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L2f( COMPOUND SYRUP ))rA WASTIKTG DISEASES BUCH AH V-.(hmn. Hr.iiM liHl-. Conn nipt Ion It ra i 11 I".liiiii-(iiiii. Chronic t'oiiNtipation, Chronio Itiuri lina. lynpepMla or l.o-- of IsTEü-V-OTJS POWEE, Are poeitively and spcedily enred by Fellows' Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites Tbe morit of this remarkable remedy ia dne to it prculiar property of restoring the wastod tissues o the body to tbcir original flminess and vigor. It i well knowu that for evcry thought and action therc ie death or decay of an amount of material proportlonate to the magnitude of the thought or action Thls waste ia supplied by the unimpaired nntritive functions. The precocious nctlvitjr of youtbs, the cmboglastic struggle for weallh and fume in the middle aged, and oíd age itself cause an undue deca; of material i-ervoae forco. PRO8TRATION. Edwin Clay, of Pugwash, NovaScotia, writcs as follows : Mb. James I. Fkllows, Sir,- Havlng, -hilo at yoar establishment, carefully aluin ined jour pKscriptlon, and the raethod of prepur ing your Compound Syrnp of Hypophoephite. I fel anxioua to glve it a fair trial in my practice. For the laft twclve months I have done so, and ñnd tha in incipient consamptlon, and other diseases of the thnmt and lungs, it ha done wonders. In restoring persons euffering from the effect of dlpthirla, anc the couh folhtwlng typhoid lever, prevalent in this región, it is the best remedial aent I lm. ased. But for persons suffering from exhaustion o the power of the brain and nervouu sjstem, fron long-continned study or teaching;, or in those cases of exhaustion from which so many young men suf fer, I know of no "etter medicine for restomtion to health than your Compound Syrup of Uvpoplioaphiteg. 11. O. Addy, M. D., St. John, N. B., writee as follows: M b. Jam is I. Fkllows, Chemist, Dear 6ir,- Having nsed yonr Compnnnd Syrnp o Ilypophosphites for some time in my practice, 1 have no hesitatlon in recommending it tomy patiënte who are suffering from general deblltty, or auy disease of the lunge, knowlng that, even in cases utterly hopeless, it affords raltaC SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Pricï (I.S0 Per BoTrLK. ''T!' SSÍ 1,. S. L.ercli, Agent, Ann Arbor. HILDREN ('ry for Pilchcr's Castorla. They likc It because it Issweet j Mothers like Castoria because it gives health to Uie cliild ; and riiysicians, because it contains no morphine or mineral. Castoria Is Xatnro's Remedj for assimilatiu? tlie Food. It cures TViud Colic, tlie raisin? of Soiir Curd and Diarrliwa, allays FeTcrIshness and kills Worm.s. Thus the Child lias health and the Mother obtalns rest. Pleasant, Cheap, and Reliable. CENTAUR LINIMENTS The moBt efifectlve Fain-rolieving agente for MAN and BEAST the irorld has ever knownOvrr 1,000,000 Botde sold laM year! The reasons r thia unprecedented populaiity are evident ; the Centaur Xjiniments are made to deserve confidence, they are absorbed into the structnre ; they always cure and never disappoint. No person need longer suffer with PAIN in the BACK, Rheumatism or Stifl Joints, lor the CENTAUR Uniinents will surely extermínate the Pain. There is no Strain, Sprain, (ut, Scald, Itiim. Brnise, st nir, Oall or Lamcness, f n liicli Mankind or Dumb Brutos are subject, that does not respond to thffl Soothing Balm. The Centaur LIXIMENTS not only relieve pain, bnt they Incite healthy action, tubdue injlammatlon, and cure, whether