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A Demand For Men Eighteen Feet Long

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A soldier who seryed in the swamps of South Carolina during the war tells the following story : Among the officers whom 1 remember wcll at Morris Islaud was Col. Sewell, of New York, a most excellent officer and an aceoruplished engineer. Colonel Sewell was cngaged on the Swamp Angel, and being very energetic himself he was not afraid to enter the swamps. His surprise can be imagined when one day one of his Lieutenaots whom he had ordered to [ake twenty men and enter the swamp said be could not do it. "And why, sir, can't you do it?" cried the energetic Sewell. "The mud is too deep, Colonel," replied the Lieutcnant. "You eau at least try, sir," said Sewell. The Lieutenant did so, and in an hour returned, his men covered with mud from liead to fbot. "Here, now," cried Sewell on seuing them, "what brings you back 't" "Colonel, the mud is over my men's lioa'ls. 1 can t do t." "Ol ! but jou can make a requisition Por anything that is necesi-ary for the safe passage oi' the swamp, and I will give it to you, but you must go through it." The Lieutenant did makc a requisition in writing, which was as follows: "I want twenty men eighteen feet long to cross a swamp fil'teen feet deep." The joke was a good one, but Sewell, who was turribly in earnest, could not ust then appreciate it, and he promptly irrested the Lieutenant for disrespect to his superior officor. Another Lieutenant was detailed, and he went into the swamp, felled tüe timber and accoiiiplishud what liis unf'ortunate predecescor had failed to do. Colonel Sewell built his battery with the aid of wheelbarrows and sand, and the remains of it still stand U a monument to bis energy and i-kill as an engineer.