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CatarrH A PHYSIGIAN8 TE8TIM0NY. 30 Years a Physician. 12 Years a Sufferer. Tried Regular Remedies. Tried Patent Medicines. Permanently cured by SANFORD'S RADICAL CURE. MESSRS. WEEKS POTTETt, - Slrw : T havo prnotiaed tnrdlclno forthlrty yuttrs, utd have boen & uirrrer mysulf fr twilvu yoarn wlth (,'atarrh in tlie nasal passu., nnn and lan nz. 1 havo used everythinjf in Hm - i viitmut any permanent relier.uutll Ilnally I wa inducod to uy b patent in.MllcinL Íiomethliig tlmtwe RllopfithKfa nrn vitv loth to do) tried and divers alien u:itil I gotiiold of youra I followed tli o dlrcctlon to tlie letter, nnd m tmnny to irv liavu had pcrmiuiont riire. Tour IÍAHK AI CtlIiK Is ccrtainly a happy comMnatlon fnr the euro of that most unpleasant and d auguro ui of dlneascs. Yours, resppctfiilly, D. W.GRAY, M.D., Of Dr. D. W. Gry & Son.t PhytlcU'is and Druggitst!, Muacatlne, lüwa. MUSCATEMK, Iowa, March 27, I87Ï. The value of this remedy muat not bo overlooked In the euro of those SYMPATHETIC DISEASES, Affoctions of the Eye, Ear, Throat, Lungs and Bronchlal Tubes which In mimy ouel accompany a envere case of Catarrli. TUo intíámcd and dlReased condition of the mucoua nirmbrano 1b the canse of all these troubles; and untll the nysti-m h8 been brought properly onder the infljenccof the KAD1CAL CITRE, perfect fTLcUüiu flom thgui caanut be ruaaoaablj expected. It 1 but three yeam slncc SAXFORD'S RADICAL CURE was placed, befóte tlio public, but In that short time ithas fouud lts way from Mmne to California, aud ld cvi-rywhero acknowicdgtM] by tinigglstt and pbyil clans to be tho most eucceiaful preparntloo for the thorouirh treatment of Catarrh cvr compouiidcd. The fact ui 11 be deenicd of more Inmortalice whea It U coupled wlth the Btutement that wltliln Uve years over 250 diflureut remedies lor ('atürrb imve been placed on ale, and to-day, wlth one or two eicentlons, thtir names cannot be rccalled by the bcat-iniormed druggist. Advurtisiiig may succecd iu forcing a few sales, ut, unless the romedy pofwe&s undoubted speclllc medical propcrtlee, It Is aosolutcly eertal ü to fall lnto merlted obscurlty. Kach packace of SANFORO'S RADICAL CURE containfl Ür. Sanford'B Improved Inhallng Tube, wlth full dlrectioas for lts use In all cases, Prïcc fl.Oo. Soldby all Wholesale and rctall drugKlsU and déniers throuRhoat the United States and Ganadas. WEEKS 4 POTTER, General Agenta and Wholesale DmgtfLsts, Boston, VOLTAIC PLASTER IS SIMPLY WONDERFUL. KnfGSTON, MlVN., l April 20, 1877. ( I conslder Collins' Voltaio Plastkh the beet piaster lover saw, and am rccommendlntf them to all. C. MCMOBBOW IÏUMÏt, ILL., ) April 18, 1877. f It has done my boy more good than all other medicines. Ha now goes to school, for the flxst time in three years. Eliza Jask Durrau). Kmma, III., April a, 1877. Í I Ilke the one T got w ril. They are the best piasters, no doubt. In tho world. 6. L. McGill. Asn Geovs, Mo., March 22, 1877. f Accept my thanks for tho Rood derlved from the two Collin8' Plastxbs sent me somo time agu. W. C. Mookji. COLLINS' VOLTAIG PLASTER for local palns, lameness, soreness, weakness, nnmbnese, and laüammatlon of tlie lungs, llver, kldneys, spleen, bowels, bladder, heul, and muscles, 1b equal to an artny of doctors and acres of planta and aJiruos Frloe, gg cents, Bold by til WTiolesale and Retall Drugglsts tnroughout the United States and Cañadas, and by WEKKtT & POTTER, Proprletors, Boston, Mass. HOP BITTERS (A Medicine not a Drink,) OOVTAnra IIOI'S, BüCHÜ, MAMHÍAKE, DANDKUON, AND TUK PüBEST AJÍD ItEST MEDICAL QOALITIKS or ALL OTIIEB BlTTKRa. THEY OXJIF13Ï3 All Dlseases of tho Stomach, Bowels, Elood, Liver, lEidneys, and Urlnary Organs, Kervousiw ss, Sleopllcssness