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FERDON LÜMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mannfactnrer and Dealer in SACINAW (AM-SAW1 LUMBflR, LATH AND SHINGLES. We invite all to givu us k cnll, oud examina "in stock beloro purchauluK elsewhcre. ALSO AGKNT FOK JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND SBLLS FUIK BR1CK. JAMES TOLBERT, I'ri. T. J. HKKCH, Hupt. feb.12,'79 ÏÏANGSTERFER'S OYSTEB AND ICE CREAM 30 AND 32 MAIN ST. CATERING FOR PARTIES ND BANQUETS , A SPECIALTY. Wedding Cakes, Ice Crcam, Macaroons and C'rcain KiBH Pyramids MADE TO OHDKR ON SHORT NOTICE. Whltrnan's French Candies, FreBh Figs, Malaga Grapee, Florida Orantes, Jfcc., fcc, KEPT CON8TANTLY ON HAND AT ' HANGSTERFER'S 30 AD 32 MAIN STREET. BOATS TO KENT AND FOR 8ALE. 959-1010 HALLS BALSAM Cares Colds, Fneamonia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Whoopin? Cough, and all diseases of the Knal hintr Organs. Itsootlies and heals the Hembrane of the Lungs, inflamed and poisoned by the discase, and prerents the nighfsweats and tightnesa across the efiect whichaccompanyit CONSUMPTION is not an incurable malady. It is only neeessary to hare the riirlit remedy, and HALLS BALSAM is that remedy. DONT DESPAIR OF RELIEF, for th is benign specifle will cure roa, even thougli professional aid fails. HENRY'S CARBOLIC SALVE the Most Power f ui Healing Agent ever Discovered. llenry's Carbolio Salva cures the worst sores. Imry's Carbolic Salr allays the pain of burn: ll.nry's Carbolic Salve cures all eruptions. ' i.ry's Carbolie Salve litáis pimple and blotches, lenry'ê Carbolio Salve teill cure eutt and brulscs. ¦.-'i for Henry's, and Take No Other. I.EWABK OF COITNTERFKITS. .Mi FOJt -AI.K 1Y ALL Ilil'( iHTsTS. JOHN F. HENKY, CURRAN & CO., SOI.K PEOrüUCTUHü, 34 Collese riuce, New York. 981-1012 -Miw IJOTICE. To avoid lmposltlon, purebasersof Waltim Watchea will baerve that every [enuiiM wntob, whether gold or sllver, )car8 om' tnick'-niark 00 both mm ivvonisilt. Gold cases btb Btatejpgd "A. V. Co.', naraotee certifleates accompanying nrem. llver caaes ara Btamped "Am. Watch Oo., Valtbun, Mass., Steiiing Süver," aml are ccompanied by guarantee certifleat s, gned R. E. Robbins. Trêasurer. The une "Waltham" is plalnly engraxed apon 11 movetneiits, irrespective of other dlsinfulshlng marks. 'l'his caution is rendered neceasary by eason of the fact that the Waltliain 1 re frequcntly separanl from tnir tnovtn nis. and put upon worüilesa movementa f otlier makers, and vier versa, thus nffectig njuriously the performance of the atriles and, vitiatiny tlwir guanmtet , wliieli 1 inteii'icd to oover orily tl1 complete atchee uAcUp mude by the Waltham Comanv. It is necessary, alsu, because t is so otorioai as to be a public scandal, thal lere is great fraud in the metal quallty of cith gold and silvcr a.-rs u imw generally ld. We hiive dtmonitraUd by frequent vxtiyxtlutt ïiinini gold and íft r cast offt red n tlie market, are debaaed from IO to ÜO .¦'. fnnii the quatity tin; attumt to !, . 'liis is a fraud upon the piuchascr, and ocounts for tbe low prlcee at whlch such ased watclics liave been gold. AM. WATCH CO., Wultliam, Mass. The genuine Watches of the American Vatch Co., of Waltham (cases as well as ïovements), are nllered in great varicty nd at lowest prices by thcir ttgents, M. S. SMlTH & CO., Jewelers, Coniir Wcoiwird ui Jff:rsoa Avss. ïc'.r:::. Only One Price. Plain Figures. 977-1029 BUY A HOME IN MICHIGAN. $5 TO $10 PER ACRE! Ktroiiff Soils! Norr top! ltnllrond tliritit;li 'iil or l.iiniU. Ift-altlii i líuiat-. NíliooU uiid OiiinhcK, I11lllK4'iil lNulntlou. H1CHEST REWARD TO FARMERS. TbflM Uitwis Ut i UiOM distanre Fnnt OÍ the ilpni Rlver. Large amoant iaved In travel a rul trantportatloa ofcrops. DMOrlp Uvfl ïminphh'l 111 Kimhsli umi (.ctninn. Ad.lross W. 4. III ¦!! UtT, ('uinmiasloner. Grand Baplds, Michigan 961-1008 DANDELIOÑ Dr. WhiteV DuikU'Iííhi Altnitivr, th Qraftt Blood Drifter and Renovator. A ipeciflc tor LiverComiliilnt, BiliousncBB, Chilla and Kev;r, Dyipeptla Jdnoj Dtaaase, Kheutnatlfra and Oonatlpalioo uf l BoWAllt Hnnovi'B pimplen and hi!m 10 hkin, proiluciii h cleHr com(iU'xttiii. It g purely Bgetabie. pwhetij barmlam aad pieasaoi to take, 'int bottlüs only $1, and every pottN wimnted. PITLMONAKIA.iUtr ftir Ooafffat, Coltli, Apthniu. BioDcblt , Uroop, WhuiipinK Cnuijli uud luclplent Coninmptton. Flttj ci-nt pvr lottle. Ijir't' hdttlt-H 11, himI rvrrv bottlfl wsrmntcd. For nalo In Ann Arbor l)y Eberbtch ét Som, nnd driifRiBlB evorywhero. M lino