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'W. TREMAIN IUWt iffltf OFFICE AT A.A.TERRY'S HAT STORE orlii BriliNli Iiiüuraiicc oin'j (of London and Edinburgh,) Capital Í18,000,nuo, Gold. Dclrolt Fire und Marine Iiih. Co. Cash Argeto ftiOO.OOU. Sprtngflcld In. Coiup')'. tWmm,, Cash Aeects tl,80ii,i)i ¦ Howurd In. Co,, of Xew Vork, Cash AsecU il .O'JO.OOO. Auru-iilliiral IiiNiiruiu-e Conip'j WATERTOWN, - HUW YWRK, Cash Asseta $1,200,000. Losse.s liberally adjusted and promptiy paid. yr 0L0 AHD RELIABLE, Du. Sanfobd's Liter ImaoiUTORL is a Standard F unily Remedy for %% diseasesof t'icLiv.r, Stomach 2fí' and Bowels. - Tt is Ptuvly ,'jliL' ' Vegetable- It nevor . W fl' Debilitntes- It is %Él I I wt 9SÍ ,' d Él II B W 'n ni-v Prctiri5 IM ¦ wjr lll"l '.v ta" public, 1 ¦¦ ,% lor more tban 35 J"cars, 2 15'% "witli uu]ri)CeJeiit(l resulta. K SEND FOR CIRCULAR.S ST w ciiMcnDn u n loa beoídwit, # i 1 1 ITi oAWrUKU, M.Ui) NiWYouKcin J av DKToflOT v.n i, tfi.i. roe rrs rspvtatioii j 93U-SWO L. S. LRRI 11, leEMT, The Only Remedy j Ithat acts nntun time osb JTHE LIVER, H 3 THE BOWELS, ¦ ¦ andthoKIQNEYS.W i 77i.v combined action fffn itwoifW u dtrfui povk r to ; a' discaxi i Bwh Are Weick?! Beci a .¦¦¦? ce alloie these grmt organ u Jfe beeomt eiogged or t .'¦ ¦ vx'wnouífittmoívtarí therefore fordV. lm natu rally. i I BILIOF8HE88, PII,ES, COKSTIPATIOM, L ,i KIDJii:ï COMI'L4ISTS, CRIKAItl 9 il D1SEASE8, KKMAI E VI " ¦i llúí8Ef). AND NKi;VülS 1 DISORDKltS, 3 '¦ Jy oatttinfjfr ê aMm of t7rze wans9l and rtsUrmj Ihcr poicar to tJtrtno j])'j] '¦.. M "W'iiy Snffpr RIMrtas prilns flnfl nrnoT fy IH Vliy tormén tei vltli I'ilfs, í:oii?jí ::,:;: .n u IJ Wiijr f L-ht'niilOTO-disonttrwi Kin' :¦. -s f ( Ifl WhyrirlorenorTOiu vrtickh-'siiuciirsj Ij iy have i is I cj M r BIDKET WOET ai; n'olce il H One piuUucc wf!l mokc lx qtnof ."'.tc-.IicJne. ! J ffíí it ofyoir JDrugi order Uut for yu . J'.iit-, 11.00. lg w"ürt.M'iiiMpM'2íy?' vt K _J 954-10(16- rti e w iT T# il 1 1 ¦ jj ii Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, t (Fbrmerly Jr. Oatp's Kxdnty Cire.) A vegetable preparation nntl the only mre rfint'dy in tfie wnrld Tor Ifilelit Dlifiur, IMalx :¦. nntl ALL Kldnc, I-i r, aud lrlnr.T Diiruet. ¦Testimoniáis of tlie hlghest order lu proof of these statements. For tho rure of l)1ato!rt, c&U for Warner'i HmTe Blabien 4'ure. For the cure of Brlehta ontl tlif other disrasra, call for Uuiuni BUkfe Kiilnvr mul LirerCure. WARNER'S SAFE BITTERS. It ij the best Itlooil I'urinr. nd sthimlatei every fuuction to more bu&lthful acuoii, aud ia thus a boneflt in All dlse&sel. It cures Srrofulous and otherflkln Knip. tlona nnd IMwuai, iiicludiug Cuucen. 11. eer, nntl ol her Mores. l).pciln. Wnbnru of Ilic toninoli, Oualipalion. llirin,.. .,„,,.,! irlll. iT, etc, are cured Ijy tin; üarr Illllrn. Il is unetiu.iled Man ppetiicraii.i resillar tmili'. Buttles of two siztís ; price.s, 50t-. and SI. 00. WARNER'S SAFE NERVINE Quiokly cives Rostand Sloop t the suffpring, cures itiLtii( und Nui-hIkí, preveou Kplloptlc Fit, and relieves Nenoiu 1'i-obIthCIoii brouglit on by excessive drink, ü Mfwort, mental thocta, and other -ftuses. Powerful as il is to stop pain and soothe dtsturbed Nérvea, It nver nijures the ablviu, wli cl her taken in small or IarK" ' Buttles of two sizes; rices, 5Ot'. mul gl.OO. WARNER'S SAFE PILLS Are an inimediate tu active Btínmtu for a Torpld Livcr, ;uid cure Coitivni, DyipepiU, Bil¦¦SPfflHflMMfi 1 iouinui, Bilioui Di&rKulifiW ÏVkill E rhafc, MlrU, Fcver ¦ r1fTliLlav#Tpj3 ¦¦¦& nd Aut' HInl shotild I luUip9KJI IB llt' ll?i'ti wheiievcr the 1 pUBtt53B wM B5M bnwcls 1 not operato BUr.',!'-aX WWiiM freely and rt'gukirly. ¦QÏÏJ B VV .V, olbrr l'ill rc.iuirr urk ¦ WÏ5flrïTm E-U ftmftll ltr fnr tbvruugk ¦ r TilM'mmil mmÊ wrk, Pir S6 et. bo. I MfnVMfVnS 1 irtifr'Srr H.mi-.iif r ¦ LfciKUttÍMÉJ EMS "1'1 '¦ lM-iti-l I-lei ILLÜT 1W H.H. Warner & Co., ¦ ¦ tl alTWAM ROOHESTEK. N. T. BBkJSUMKSJBV C ' rmi fnr Taiaphlet M.CILIiSriST. DOE NV WORX I HIS LINE. Bnyluee, Agricultura! Macbtnrry, Sewing Machines i il Iiik. repalrvd. Turnfntt, Key-tttöng und KriI1l" !i. promptls (lont. Keep- u good (inortment of Untlory, Locki and Itool, whlcb ill b oid cbeap. No. 36 South Main Street, A.NN ARBOB. 988-08