and especially Female Complaiiitt. S1OOO IN GOJ.I). Wül be paid for a vnnc they wlll not cure or help, or for anything linpurO or injurlous fouml in thcin. your druggist for IIop Biitcrs and try them before you slet no utln-r. Hop Couotr Cube ia tho swoctcst, safeot and best. Ask Childrcn. The Hop Pad for Stomach, IJ ver and KIdney ia p rlortoallothei-s. Cures byabsontion, Ask druggtst. D. L C is on absolute find cure for drunJcennoss, uso of opium, tobáceo and n&rcotics: HBIB Send for circular. QMHKB Aboveoldl.ydmiUU.IIoiliitu-rHMf(:.t:o.RocheitLrN.Y. Unscrupulous parties are fa 1 sel y reprt'sonting to cousumera thut tuey are aelluig shirts of our manufacture. MiirtH Mude to Order by n In-ar Inini wlili lnilt llblv Ink on 1 okc , Hium: S ICINaNjSlATI, Oiir Nhlrtn brarilamp nllli IiKlcliblc Ink on Vuke, tliu: All Otkers are Falsoly Represen tod. WILSON BROS. Importing anü Jübbïn9 MPn's Furnishers. TUTT'S PILLS 1NDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERQYMEN AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHEBE. THE GREATEST HEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THa AOE. TIITTO' Dil I C Dr. Tütt hm ratI II I 10 lILLO eededlncomblnlngln CORE SICK HEADACHE. lhl'"e I""8 '.''". ''¦"'- " (oreantnKonisttcqnakTIITTIA mi ¦ M tieBOfllNTHENUTIHMI, T S PILLS Pdboativk, andaPuCURE DYSPEPSIA. Thuir flrsl apparent T S PM IS PPoUtobycanmiiBtl:.: ¦ UI I O TILLO food to properiy asCURE CONSTIPATION. nülata. ai.ustheBys. lemis mniiihrd, aud "TIIXTC D!l I O y thoirtonicaoilooon IUI I 0 rlLhV "1C liitivc órenos, CURE PILES. Sluioirr TÜTT'S PILLS d"' pw wb CURE FEVERAND AGÜE. ON FLESH ?l?undi:r TIITT'C Pil I 9 pillB, ind'iciitra thcir aI UI I O lILLO dapiabiüty to uourinh CURE BILIOUS COLIC. tho 'dy. hetc "cir eflirncy ín cariag ne TIITT'C Dll I C VOU9 dobility, melanIUI I O lILLO choly, dyepüppia, wastCura KIDNEY_Complalnt. ShveíB oí the liver, VIIWIA mi ¦ a i'liroiiic coDetlpation, VS PILLS nlimpartiD)jlifalthi ¦ Wil U ¦ IkhV yM"f[?'1h to tlii'MTttya CUfiE TORPID LIVER. öold leó wl.! _.,__._ ... . _ Vrio 26 enk. TUTT'S PILLS 53 „. -rstree„ 1MPART APPETITE. kkw vokü. Í&4-1OO5 stffe ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦% Whv do yu "ulier ik fl II f MM Uniili the pain in your IH I WÊÊÊ W i:m k. loii. or „idey Uil ¦ BWl I Ymir kiiliicyn nr.' di. " " " " euad Donotdelay, but try al tn e ,_ _ __ _ Hut'! Itciiicil.v. n m m% l# 1 7 A" "i the kj.i K A I [ I 'By,l)!addiT,liv(T.ind Brlffbt1! diseiiHf oi the kidneys, and laooDtfnenoa i il rciriitiiiii of urine, are con d bj llmiii Itcm dj-. If in preparad EXPRE88LÏ loi tfaeaa dl Camcron County, Ceutral Pcnnsylvania, ) DiiifTwóiiu, Nov. 18. 1879, ( .. .S'ir - I mit uur IICNI's REHBOT han raied Uu Jifl. It nuMd Dfl from the dead i r furi-. aa tba Aecton ad Biven m ap to die lo si Hol KM, and so had all thepeopl. My Menda callad In the priuet to prepare me lor death, and be alao said I wan doomi'd. They all had mi' dead, but Hunt'i Uemedy saved me, and I am ulive to-day, HDiiiid and cured of dropay. R. W. T1M Fruni Rar, B. lí. lavlur 1). 1)., Paator Tirst JiupUït Cbnrch, ProTldenca. If. I , Jan. 8, 1879: I canteeiify to tlie rtrtneof III NI 's BEMBDY in kidney dineape from actual trial, hnvini beenffraatï; heni'ilttfd by it use. i;. (, T.W i,ol{. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ B ¦¦¦¦¦ tf% Illlllfs It.lll. ! BI 1 K Iiiih been tisnd by lamM I I Rl I m ly physlclan for M lUlu m# It li i nevi-r baai bowl to rail. it Ib a oafe, euro and _ _ _ --p'Tdy cura. It lx A ra m 1 i"lrrr veaetablc. All ¦K H Bfl H II W "ho ue n it. nEifitüixí, ü. ('l.AllIvK. Phoviiiknci. I!. I. I H11 lv all ¦rii)ciciHlH, and by Farrand, Williams &Cc, Detroit. A L.L KINDS OF BLANK8 PniNTKD OW f DORT NOT1CK AT THE COURIEK JOB ItOOMS.