of the city, sufficient to keep up the organ ization, the rapid progress already made indicates their ability to take rank wond to none in the state in a little time. It is quite certain Ann Arbor would fecl proud of a good organization of this kind. The same party who executed a bird's,eye view of this city thirteen years ago, J. Stoner, of Madison, Wis., is to publish another view of the city of the same general style, yet of much better workmanftjiip. We have been shown the pencil .-ketch, drawn by A. Ruger, whieh is taken from the fair grounds, looking northwest, and shows every building in the corporate Emita. In comparing with the formcr publication one gets an excellent idea of the growtli of the city. It will be found that while the extent of territory is perhaps no greater, the number of buildings have increased wonderfully. We bespeak for the agent, Mr. J. Warner, a cordial reception by the people of the city in his work. A very small but unusually refined audi ence gathered to hear Anna Dickinson read her play "Aurelian," Wedncday evening. Havinu been an ardent admirer of this lady as a lecturer, it is somewhat difficult for us to realize the ditferenee between our expectation and the realization. While making no pretcntions to dramatic criticism, yet we certaiuly believe that the stage is not her forte. Tho tragic, mi line, and forcible passages he renders in an excellent manner, but the soft, tender, pathctic parts it is as iinpossible for her to properly express as t would be for the eagle to imítate tho cooing of the dove. A chango, also, has taken place in her style and persun, and the plain, e! quent Anna Dickinson whom we remember scveral years ago, telling in insipiriting language the tale of Jean D'Arc, it il difficult to raoor nizein the i.erson who in ascmi-"stagey " style, read "Aurelian" to her audierfce Wednesday evening. We, at least, pref'er to re:nember her as the past portrays her. About twonty-five gentlemen of' this city who are lovers of diiving, have banded theniselves together under the name of the Gentlemen's Driving Association, and are about making arrangement! with the Washtenaw county agricultural society by wliich they will be allowed the use of their groundl every afternoon from and after 3 o'olook p. m. .The society is not f the purpose of racing or trotting, but mcrely for pleasure and social intereourse. The members of' theassociation will speed their own h if they choose, and thoso who delight in driving will undoubtedly wake the place B resort with their wives and families. The organization has not been perfeotcd as yet, but the prime movers in it are men who are persevering o whatever they undertake, and are quite enthusiastic over the prospect of having in this city, what nearly every other city of like dimonsions ha?, a good track, and a pietsant place to meet for friendly drives or tests of speed. It is to bu hoped the movoment will be successful. Joe. T. Jacobs wishes to return thanks to the students who discovcred that his house was on fire and so kindly voluntcered to put it out one day this week. Joe. is lookiriR happy either over this fortunnte escape from fire or on account of an addition to his " household gods." The little " níw comer " is a (íirl.