the symptoms proceed frum uvunds of the flfxh, or Neuralgia of tbe Xerves ; from contracted Cords or a scalded Iiand ; from a sprained ankle or a gushed fooi ; whnlier from disgusting PIMPLES on a LADY'S FACE or a slrained joint on a Uorse's Ijeg. The agony produced by a Burn or Scald; mortification from Froe tbites ; Swellingê from Strains ; the tortures of Rheumatism ; Crippled or Ufe by gome neglected accident ; a valuable horse or a Doctor't Bill may all bc saved bom One Bottlc of Centaur Linimcut. No Housckeepcr, Farmer, Planter, Tcamstir, or Liveryman, can afford to be without these wonder(ul Linimento. They can be proenred in any pari of the globe for 60 Cents and $1.00 a bottle. Trial bottles Í5 Cents. Swallowing POISON Spurt nf dligusttng mtlcous from the nostrlls or npon the tonsila, Wattry Eyes, Snvfflts, Buzzlng in the Bars, Deafness, crackling seneations In the head, Intermittent Pains over the Eye, FactM Breath, Nanal Twang, Scabs in the Nostrils, and Ticklinc in the Throat, are Mt.Vi OF ¦ ltltll. Xo other êuch loathtome, treacherous and undermininp malady carees mankind. One-flfth of our Chüdren die ot (Uceases generaled by lts lnfedlout Poison, and one-fonrth of living men and women drag oul miserable exietencea from the same cause. Whili asleep, the imuritiei in the rostrlls are necepsarily swallowed into the stomach and inhaled into the lungs to poison every part of the system. Dr. Viel De Meyer'n Catarrh Cure abvoriis tbe puriilcnt virus, and kills tbe seeds of poison in tbe farthest parts of ihe IjrtDM. It 11 not only relieve, bnt certainly cure Catarrh at any stage. It Is tbe only remedy which, in our judgnient, bas e vor yet really eured a case of Chrouic Catarrh. Cured! Cured! Cured! Cnred! G. (. Prakm l'r"i. Wint End Hotel, Long Branch, C'nred of 2U ytars Chrouic Catarrh . S. Benedict, Jr., Jeweler, 6S7 Brodway, New York, (memoer of familj ) Cnred of Chronic Catarrh. E. II. Brown, .'539 Canal 8L, N. Y., Cured of 11 jcars Chronic Catarrh. J. D. McDonald, 710 Broadway, N. Y. (Slster-in-law) í-'urfd o 4U years Chroüic Catarrh. llrs. John Doiichiy, Ftehkill, N. Y., Cnred of 8 years ( hrunic Catarrh. Mr. Jacob Swattz. Jr., 200 Warren Street, Jersey City, Cured of 18 ytars Chronic Catarrh. A. B. Thorn, 18Í Montagne St, Brooklyn, (self nd son) Cured of Catiirrli. Kcv. Wm. Anderson, Fordbam, N. Y., Cared or 20 ycar Chronic Catarrh. Mlle. Almei', Opera Prima Donna, " I have reccived vrry trreat bi'ncflt from it." A. McKinney, ü. 1L. Pret, .ï! Broad St., N. Y.: "My family experieueed imruediate relief." &c, c , c, &c, &c. Vel De Meyer's Catarrh Cure is the most iinportiiiit Medical Discovery since Vacclnation. It s sokl by uil Drujigists, or delivered by D. B. Dkwey & Co., 46 Dey St, N. Y., at $1.50 a package. To clubs. shE psckagei for $7.50. Dr. Viel De Meyer's Treatlse is sent free to anybody. 951-1002- eow FARM FOR SALE. I will sell flfty acres of land, on th Motil sido of the road, lnc]udng brick house, twouarns and car riage house ; or eight7-Mm acrs on the norih iele of the road, includlng the J. Wlng place, wilh good buildings ; or will ell the whole farm combined, as purchaser may (Jei-irc. The land is locatcd on the Dezter road, three and one-half miles wt?t of Ann Arbor City, and is in a vcry flne sUte of cultivatlon. Terms to sult purchaters, If not sold by April Ut, I willjct the same on shares. Will also let tbe HOBON farm of one hundred acres adjoinlng the above. 75tr J. W. Bradford.